Continuing with a crashing start

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Pinkie pie appere and look at the readers. A big smile grow on her face. "Hey everyone! It's been so long." She yell and cries. I walk in. "Pinkie. It has only been some days. Plus I said that it will sometime take time to update." Pinkie then smiles again. "Sorry. But what are we waiting for? Let's start!" She shouts and I just smile and press start.

At Madagascar was music heard from King Julien's tree. An elevator appered on the top and opened up. Silhouettes of the zoo gang was shown and then they appered on by one. "I like to move it move it!" Alex sang. "He likes to move it move it!" Gloria sang next while pointing at Alex. "She likes to move it move it!" Marty then sang. "We like to?" Melman sang. "Move it!" The lemurs sang and then the zoo animals walked up to the plane. Meanwhile was the equestria group packing some things.

"Tell me again why we need to do this? We didn't bring anything with us when we got here." Rainbow dash said while holding a bag. "Well Rainbow darling. This plants on this island is wonders for my skin. So I'm taking some with us. You'll never know when you need it." Rarity said while levitating some bags. "Atleast we know that Rarity and Twilight can teleport objects now. And duplicate things." Applejack said while carrying many bags. Twilight put bags in the plane and then looked at the nature smiling. "I'm actually gonna miss this place." She said and and Fluttershy walked up to her with some crawlers on her back. "Me too. This little beauties are so cute." She said and the crawlers hugged her face, making her smile.

"And the lemurs have fun parties. I'm gonna miss it." Pinkie said and started to cry before taking out a big tissue. "Yeah. But I really miss equestria." Spike said and the others nodded. Soon they got on the plane. And they got shocked to find out that king Julien was going with them. He turned to Twilight and grabbed her hoof. "My princess. Maybe after I've seen New York. I can see your kingdom." He said and kissed her hoof. The others snickered as Twilight smiled awkwardly.

They soon heard Skipper on the speaker as Private was talking about safety. "Attention. This is your captain speaking. "This is it. Next adventure awaits us." Twilight said to her friends who smiled. Then the plane took off. First it didn't fly well, but then it did. The group was flying in the sky and Fluttershy noticed that Alex was kinda confused by something outside. "Are you okay Alex?" She asked. "I'm okay. Just thought I saw Mort outside." Alex said. "You've got madagascar on the brain." Melman said. "Yeah but it was fun." Alex said and everyone agreed. "Yeah like when you bit me in the butt." Marty said, making everyone laugh. "Well you got a cool story to tell at the zoo." Rainbow said. "You're right RD." Marty said and high hoofed Rainbow.

"You know. I'm thinking about signing up to the breading program." Gloria said and Melman got shocked. "Breading program?" He asked. "I think we hit a point in our lives when we're wanna meet somebody. Settle down. Have a relationship." Gloria said. "I agree Gloria darling. When we get back. I'm gonna find me, my somepony." Rarity said and Applejack got shocked. No one except her family knew that she had a crush on Rarity. "Like dating?" Melman asked. "Yeah dating." Gloria answered. "Like other ones?" Applejack then asked. "And guys." Melman added. "What do you mean by that darlings?" Rarity asked and everyone looked at them two. Melman then excused himself with getting their drinks. While Applejack excused herself by looking at the bags. "Well do that. While me and Gloria gets out beauty sleep." Rarity said as she and Gloria put on sleep masks and fell asleep. Twilight looked at Applejack and followed her together with Spike.

They walked in on Applejack looking over the bags. "Are you okay Applejack?" Twilight asked. "Oh yeah. I'm just as fine as a big apple tree." Applejack said. Spike and Twilight knew that she was lying. "We know you're lying." Spike said and Applejack sighed. "Yeah. I have a crush on Rarity. Have had for awhile. And when she mentioned finding her somepony. I felt hurt inside." Applejack said and Twilight put a hoof around her. "Don't worry Applejack. It's gonna be okay. Just be honest with your feelings to her." She said and Applejack smiled a little. "It's not gonna be that hard. She is the element of harmony." Spike said and all three laughed.

They walked back and heard Skipper on the speaker. "Attention this is your captain speaking. I got good news and bad new. The good news is that we'll be landing immediately. Bad news is. We're crash landing." He said and the plane fell to the ground. Everyone screamed in fear. Except for Gloria and Rarity who was sleeping. And Pinkie pie who was laughing. "This could be it Marty. I just want you to know. That you've been truly, an one in a million friend." Alex said. "Thank you buddy. You're the best ever." Marty said. "Can you do something Twilight?" Spike asked Twilight worried. "I don't think so. Hopefully we'll be okay in the plane." Twilight said. Then Melman and Applejack rised up. "I love you Gloria. I've always had." Melman said. "And I've always loved you Rarity." Applejack said. Although neither Gloria or Rarity was awake. Everyone looked at them and they laughed nervously.

Just then the plane came in contact with the ground and stopped. Everyone was frozen in shock. While Pinkie jumped up and down. "Yippee. Let's do it again!" She said and her friends looked at her with a serious face.

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