A comforting talk

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Hours went by and the zoo gang except for Marty had dug a hole where Melman was sitting. He had also written a will for his friends in the sand. "Well, since I'm doomed to die on this forsaken island. I Melman Mankowitz. Being on sound mind and unsound body. Have divided my estate equally between the three of you." He said and a wave washed away Alex's part. "Sorry Alex." The ponies and dragon was standing a distance and talked to eachother.

"So they ate the ones. Who's adventure we must complete." Applejack said. "Yeah. It seems like so. And I'm guessing that their adventure ends when they get back to New York. So we just need to help them get there." Twilight said. "Only one problem darling. Our magic can't teleport at the moment. We can just levitate small objects off the ground, and summon some food. But that's it. So how are we gonna help them?" Rarity asked. "I know!" Pinkie said and took out alot of balloons from her mane. She them blew them up and made a raft out of them. "Ta-da. A balloon raft." She said smiling. The others looked at her confused.

"Pinkie. I don't think that's gonna work." Twilight said. "Ofcourse it will. Watch and learn." Pinkie said and went into the water with her balloon raft. She came kinda far before a big wave washed her away. All the way onto the beach. "Ok. That didn't work. But it was fun." She said and shook of the water. "Man this is worse then when we got that poison joke." Rainbow said and the others nodded. "Well I'm worried about Alex and Marty's friendship. It's like it's falling apart." Fluttershy said and pointed at the zoo gang where Alex was drawing a line in the sand. "Yeah. Alex blames Marty for them being here." Spike said. "I know. But we gotta fix that later. Let's help them get saved." Twilight said and walked to the zoo group. The others followed but Fluttershy was still standing there. A little sad about Alex and Marty's friendship.

The ponies and helped three of the zoo gang build a giant statue of liberty. But Melman accidentally burned it down. Melman and Gloria walked over to Marty's side, together with Pinkie, Rarity, Rainbow dash and Spike. Applejack, Twilight and Fluttershy was still with Alex.

They did big letters spelling HELP. Marty walked up to them. "Hey guys. The others have a good time over there. There's room on the fun side for four more." He said. "No thanks." Alex said mad. "Look. I've been thinking. If you just gave this place. I don't know. Maybe you'll enjoy yourself." Marty said. "Marty. I'm tired, I'm hungry. I just wanna go home." Alex said and looked down sad. Marty sighed. "Could you just give it a chance? Think about it. It really isn't the fun side without you." He said and walked over to his side.

The P broke and it stood now HELL. Twilight sighed. "Let's go girls." She said and walked to Marty's side together with Applejack. Fluttershy looked at Alex and felt sad for him. "Go ahead. I'm staying with Alex a little." She said and the other two nodded. Fluttershy walked up to Alex. "Wanna talk?" She asked gently. Alex looked up on her. "Why are you bothering with me?" Alex asked. "I can't just leave someone who's sad." She said and Alex smiled a little before frowning again. "I know that something is bothering you. You can tell me." She said and Alex sighed. "It's just. It's like Marty doesn't care that we're trapped on an island. Without any way to get back. Sure, he wanned something new in his life. But this is to much." Alex said and Fluttershy just listened. "I like him. He's my best friend. But sometimes he's so. Out of it." He said. "I know kinda how you feel. Sometimes I've felt like I'm the outsider in my friend group. The others can be hooves on while I'm gentle and caring. But I've learned how to be more confident. And I've  taught the others to be more gentle." She said and Alex started to smile. "So give Marty another chance. He's trying to help you. And I know that he still likes you." Fluttershy said and Alex turned to her smiling. "You're right. Thank you for tha talk Fluttershy." Alex said. "You're welcome." Fluttershy said and they both hugged. Twilight was watching from a far and smile that her friend was helping others.

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