Confessing apple and refixed friendship

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Melman was laying in a dying hole with Applejack sitting beside him. They both was sad over fighting the ones they loved. Just then King Julien and Maurice arrived.

"Giddy-up, giddy-up! Look, Maurice! Here's the perfect spot for my summer palace! So please fill in all these holes and relocate the riff-raff." Julien said before he noticed Melman. "Oh. Who'd leave a perfectly good head?" He then said and Applejack rolled her eyes. "What a waste." Maurice answered. "Tell me about it. I'm in my prime here. I'm terminal, you know? I probably only have another two days left to live." Melman said sad. "That's a bummer, man." Maurice said.

"If I, King Julien... that's my name....only had two days left to live, I would do all the things I've ever dreamed of doing." Julien said and both Melman and Applejack looked at him. "Like what?" Melman asked. "I'd love to become a professional whistler. I'm pretty amazing at it now, but I want to get even better, make my living out of it." He said and tried to whistle, only to make raspberries. "You know what else I would do? I would invade a neighboring country and impose my own ideology, even if they didn't want it!" He then added. "Easy for you to say. You're a king." Melman said. "And I'm not sure that's a plan." Applejack added.

"Yes. And you are only just a sad little head. And a little hoof animal. There must be something you want to do before you die!" Julien said. Melman and Applejack thought about it. "Well, there is this one thing." Melman answered. "Same here." Applejack said with a blush. "What? Tell me." King Julien told them. "No, I couldn't." Melman answered. "What is it?" Julien asked. "I never had the guts to tell Gloria how I feel about her. How I've always felt about her." Melman answered. "And I can't even tell Rarity the truth about my feelings for her." Applejack said. "Oh...Is it a woman? You didn't tell me it's a woman." Julien said. "What are you afraid of? You're a dead man anyway." Maurice said and Melman smiled. "Yeah. Yeah. You're right." Melman said with more confidence. "And I'm gonna tell Rarity how I feel about her." Applejack said with a determined smile.

"Well, you've got to march right up to this woman. Look her right in the eye. Lean forward. Just a little, or almost all the way. Then you let her lean forward a little until you're....just lips' distance away from each other. Then you tell her how much you hate her." Julien said. And both Applejack and Melman smiled. Melman got up from the hole and walked to find Gloria as Applejack went to find Rarity.

Speaking of Rarity. She was on a rock with Harry for a beautiful picnic. The moon was shining. "I gotta say darling. No one has ever done something so beautiful for me before." Rarity said. "I'll do anything for someone with such a beautiful horn." Harry said and Rarity giggled a little. Harry and she looked deep in eachother's eyes and leaned forward. "Rarity!" Rarity heard and turned around to see Applejack. "Oh. What do you want Applejack?" Rarity asked, still mad about earlier. "I just wanna say.." Applejack started but Harry interrupted her. "Well. You can talk later. Right now me and my love have a beautiful picnic." Harry said.

"Well. If that so. What is her favorite color?" Applejack asked Harry. "Easy. Everyone know that all girls likes pink." He answered. Applejack shook her head. "No. Her favorite color is purple, which symbolizes royalty. Just as she is." Applejack said and Rarity was a little shocked that Applejack knew that. "I can also say that her favorite music is elegant classics, she loves pastel colors the most because they're more elegant too make clothes with, her breakfast contains of tea with a squirt milk and one sugar cube, not two, one. That together with some scones with apple jam on it. And her laugh is like an angels. So you better remember that and take good care of her." Applejack said and now Rarity felt her heart beat faster.

(A/N. Just came up with these facts. Just my headcanon)

"I'll beg you goodbye." Applejack said and walked of. Rarity was shocked and Harry sat beside her. "Well that was something. To bad she doesn't have a horn. Or else I would date her." Harry said like nothing. Rarity looked at him with widen eyes. "So you're saying that it was my horn that got you to date me?" Rarity asked. "Uh yeah. I've never seen such a beautiful horn before. What more is needed?" Harry said and now Rarity got mad. She had never been so insulted.

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