Plane to train with a new teammate

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The group was flying as the zoo gang was singing a song. "New York, New York It's a heck of a town." Alex started to sing. "The Bronx is up." Melman sang later. "But the Battery's down." Gloria then sang. "Ah bleep bleep blap bloappa beebidi doah." Marty sang in gibberish. "New York, New York." They all sang. The ponies and dragon was just smiling at them. "They really like New York." Starlight said. "Yep. And when they get there, the adventure is over. And we get back home." Twilight said as she and the others looked a little sad.

"I'm gonna miss them." Spike said. "Yeah. Marty is as awesome as me." Rainbow said sadly. "Gloria really have style." Rarity added as she hugged Applejack. "Melman knows alot about being a doctor." Applejack then added. "And Alex is the kindest lion I've ever meet." Fluttershy said smiling weakly. "The lemurs knows how to party." Pinkie said before blowing her nose. "Well. If I know one thing. It is that if you have big bonds with friends. They'll always be with you. No matter where you go." Starlight said and the others smiled.

"Yeah. And now we're almost done. What can go wrong?" Rainbow asked. Just then the plane started to fall from the sky. Everyone screamed except for Pinkie pie who laughed. Twilight, Starlight and Rarity managed to make shields around everyone so they didn't get hurt. The plane was then on the ground. "Why can't we ever just make a normal landing?" Melman asked. The equestria group went and checked that everyone was okay. Alex then turned to the penguins. "Skipper, what about the plane?" He asked.

"Well, the chimps will work through the night. No breaks, no safety restrictions." Skipper answered before seeing all chimps running away. "Hey, where are you going? Get back here! We have a contract!" Skipper yelled after them. "Yes. Well, I'm afraid labor laws are slightly more lenient in France. You see, they only have to work two weeks a year." Mason said. Everyone was shocked. "Well, someone else has the Canadian work ethic!" Skipper said.

"But you penguins, you can still fix it, right? Right?" Melman asked. "Yeah, yeah. You're a little crackerjack, can-do team." Alex added. "You want me to give it to you straight?" Skipper asked him. "Yes! Yes! No. Bend it a little?" Alex answered. "Well, the plane's totaled. Kaput, blammo, busted! Never to fly again." Skipper said and everyone gasped. "So that's it? That's it then, we're never gonna get home?" Gloria said sad. "No! We've got to get home! We can fix it! We'll fix it! Yeah, guys, come on, we'll fix it! You just start from the outside pieces, and you work your way in. And, yeah, perfect! Come on! Don't just stand there, guys. Marty! Drag that thingy over here. And we'll just attach it to this dealy-bob over here. And..." Alex started and grabbed some pieces. Everyone looked at him with a sympathetic face.

"Alex!" Marty and Fluttershy said in unison. "We're not going home. We're never going home." Alex said and Fluttershy hugged him. Gloria turned to Twilight. "Twilight. Maybe you can use your magic." She said. "Our magic isn't that strong enough. I'm sorry." She said and Gloria nodded understanding. Just then they heard sirens and saw police cars. "It's the fuzz! What are we gonna do? We can't hide forever!" Marty said as they started to run. "And we can't just blend! You know this ain't Africa." Gloria added. "And our magic can't disguise us." Starlight said. "Oh, what's the point? Tell me one conceivable way that extra-large animals like us are gonna be able to move through Europe without attracting unwanted attention." Melman said before they noticed that they where next to a circus train.

They all smiled in relief before the doors opened to reveal a vicious tiger named Vitaly. In response they screamed. "Where are you coming from?" He asked. "Please, you got to hide us. Just until the heat dies down." Alex said. "Absolut no outsiders. So wipe that Smirnoff your face and Popov!" Vitaly said. "Oh, come on, man. You gotta do one cat a solid. Cat to cat. Do a solid here, buddy. Come on." Alex tried but Vitaly interrupted. "Nyet! This train is for circus animals only." He said and slammed the door. They all could here how Vitaly was talking to someone.

"This is awkward. We can hear everything they're saying." Alex said. Suddenly the train started to move. "No, no! Wait, wait, wait!" Alex shouted as he and the others started to run after the train. A sea lion named Stefano opened the doors. "Just give us a minute. He's on the phone and... can't get him off!" He said and closed the doors again. "We cannot leave them there!" He said. "Only circus animals on this train!" Vitaly said and Alex got an idea.

"Wait, listen! We are circus animals. You got to let us in!" Alex shouted and the equestria group was shocked by what he said. A female Jaguar named Gia opened the doors. "You are really circus?" She asked. Zoo animals said yes as Gia looked inside. "They are circus. Circus stick together!" She said before helping the group inside. "Wow! Circus americano! You must all be very famous!" Stefano said. The zoo gang talked about what act Alex did while the equestria talked. "So what are we gonna do Twilight?" Fluttershy whispered. "We tell them that we come from another dimension and is just traveling with the others." Twilight said and the others nodded. Applejack nodded to but a little reluctant.

Gia then walked over to them. "I've never seen animals like you before." She said. "We eight are from another dimension full of magic. We got here thanks to a spell. And we are following these four guys on their adventure." Applejack said and Gia was shocked. "Wow. That's very cool." She said smiling. The ponies and dragon introduced themselves to Gia. They then saw that Vitaly had thrown knives at the zoo gang.

"Which one of you is leader?" He asked as Marty pointed at Alex. "Tell your comrades there is one rule we do not break!" Vitaly said. "Thou shalt say it and not spray it?" Alex asked. "NYET!! Circus owner no allow stowaways!" Vitaly said laughing. Just then the penguins appered through the roof. "l hear you, Russki. Although the circus owner may allow stowaways, if the stowaways just happens to be the owners. Riddle me that." Skipper said. "What is sharply dressed little birdie talking about?" Vitaly asked. "Show 'em, boys." Skipper said and the next day Phil and Mason bought the circus. The ringmaster and the clowns laughed. "You have a deal, mi amigo. l am sure this circus will bring you great success! l guess this is good-bye and good luck!" The ringmaster said before he and the clowns drove off.

"What do we know about owning a circus?" Melman asked. "Nothing. But it's our only shot at getting home." Alex answered. "You better know what you're doing. You're risking Private's community college fund." Skipper said pointing at Private who was drawing. "I'll never be president!" He said sad. "I hope this works Twilight." Starlight said. "Me too. But if we work together. We can do it." Twilight said and the others smiled and nodded. "And nothing is gonna make us jump." Rainbow said before they heard someone scream from the sky. The zoo gang heard it too before Alex got hit by something that fell from the sky. "Alex!" Everyone shouted and ran over to him.

Fluttershy helped him up. "Are you okay Alex?" She asked. "I'm okay. But what was that?" He said before smoke appered. "I tell you what it was. Or should I say who." The voice started and the zoo gang got scared as the equestria group thought they reconised the voice. "I am the most powerful magic user. I am the most shining star. I am the great and powerful." The voice said before jumping out of the smoke revealing. "Trixie!" She said.

 "Trixie!" She said

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(A/N. Trixie is here.)

The zoo gang looked a little confused. "Oh. Right. I'm in another dimension." Trixie said. "Trixie!" She turned and saw the equestria group. "Guys. Good to see familiar faces." She said before they all hugged. "When did you use the spell?" Starlight asked. "Well. I went over to ask you for some tips for my next show. That's when I saw you use the spell and I followed after you." Trixie answered. "Ok. Atleast you're safe. So let me tell you about what happened so far. And also introduce you to the others." Twilight said and she told Trixie the whole story and also introduce her to the zoo gang.

After that they where off to their next destination. Ready to do anything to help.

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