Seaweed party with a weird dream

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Alex and Fluttershy walked over to Marty's side and stood infront of the door. Inside they could hear the others laughing. First Alex hesitated to knock. "Don't be scared." Fluttershy said in her gentle voice.  Alex nodded and knocked. The others quiet down and Marty walked up to the door. "Who is it?" He asked. "The pizza man. How the heck do you think it is?" Alex said and Marty peaked out. "Yes. Can I help you?" He asked. "Can I come to the fun side?" Alex asked. Marty opened the door a little. "I beg your pardon?" He asked. Fluttershy gestured to Alex to keep going. "I've been kind of a jerk. Marty. But Fluttershy helped me think about what you said. And I'm sorry." Alex said.

Marty then opened the door for them. "Welcome to casa de wild. Take your load of. But wipe your feet and hooves." He said and both Alex and Fluttershy did just that.
They then walked in to see the others. "Alex." Gloria said and before Fluttershy could react had Pinkie tackled her to the ground. "Fluttershy! I thought I would never see you again." She cried as Fluttershy patted her head. "I was just over there. Don't cry." Fluttershy said smiling. "Mi casa is so casa." Marty said and walked over to the bar. Alex and Fluttershy looked around. "Very impressive." Alex said. "Beautiful." Fluttershy said.

Marty then handed them coconut shells with water inside. "Hey. Have a drink. It's on the house." He said. Both Alex and Fluttershy drank a little and spat it out. "It's interesting." Fluttershy said trying not to be mean. "It's sea water." Alex said. "Oh you don't swallow it. It's just temporary intill the plumbings done." Marty said. Pinkie drank from her coconut but didn't spit it out. "It's good." She said smiling as everyone else looked at her weird.

"Anyway. You all look hungry. How would you like some nature goodness?" He asked. "You have food?" Gloria asked. "The fun side's special. Coming up." He pulled a lever and down came a plate with. "Seaweed on sticks." Marty said. "Seaweed?" Alex asked. "On a stick. Don't love it intill you try it." Marty said and everyone started to eat. They all thought it was good. Except for Alex who hadn't even touched it. "I must say darling. This was surprisingly good." Rarity said. "Yeah. I should try making apple sauce with some seaweed when we get back home." Applejack said. "Even for me it's good." Said Spike and grilled his with fire. "So good." Gloria said. "Thanks. It does kinda hit the spot does it." Marty said as Alex coughed. "Well it could use a little lemon." Marty said. "No it's great. Really great. Doesn't get any better then this"  Alex said as he throwed his stick into the fire. "Oh. But it does. Check this out." Marty said and pulled a lever, making the roof open up and reveal stars. Everyone looked up in aww.

"Wow. Would you look at that." Gloria said. "It's even more beautiful then in Equestria." Twilight said and the others nodded. "It's like, billions and billions of helicopters." Alex said as a falling star flew over them. "It's a shooting star. Make a wish, quick." Marty said. "Oh. How about a thick juicy steak." Alex said. "You know what Alex. I promise you that I'm gonna find you a steak tomorrow. If it kills me." Marty said. "Thanks Marty." Alex said. The ponies and dragon layed down some distance from the zoo gang then fell asleep.

Fluttershy started to dream a beautiful dream. It was about her, the zoo gang and her friends. They where having a great time as it started to rain steak from the sky. Alex grabbed one and licked it. Just then she woke up of Marty shouting at Alex. Who was weirdly licking him. Everyone looked at him confused. "What are you doing?" Marty asked. Alex then started to count Marty's stripes. "Thirty black and only twenty nine white. Seems like you're black with white stripes after all. Dilemma solved goodnight." He said and fell back asleep. The others followed. But after awhile someone shouted. "HOW LONG IS THIS GOING TO TAKE!?" Someone shouted. Everyone sat straight up and turned around. But they didn't see anyone. So they fell asleep again. Not knowing what tomorrow had in store for them.

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