The island and fossa attack

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A black hole opened up and out fell the mane 6 and Spike. Luckely they landed on soft sand. They all groaned as they stood up. "That was worse then riding a tornado." Rainbow dash said. "I know! It was so fun! We went wee and waa. And then we landed here." Pinkie pie said with a big smile and her face while showing with her hoofs. "It was. A little fun." Fluttershy shyly said with a soft smile. Twilight looked around and saw that they had landed on an island. "I wonder why we ended up on this island." She said a little worried. "Atleast it looks safe." Spike said but then everyone heard a blood curling scream.

They turned around only to see that it was Rarity. "Look at my mane and cout. It's full of sand. It took hours to fix it this morning. And now it's ruined!" She said as the drama queen she was. Everyone rolled their eyes and Applejack walked up to her. "Don't worry sugar cube. I'll help get it clean." She said and smiled at Rarity. Rarity calmed down and smiled. Applejack then turned to Twilight. "Where are we Twilight?" She asked. "I don't know. One thing I know is that we're in another universe." She said. "Well darling. I think we've seen enough. So it's best that we head home. I'm gonna have a long bubble bath." Rarity said and the others looked at her tired.

Twilight nodded and was activating her horn. Only to a tiny spark to fly out of it. Everyone was shocked. She tried again and again. But the same thing happened. "My magic. It doesn't work." Twilight said panicking. Rarity tried her magic and the same happened to her. "Same here." She said and everyone felt how the panic started to come. "This is bad. The magic doesn't work. We can't get home." Twilight said and everyone hanged their heads sad.

Just then a light appered and surprised everyone. From the light came a note. Twilight looked at it and read.

"Your powers aren't gone. Only weakened. They will return after time. But you cannot leave untill you finish this adventure. And for now you can only use small spells. Good luck."

"What the hay is that suppose to mean?" Rainbow asked. "I think the spell made us appear inside someone else adventure. So we can't leave untill that adventure is over." Twilight said and everyone looked at eachother. Pinkie then gasped. "We're part of a crossover. We must be in someones story we aren't originally in. This will be fun. Hopefully others enjoy it too." Pinkie said and the turns towards us and wave. The others look at Pinkie that for them is waving at the ocean.

"So. Who's the one having the adventure?" Applejack asked. "I don't know. But let's go into the jungle and find out." Twilight said and turned to the jungle. "Do we have to?" Rarity asked and her answer was answered when they all was marching into the jungle.  They met creepy crawlers that Fluttershy let happily ride on her back to other trees. Soon they heard what sounded like. "Music?" They all said in unison.

They followed the sound and came across lemurs that had a dance party. "What in darnation is this?" Applejack asked. Pinkie pie just smiled. "It's a dance party! Don't mind if I do." She said and was walking when Twilight pulled her back. " Not so fast Pinkie. We don't know them. They could be dangerous." She said and Pinkie hanged her head. "They're lemurs. Very friendly animals. They live on fruit and don't attack animals bigger than them." Fluttershy said and the others looked at her. "Can't debate against that." Rainbow said and the others nodded. Just then they saw something that shocked them very much.

(A/N. The mane 6 and Spike only see 0:30 to 1:20.)

Pinkie was dancing to the song as the others was stunned except for Fluttershy. "They can talk?" Spike said confused. "More like. We all got Fluttershy's ears and can understand animals." Rainbow said and Fluttershy looked at the others shocked. "You can understand animals too? That wonderful." She said and Twilight then got it. "In this universe. The animals must talk like we ponies do. That why we can understand them." She said and everyone looked at surprised.

Just then they heard a lemur shouting. "The fossas! The fossas are attacking! Run for your lives!" It shouted and all the lemurs ran for their lives when big cat like animals appered. "Oh no. Fossas are the lemurs natural enemies." Fluttershy said scared. They all then saw that the fossas surrounded one small lemur named Mort that was very scared. "Oh no. That poor little darling is gonna end up dinner." Rarity said as they saw the fossas throwed Mort into a bowl of salad. Before they could do anything they saw a lion walk out of some bushes, behind him they saw a hippo, zebra and giraffe.

It turned to the fossas. "Hey, hi. We just got in from New York. And we're looking for a supervisor. Because we've been sitting on that beach for, hours. And no one even bothered to show up." He started as Mort ran away while the fossas was distracted. "I don't know how things are normally run here. But obviously it's been some mager screw up. Which is cool. So if you can just point us into some officer so that.." He said and stopped when he saw a spider on his back. Then he let out a big scream which caused the fossas to ran away scared.

"That was awesome." Rainbow said as Fluttershy sighed in relief. "The little lemur is safe." Just then the hippo started to hit the lion over and over again which shocked the ponies and little dragon. "Why is she doing that?" Rarity asked. "Maybe she thought the lion was a piñata. Happens to me sometimes. Except I do throw out candy." Pinkie said and throwed some candy over herself and the others. "I think she tries to get the spider of him." Twilight said. "Poor spider." Fluttershy said as Applejack put her hoof around her. "Don't worry sugar cube. I'm sure she was gonna let the spider walk onto the stick and she just forgot her own strength." Applejack said to comfort Fluttershy who calmed down.

The lion then grabbed a hold on the stick and stood up. Twilight looked at the four animals and thought about them and the jungle. "I think I know who's adventure we're in." She said and the others looked at the four animals shocked.

"This would be a good place to stop a story for now." Pinkie says and looks at us winking.

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