An emotional rollercoaster

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It was the next day and it was time for Alex to fight his way into the herd. But he didn't know what kind of fight it was. Twilight, Spike, Fluttershy and Starlight was sitting together. While Pinkie was high up in a cheerleader outfit. All four was nervous. "I hope he can do it." Fluttershy said very worried for her lion friend. "Don't worry Fluttershy. It's gonna go fine." Twilight said to calm her down. "Yeah. Alex is smart in his own way. He'll make it." Starlight said smiling.

Just then Alex and three young cubs danced inside and everyone clapped. "Let us begin the rite of passage ceremony." Zuba began but Florrie interrupted. "Come on, baby! Make Mama proud!" She shouted and Fluttershy smiled. "She is a good mother." Fluttershy said and Twilight nodded. "Who will be the first participant?" Zuba then asked. "Me! Oh! Me, me, me! Me! Me! Me! Me, me! Please, me?" Alex shouted while waving his arm in the air. "How about you? The tall, handsome one. Yeah. Choose your opponent." Zuba said and Alex looked around, before seeing Makunga winking. "Let me see. I guess I'll pick.....Teetsi?" Alex said and the other lions gasped.

"Teetsi? Why did he pick Teetsi?" Florrie asked worried. "That's my boy! He's got some gumption there! Somebody, wake him up! Wake him up." Zuba said very happy. "I wonder why the others got shocked about Teetsi." Spike said. "He's probably just a very good fighter." Twilight answered. Fluttershy was very worried about Alex. A lion then threw a rock on Teetsi's head and he woke up in anger! What was worse, Teetsi unleashed his claws, his muscles and used a big roar to prepare a fight. "That's a big lion." Spike said and his other friends got more worried. Pinkie then jumped up and started to shout. "Give me an A, give me a L, give me an E, give me a X! What does it spell? ALEX! Go Alex! Go Alex! Go, Alex!" She cheered and the others looked at her a little confused.

"All right, so, Teetsi, come on. Let's do this, huh? Come on, little tsetse fly. Let's see your stuff. Bring it." Alex said, still not knowing what kind of fight it was. "Let's dance!" Teetsi said and Alex just smiled. "OK. But let me warn you that I am a protégé of....Fosse and Robbins!" Alex said while demonstrating some moves. "Not "dance" dance! Fight!" Teetsi shouted. "Dance fight! You got it." Alex smiled before he started to dance. Zuba and Florrie were confused while Makunga laughed. The four equestria friends was now very worried.

"He's not gonna make it." Starlight said worried. "I can't watch." Fluttershy said while covering her eyes. "Do something Twilight." Spike said but Twilight shook her head. "No. We can't interfere with others ceremonies." She said a little sad. Spike and Starlight looked at Alex. He was still dancing as Teetsi roared and unleashed his claws! "Alakay, turn around!" Zuba said worried. "No, Pop, it's hop, shuffle, ball change, hip swish, turn around." Alex said. "Alex! Behind you!" Twilight shouted and he turned around. But it was too late as Teetsi slammed him with at the rock so it cracked. Pinkie looked and gasped.

"Oh, no." Zuba said. Florrie and the five equestria friends ran over to Alex. "Alakay! Are you hurt?" Florrie asked while helping Alex sit up. "Oh. Yeah, I am. Did I, uh... did I win?" Alex asked. "Oh no, son. How could, I mean... How could this happen? You told us you were a king. A king does not get beat." Zuba said. "Well, I am a king. I'm a... I'm the King of New York. It's... It's my stage name. I'm like, uh... you know, it's for when I perform." Alex answered and Zuba was shocked. "Perform?" He asked. "Oh, no, this is horrible! Alakay has failed the test!" Makunga said and the others gasped. "Who would have ever imagined that today Zuba would have to banish.... (winces) his own son?" He continued as Fluttershy glared at him but knew it wasn't worth it. "Zuba, no." Florrie said to her husband worried. "Zuba, yes. Sadly, the alpha lion must cast out all failures." Makunga said with a little smile.

Zuba tried to banish Alex, but he couldn't.
"Then I'm no longer the alpha lion." Zuba said and threw his staff. Alex looked at his dad with sad eyes. "Dad, what are you doing? Dad, no! You can't do this." He said as Makunga picked up the staff with a big grin. "Who could possibly take Zuba's place? Anyone? Someone? No one?" He asked before hitting a lion by accident. "You, sir! I guess not. Well, I... this is all very awkward, but I suppose I could carry this tremendous burden." He said and the equestria friends looked at him with hatred. "Teetsi! Get the hat. As your new leader, I hereby banish Alakay! He shall wear this Hat of Shame and leave the watering hole for a thousand years, or life! Whichever comes last." He said as Teetsi put a fruit hat on Alex.

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