Ending is just the beginning

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Everyone was at the beach and Skipper got Alex to close his eyes. Rico was chopping up fish into sushi. Skipper grabbed one. "Open that hatch." He said and Alex did so. The sushi was put in his mouth and Alex started to chew.

Everyone looked at him waiting. "Well?" Marty asked. "What do you think?" Fluttershy asked. "Pretty good huh?" Melman chipped in. "There's always plan B." King Julien said and held up Mort. Twilight rolled her eyes and used her magic to take Mort away from Julien. "Mm, mm. This is better than steak. I love it, I love it!" Alex said happy. "The cat kitty loves the fishy." Skipper said and high oned the other penguins as everyone cheered. "Well I propose a toast. Now he may be a pain in the butt at a time. And trust me, I know. But this cat. Prove to me without a doubt. That his heart is bigger than his stomach. To Alex!" Marty said. "To Alex!" Everyone said and spat out the sea water. Well except for Pinkie.

The zoo animals then went on the boat and waved goodbye to the others. The equestria group gathered around to talk. "So I guess this story is coming to an end." Twilight said to the others. "I'm gonna miss them." Fluttershy said a little sad. Applejack put her hoof around Fluttershy. "It's okay sugar cube. Maybe we can come and visit." She said and Fluttershy smiled. "I don't see any problem with that. As long as we don't have to fall from the sky." Rarity said and the others nodded. "Can't wait to tell everyone about this. They're gonna be so jealous." Rainbow said excited to go home. "We need  to have a home party to celebrate." Pinkie said while jumping up and down. "Well it's gonna be great to get home." Spike said and smiled at the thought.

Just then a light appered with an new note. The equestria group looked shocked. Twilight read. "The adventure is far from over. It has just began. But don't worry. Your magic is a little stronger now. See you soon again." After reading the note disappeared. "I'm guessing our adventures here isn't over. What do you say? Ready for more?" Twilight asked her friends who nodded. Ready to continue the adventure.

Pinkie then appere infront of a black background. "Don't worry. This book isn't over yet. We still have-" She say but gets interrupted. "Pinkie. Don't spoil the book." I say and Pinkie smile. "Sorry. I'm just so excited." I smile at her. "I know. Me too. Anyway see you guys in the next chapter. Where we start the second movie." I say and wave. "Let's party for it!" Pinkie say and takes out her party canon. She shots with it and wave too. We both smile.

(A/N. See you next chapter.)

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