Training time

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It was time for the group and circus animals to train. Rainbow dash and Fluttershy was with Marty and Stefano as they where working on a Canon. "More boomstick, Rico! l really want to fly!" Stefano said as the other three walked up to him. "Are you really going to shoot yourself out of that thing?" Marty asked concerned.
l've always dreamed of doing this, from time l was a little pup, to be a human cannonball! Except, you know... a sea lion cannonball." Stefano said as he jumped inside the canon.

"ls it dangerous?" Fluttershy asked worried. "ls it dangerous? Yes, of course it's dangerous!" Stefano answered. "Now, are you sure about this? Because this is a bit to extreme." Rainbow said. "l'm sure." Stefano said with a dynamite stick in his mouth. "Cause if blowing up is your thing, then you in the right place." Marty said as he and the two ponies backed up a little. Stefano answered. "Si. That's means yes!" Skipper then turned to him. "Ready for launch?" He asked Stefano. "Ready for launch!"Stefano answered. "Fire in the hole!" Skipper said as Rico started the fire.

But Stefano spit out the stick frightened. "Wait AAAAAAAHHH!!! Mamma mia! Help me!" He screamed as he flew and got stuck in the mountain. The three looked at eachother and nodded. "Rico! Get the cannon ready! Same charge!" Marty said as he, Rainbow and Fluttershy geared up and jumped into the canon. "Fire in the hole!" Skipper shouted and Rico started the fire. The three flew off screaming. But then they laughed.

"Doing great Marty. Now let's do some tricks." Rainbow said as she and Fluttershy swirled around Marty doing tricks. Even Fluttershy was laughing until Marty hit the mountain. "Guys! l'm so glad you're here." Stefano said in relief. Marty was happy. "Whoo! l was flying! l was effin'-L-Y-in'!" Marty said. "We're proud of you, but... ...l don't think Stefano can hold on much longer." Fluttershy said and Marty remembered why they where there.

"Oh, yeah, right. Sorry about my enthusiasm. Here, wrap this around you. All right, l got you! l got you!" Marty said as Stefano tied a rope around himself. Fluttershy and Rainbow carefully put them both down."Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo-hoo! Forget about being part of the herd! l'm gonna be part of the flock! l'm going to fly, baby!" Marty said as he danced. "Oh, yes! What a triumph!" Stefano cheered too. "That was awesome. I gotta use canons with the wonderbolts." Rainbow said. "It was fun." Fluttershy smiled.

Meanwhile was Twilight walking up to the white horses who had some problem. "Need help?" She asked. "Yes. It's hard jumping on the trampoline." One of the horses answered. Twilight thought a little before getting an idea. She used her magic to give the horse real wings. "Wow. These are beautiful." Another horse said before they took off from the ground. "Yep. And real. Now I'll teach you how to work them." Twilight said and started to train the horses. She and them did beautiful tricks together.

Rarity and Applejack was looking through some costumes to wear. "So what performance would you like to do sugar gem?" Applejack asked her girlfriend. "Well how about we do this?" Rarity said and walked out with some drapes. "Good idea. Let's do it." Applejack said and walked up to a drape before Rarity stopped her. "Wait a little darling. First you got to have the right outfit." Rarity said and gave Applejack her outfit. It was orange cowgirl boots with a green shirt. "I gotta say. This is the most perfect outfit I've ever had." Applejack said happy.

Rarity then put on her outfit. It was crystal blue ballet flats with a sparkling purple short dress. Applejack's face warmed up as she saw her beautiful girlfriend. "Like what you see darling?" Rarity smirked and Applejack shook her head. "I, uh. Let's train." Applejack said and jumped on the drapes as Rarity laughed. Starlight and Trixie talked. "So Trixie. How about you and I do a magic show together." Starlight said and Trixie smiled big. "Great idea Starlight. You and I am gonna glow brighter then the stars themselves." Trixie said and Starlight smiled while rolling her eyes. Soon they started to train.

Pinkie pie and Spike was doing clown tricks until the sunset. Everyone then meet up with Alex and Gia as they finished the trapeze. Skipper then whispered to Alex and Twilight. "Senorita Bell-bottoms. Tenemos una problema grande." He said. "Qu? Qu grande problema?" Alex asked before they followed Skipper and saw Dubois. "Oh, no! She's onto us" Alex said worried. "Don't make it any easier on the psycho." Skipper told him.

"What are we gonna do?" Twilight asked. "We'd better vamoose... pronto." Skipper answered. "But we're not ready. We're in the middle of rehearsals." Alex said.
"Then why don't you lilt over, grab your peduncle, and kiss New York good-bye?" Skipper said and both Alex and Twilight thought about it.

"Are you sure we are ready?" Stefano asked as they loaded the train. "Of course we're ready! Born ready! Ready steady! Come on, let's go! Let's go, go, go, go, go!" Alex said and they went off. Hopefully they would nail this performance and get to New York. The only thing they could do now was hope.

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