Casino break in and escape

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The gang had been swimming for awhile and finally appered in the waters of Monte Carlo. The equestria group turned some wood into a raft for them. Melman spoke through his snorkel. But no one knew what he said. "What?" Applejack said. Melman took out his snorkel. "There it is. The casino!" He said. Then Alex said something.
"What?" Twilight said. Alex took his snorkel out. "l said, "Perfect. That's where we'll find the penguins." He said. Then Martin spoke. But it was just some random blabbering.
"Shh! Come on, guys. Operation Penguin Extraction does not include levity. We can't draw attention to ourselves. We're invisible! I'm talking really, really quiet." Alex whispered before everyone continued. King Julien was ofcourse not quiet.

They all ran on top of the building as Alex told the plan. "OK. Phase One: We break into the casino, grab the penguins, and get them to take us back to New York in the Monkey-Powered Super Plane!" He said. "Check." Marty answered. "Phase Two: We chew out the penguins for abandoning us in Africa." Alex continued. "Check." Melman answered. "Phase Three: We apologize to the penguins for overly harsh chewing outing, but we've gotten our point across. Phase Four: Back to New York City." Alex ended. Everyone agreed and then they arrived at some ducts. "All right, we take these ventilation ducts to the crawlspace above the casino where we find the penguins. l just need to figure out which duct each of us should take." Alex said.

Alex, Fluttershy, Twilight, Starlight and Spike fell from their own pipe. Marty and Rainbow then appered. Applejack got out of her duct without problem as Melman got stuck in a hose before he popped out on to the others. Rarity fell and landed in the pile. Then they all heard Gloria scream while falling from the pipe! She was on her way to land on everyone else. But luckily she got stuck.

"Hi, honey." Melman said as everyone else sighed in relief. Later Pinkie appeared from a pipe laughing. "Best slide, EVER!" She screamed and her friends just smiled at her. They all got out of the pile as Melman helped Gloria. Alex and Marty fixed the glass. "Now, they're not gonna let animals on to the casino floor, so expect some kind of disguise." Alex said as they looked down to the floor. Marty and Rainbow then saw some ugly looking lady. "Whoa! Look at that! That is one ugly, mug-ugly lady! That is roach-killing ugly!" Marty said. "Yeah. Talk about ugly." Rainbow added. "That's not a lady. That's the King of Versailles. And that's not the King of Versailles. That's the chimps! And the chimps are like smoke. And where there's smoke, there's fire. And by fire, l mean the penguins!" Alex said to them as he, Starlight and Twilight started their part.

"OK. ln exactly two minutes and 17 seconds, the lemurs will cut the power." Alex said as Twilight and Starlight held a rope with their magic. "Twilight and Starlight drop me down, I grab the penguins. They crank me up, and we are out of here." He said as he tied the rope around himself. "Oh! Oh! Oh! L-Let me drop down! I'll grab the penguins!" Marty said. "I don't think-" Fluttershy started before Alex interrupted her. "You don't have fingers, Marty. These are things a leader has to think of." He said. "Alex maybe you-" Twilight said before Marty spoke. "Why should you be the leader? Why not me?" Marty asked. "Cause I'm the phase tracker!" Alex answered. "Guys, don't-" Starlight tried to say. "How did l get phased out?" Marty asked Alex a little mad. "You're part of a phase. A phase isn't something you own, it's something you're in." Alex answered also mad.

"Who voted you Grand Phase Master anyway?" Marty said and the equestria group got a little worried. "Me! l voted me! 'Cause I'm the leader!" Alex said mad. "Ok, everypony, let's-" Applejack started but Melman spoke up. "Maybe l should be in charge." Melman said. "Melman!" Gloria said. "l am a doctor." Spike noticed that the glass they where standing on started to crack. "Guys." He tried. "Why can't we all be leaders?" Marty yelled. "Enough! I'm gonna lead." Gloria said and walked forward. Just then the glass shattered and everybody fell down. The casino players stood still in shock. "Hi!" Pinkie said and the player screamed and ran. The equestria group gathered.

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