Final battle and a heart full goodbye

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The circus arrived at New York and both the zoo gang and equestria group walked towards the zoo sadly. They soon arrived at the entrance. "Well I guess this is our goodbye." Alex said as he and his friends turned to the ponies and dragon. "Yeah. Hope we see you sometime again." Twilight said sadly as both groups hugged. The equastria group walked off. "So I guess we're going back home now." Rainbow dash said a little sadly. "Yeah. It seems like so." Fluttershy said with her head down.

"It's kinda sad ending an adventure on a sad note like this." Rarity said as Applejack put a hoof around her back. "Yeah. It just doesn't feel right." Applejack added. "I know. But their adventure was to get back to the zoo. And now they're there. Let's wait for the note." Twilight said and they all waited but nothing happened. "Aren't a not suppose to appear?" Starlight asked and Twilight thought a little. Then it hit her. "Their adventure changed. Their adventure isn't to be in the zoo anymore. It's to be with the circus." She exclaimed and the others smiled.

"What are we waiting for? Let's go help them get to the circus." Spike said and they all ran back towards the zoo. Only for them to stop when they saw Dubois and her partners standing by the entrance, as zoo keepers lifted in the zoo gang. "Oh no. Dubois!" Trixie said. "She must have knocked them out. We have to do something." Twilight said before a note appered. "A note? It can't really mean that we're suppose to leave them." Rainbow said and Twilight read the note.

"This is the final problem. And to that your powers are completely gone. To manage this you need help from your friends." It said before magic was drawn from Twilight and the three unicorns. "You gotta be kidding me. We can't use our magic." Rarity said mad. "I think it want us to seek help from the circus. Let's go." Twilight said and they all ran towards the circus.

They ran inside and saw everyone gathered around King Julien who was tipsy. "Everyone. We need your help." Twilight said and Gia walked up to them. "We know. Alex and the others are in danger. We're gonna help them." She said and the equastria group smiled at this. Everyone hatched a plan as it became dark.

"Excuse me writer." Pinkie pie say and a dark void appear. "Yes Pinkie? What do you want?" I ask and walk up to her. "Well. Isn't it a little few officers for us? Can't it be more so there's more to fight." She say and smile big.

I rub my chin and think. "You're right. I'll fix that. Thank you Pinkie." I say and walk off. "You're welcome." Pinkie say and turns to the readers. "Ok everyone. Time for the final battle." She say and drag the screen so the story starts.

The circus and equestria group flew over the zoo and saw that Dubois was about to shot Alex. But then in the last moment Gia swung in with a trapeze and saved him. "Gia?" Alex asked and Gia smiled. "Circus stick together." She said and they both turned to the flying circus.

"Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, circus Da-da da-da-da-da-da-da, Afro Circus Afro, Circus Afro Polka dot, polka dot, polka dot, Afro!" The circus animals sang as the ponies and dragon made themselves ready. "Operation Afro-Circus Rescue... engage!" Skipper said as Stefano, Rainbow and Fluttershy jumped into canons. "Aye, aye, Skipper!" They said before getting shot out with ropes over the cages.

"Two tons of fun and horse power. Dive, dive, dive!" Skipper said and the two elephants dived down on drapes together with Rarity and Applejack. Together they took out some of Dubois's officers. More officers arrived but Twilight and the white horses flew down and knocked them over, Pinkie and Spike was riding on a unicycle throwing pies at some officer. And both Trixie and Starlight used a handkerchief rope to tie some up.

The zoo gang made their way onto the flying circus and everyone cheered. "Mission accomplished. Now let's get out of here!" Skipper said before everyone heard someone familiar. "Wait! Wait for me!" They all saw Stefano run towards them. But they also saw Dubois making her way towards him.

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