Friends in need and fossa fall

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The three zoo animals and the six equestria friends walked through the jungle, sad about what happened. While they walked they saw some animals getting eaten alive and was shocked to see that. Meanwhile Fluttershy was following Alex's path and looked for him, as he was making something around him to protect others from him.

Soon the group of nine arrived back at where they woke up that day and looked at the view. "What have I done? This is a nightmare. And it's all my fault. Now because of me we've lost Alex." Marty said sadly. "What are we gonna do?" Melman asked worried. "We're gonna find a way to help him. That's what we gotta do." Gloria said. "That's right. We won't leave a friend who needs our help." Twilight said and the others nodded. "I agree darling. Alex needs all of us." Rarity added. "And we won't leave him like this." Applejack said while nodded with her hat. Everyone agreed and then they heard a honk. "What was that?" Rainbow asked. "Oh. Oh. That must have been an elephant. Or it was Spike's belly." Pinkie said smiling. "It wasn't my belly." Spike said defensive. "The boat." The three zoo animals said and ran to the beach. The six equestria friends followed after them.

Everyone arrived at the beach and saw the boat. They all waved to get it's attention. Twilight and Rarity lightened up their horns so it would be easier for the boat to see. The boat then turned towards their way and everyone cheered. "You flag that boat down. I'll go get Alex." Marty said as he tried to run into the jungle. But Gloria stopped him. "You can not go back there by yourself." She said to him. "I know Alex. When he hears that we're getting rescued he'll snapp out of it." Marty said. The others tried to keep him there. And then the boat came at the beach. But from it came something other than humans. It was the penguins.

"Now this is more like it." Skipper said smiling. Gloria walked up to them. "You? Where are the people?" She asked a little annoyed. "We killed them and ate their livers." Skipper said and everyone had a shocked face. Rarity even fainted. "Got ya. Didn't I. Just kidding doll. The people is fine." Skipper said and high oned the other penguins as the others sighed in relief. "They're on a slow life boat to China. Hey I know you two. Where's the lion and his friend?" Skipper asked. The others turned around and saw that Marty was gone. But the equestria group also noticed that.

"Fluttershy is gone." Twilight said panicking. "Oh yeah. I saw her going the other way. She's probably going after Alex." Pinkie said and the others looked at her. "What?" She asked a little confused. "Why didn't you tell us earlier!?" Applejack asked a little mad and worried. "You didn't ask. But now when you mention it. I should have totally done that." Pinkie said with a nervous smile. "She's gonna get herself killed." Rarity said very worried. The penguins walked up to them. "Kowalski. Analysis." Skipper said as Kowalski studied the five ponies and dragon. "They seem to be ponies sir. And some weird lizard." Kowalski said. "Lizard? I'm a dragon." Spike said offended. "Well. Whatever they are are, we gotta help their friend too." Skipper said and the group smiled a little.

Meanwhile Marty had just arrived by the fossas territory. He walked around untill he saw someone familiar. "Fluttershy?" He asked as Fluttershy turned around to face him. "What are you doing here?" Fluttershy looked at him and sighed. "The same reason you're here. I'm looking for Alex. I just can't leave an animal friend who needs help." She asked and Marty nodded understanding. "Let's look together." He said and both walked deeper into the territory. Just then they saw Alex standing by a rock with his crazy eyes and claws out. It looked like he was daydreaming. "Alex." Marty and Fluttershy said in unison, snapping Alex out of his daydream.

"Marty. Fluttershy?" Alex asked scared. "Snapp out of it Alex. The boat came back. We can get out of here." Marty said smiling. "You can go back to your home. And everything will be as it used to." Fluttershy added happy to here that. But Alex just backed up. "Stay back. Please. I'm a monster." He said and Fluttershy felt how her heart shattered over how Alex felt. "Alex. You're no monster. You're our friend remember. We're a team." Marty said before backing up as Alex tried to swipe him and Fluttershy. Alex looked at the two scared friends. "I don't wanna hurt you." He said and ran behind a rock. Marty and Fluttershy felt bad for Alex. Marty walked up to Alex. "I'm not leaving without you." He said and sat down on a rock. Soon he tried to get Alex out by singing, but it didn't work. Fluttershy looked over to him. But she soon felt like something was wrong.

Then she saw it. The fossas was going up to Marty who noticed them too. "Alex!" Marty yelled before running away together with Fluttershy. The fossas chased them and surrounded them. They licked their lips as the looked at the duo. Just then they heard someone yelling and saw Melman swinging towards them. He grabbed Marty and Fluttershy, but crashed into a rock.  They reunited with Gloria and the other equestria friends. "Run!" Gloria yelled before they started to run away as the fossas chased them. "What's the plan?" Marty asked. "This is the plan." Gloria said and Skipper landed infront of the fossas. "Fossa halt." He said while pointing a rescue gun at the fossas who stopped. But he the pointed it up and shot.

While the fossas was distracted by the rocket was the penguins preparing something. The took a stick, a wheel, a plate with Private on it, some whipped cream and a cherry. "Come and get it." Private said and the fossas turned to him.  The penguins fought does fossas of. But the others then saw more fossas that had arrived. So they started to fight too. Twilight and Rarity used their magic they had to shot at the fossas, Rainbow dash and Applejack worked together to bind some fossas up, Pinkie throwed pies out of nowhere, Spike used his fire to scare them off. And Fluttershy was trying her best to fight them.

Soon they all heard a roar and saw Alex up on a cliff. "Alex." Marty and Fluttershy said in unison happy to see him. "That's my kill. Mine." Alex said and the zoo gang's and equestria group's faces fell. The fossas moved aside and let Alex through. Marty and Fluttershy was in the front. They both closed their eyes scared. But then. "Psst. It's showtime." Alex said and they both looked at him. Fluttershy was happy that Alex wasn't savage anymore. "Thanks for not giving up on me guys." Alex said to them smiling. "Man. You almost gave me a heart attack. You can't just-" Marty said before Fluttershy held his mouth shut. The others soon understood that Alex was back to normal. "We're getting out of here. Guys, just go with me on this. Like I said. It's showtime." Alex said and scooped everyone up. They pretended to be scared. "Help us please." Twilight yelled. "He's totally bananas!" Pinkie yelled as she was waving her hoofs. "He's a big monster lion! Help!" Rarity yelled and held her forehead. The fossas got scared.

Alex through everyone on the ground and hit fossas off. "This is my territory! Understand?" He asked the fossas that nodded. "I'm never wanna see you on my turf again!" He yelled before roaring, making the fossas run off scared. Alex then turned to the others and they all ran into a big group hug. "Ha. I did it. Give me some love. The plan worked, the plan worked." They heard King Julien and rolled their eyes. He did some robot dance too.

"So. What's for lunch?" Alex asked and everyone looked at him scared.

Everything then freeze except Pinkie pie who moves towards the readers. "Well that is a cliffhanger for the next chapter. So don't miss next chapter bye." She say and waves.

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