Chapter 1

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Based from Season 1 onwards
Slightly different.

Chapter 1

Three Months after Amy was discharged from the hospital after the car crash in which she lost her Mum a young man man of 17 turned up looking for Marion Fleming..
A Young Amy was still recovering from it, not physically but mentally,  Spartan had not long arrived at Heartland but Amy still hadn't felt like helping him and she still blamed herself but also was transferring some of the blame onto Spartan as Amy felt that if they hadn't gone to help him she'd still have her Mum.
The young man was called Ty and was on probation which had all been set up between Marion and Clint the probation officer.
Jack had decided to accept the agreement in honour of his Daughter although Lou was in two minds abouts it as Amy was 15 and still struggling with things, not just at home but school too.
Lou was also struggling as the Ranch was in debt as Marion wasn't to bothered about money, the way things were going they may lose the Ranch.
Of course Amy didn't like Ty after what happened when he arrived all cocky and frightening the horse Amy was riding that day.
Ty of course was always moaning about this and that and Amy let him know in no uncertain terms that he was hired for that particular job and to stop moaning and get on with it.

Jack was getting fed up with the constant bickering between them but worse was the comments between Amy and Lou.
Lou wanted to change this and that but Amy would always argue with her about leaving her Mum's things alone, especially in the office.
The other bone of contention was Spartan as Amy was showing no signs
of doing anything with him.
Jack knew there was only one way to force her hand which he didn't want to do. The problem was that he'd told Ty NOT to clean his stall as he was dangerous. The only way Jack could clean it was to make a temporary passage between Spartans stall and the one opposite,  open both gates then force him through to the other one closing the gate afterwards.
That night at dinner Jack had asked Ty to mention Spartan so they could talk about him.
The four of them had sat down and dished out onto there plates and started eating.
"So Jack what's happening with that Black horse, he's always kicking his stall even at night and I can't sleep let alone clean him out".
"Amy,, when are you going to start on him".
Amy just shrugged her shoulders.
"Well I thought you'd want to help him, I mean that's why you and your mum rescued him wasn't it, to save him".
"Well mum's not here now is she".
"Oh ,,, well in that case I'll call Scott and have him Euthanized".
"No,, you can't just kill him".
"Well actually Amy I can, I'm paying for his food etc, and you don't want to help him, so better to put him out of his misery.  He's not there tomorrow so I'll phone him the day after unless you change you mind of course ".
Amy slammed down her fork and ran to her bedroom.


The following morning.
Lou got up and dressed then walked into the kitchen seeing jack looking out the window.
"Did it work Grampa".
"Time will tell but she's got him running round that ring, and now she's shouting or screaming at him. Mind you Ty's totally mesmerised watching her".
"Well it is something to see when a horse joins up".

Ty was watching as he saw Spartan walk up to Amy and put his head on her shoulder.  Amy turned and and threw her arms around Spartans neck then burst into tears finally letting all her emotions out.
Ty was smitten straight away.
Lou was eating her breakfast when her phone pinged with a message. Lou read it Quickly.
"Just popping out for a while Grampa"
"Okay, I'm off to check on the Cattle".
When Lou left she saw Amy trying to saddle Spartan.
As Lou pulled up to where the message mentioned she saw him waiting by his truck and walked up to him "Hi Lou, thanks for phoning me about your Mum".
"Hey Dad, why didn't you show up at the funeral".
"I was there but not easy to see, I went over after you'd all left but I never saw Amy".
"She couldn't be there, she was still in a Coma from the crash, the Doctor's didn't think she'd make it".
"I have seen her riding near to Big Rivers border, she looks like her Mum".
"Yeah she does".
"I want to meet her Lou".
"She's not ready Dad".
"What do you mean not ready, I thought she'd be pleased to know her Dad's back".
"I haven't told her".
"Why not Lou".
"Because Mentally she's not ready, I told you how badly injured she was, as I said, the doctors didn't think she'd survive".
"Well tell her Lou, it's not hard".
"Give her time Dad, it's up to her if she wants to see you or not".
"I'm her father, I have a right to see her".
"Only if she wants to, she's old enough to make up her own mind, I  thought you'd just come to the funeral and go back to your Life".
"No I'm staying Lou, and if you know what's good for you , you'll talk her into meeting me".
"Don't threaten me, I'm not a 15 Yr old girl anymore".
Lou got back in her car and drove off.

The way her dad was pushing,, Lou was now wondering if she did the right thing telling him.
When she got back she saw Amy riding Spartan around the Arena and Ty was still watching her.
She was surprised how quickly Amy had got the horse joined up, saddled up and riding him.
When Lou walked into the Ranch house she saw Jack sat at the Table reading the Newspaper.
"So how is he and what does he want".
"Tim of course, you obviously called him".
"Yeah, well I'm beginning to think that maybe it was a mistake to call him about Mum".
"Why,,,, what's happened".
"Well he seems more interested in seeing Amy, I told him she's not ready, but he just kept saying to tell her. I told him that Mentally she hasn't recovered yet and to give it time".
"Well you know what my views are on your Dad getting his hands on Amy, I still do not trust him Lou, and you've led him straight to her. I mean he's always known where she is, but without your Mum here he's going to try and control her life like he tried with you, what possessed you to get in touch with him".
"I was in shock at losing Mum and I just thought he should know, now he's threatening me".

To be continued

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