A new place and a new player

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Gloria and Rarity woke up and yawned. "Oh we're here." Gloria said tired. "That was a very calm ride." Rarity said before they both looked around and saw that the plane was in scraps, and the others was still shaken by the crash. They started questioning what happened as everyone walked of the plane. Alex and Twilight saw the penguins high one eachother so they walked up to them.

"Hey. Happy slappers. Is this a reason to celebrate?" Alex asked serious. "Look at the plane." Twilight nodded. "I agree. Right now it's no time to celebrate." She said. "We'll fix it." Skipper said. "Fix it? How are you gonna fix this?" Alex asked a little irritated. "Grit, spit and and a whole lot of duct tape." Skipper said as Rico took up duct tape and Private spat a little. "We should be up and running in say. Six to nine months." Skipper then said. "Sixtynine months!?" Alex and Twilight shouted. "No. Six TO nine months." Skipper corrected. Twilight walked up to her friends while Alex kept talking to Skipper.

"So what did they say Twilight?" Spike asked. "That repairing the plane will take six to nine months." Twilight said with her head down. "That long?" Fluttershy asked and Twilight nodded. "No. I'm gonna miss alot of birthdays. I want be able to fix parties. Everyone is gonna be sad forever!" Pinkie shouted. "Calm down Pinkie. Those fancy dressed birds are gonna fix it." Applejack said and calmed Pinkie down. "Allright. All we can do now is too make the best of the situation. Atleast we have eachother." Twilight said and the others nodded. "I for one agree. As long as nothing unexpected happen." Rarity said. But then a light appered in the sky and everyone heard a scream. They looked up, saw something falling.

Before they could react had the thing landed right on Twilight. "Twilight!" The others said worried. Twilight rubbed her head when she heard a familiar voice. "Twilight?" Twilight looked Up to see that it was no other then Starlight Glimmer.

 "Twilight?" Twilight looked Up to see that it was no other then Starlight Glimmer

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(A/N. Yep, starlight have joined the chat. Hope you like it.)

Twilight and the others smiled and hugged Starlight tight. "I'm so happy to see you. It's been weeks." Twilight said and the others nodded while Starlight was a little confused. "Weeks? But I just used the spell a minute after you did." Starlight said. The others let go of her. "Maybe the time here is different from Equestria." Twilight said. "Ok can anypony tell me what's going on." Starlight said to the others. Pinkie stepped forward. "The spell allowed us to crossover to this dimension where we've meet four animals that we all can understand. We're following their adventure and won't return until it's over. Also your magic is weaker now but gets stronger after time. And that's all." Pinkie finished with a big smile. Starlight just blinked still a little confused.

Twilight explained everything that had happened. "Wow. That a interesting story. But where are these animals?" Starlight asked and the others saw that the zoo gang was gone. "They must have gone without us." Fluttershy said. "Then let's find them." Twilight said and they all started to walk. Following a trail from the zoo gang.

(A/N. This chapter is shorter. But next one will be longer. Anyway. See you soon.)

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