Chapter 18

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Chapter 18

Amy got back home and her headache was getting worse, she felt like everything she and Ty had done to make this place theirs had been a waste of time if it was going to cause so much animosity between her and her Grampa.
She'd been riding her whole life and knew she was okay to ride for the time being so tacked up Spartan and went off to clear her head. Everything was going round and round in her head, she hadn't felt like this for a long time, she'd been feeling so happy
since she'd gotten her memories back , Ranch built, a wonderful husband, and now expecting their first child, the wonderful time her and Ty spent at the pool, minus the leg burn.
Now she was thinking that she couldn't live on Heartland, Jack being grumpy and all the arguments, it was like he had blinders on and whatever you said didn't make a difference. He had a one track mind about their Ranch, he didn't want to change anything,  let's live in the past.
The sun was going down but it was still hot. She just kept riding occasionally crying, she put some of it down to her hormones.
Eventually she found a very quiet place and saw some tree trunks laying down so got off Spartan and put her blanket down, she sat with her back against the trunk and brought her knees up resting her arms on them then put her forehead on her folded arms and burst into tears.
Thankfully there was a full moon and it was gong to be a hot night.

Ty got back back about 5.30am and went straight up to their bedroom, he looked at the bed which was still made and no Amy.
He looked around then went to the Barn noticing that Spartan wasn't there. Next he went to Carl's cabin who was up getting ready to start his day.
"Hi Carl, I can't find Amy any idea where she is".
"Morning Ty, I saw her ride off about 8pm on Spartan, didn't she come back".
"No, I'll phone Lou, thanks Carl".
Ty went back to the house and walked into the kitchen noticing a piece of paper on the floor, he picked it up and read it.
It was now after 6am and knew Lou or Jack would be up so phoned Lou.
Lou, Jack and Lisa were all up in the kitchen sorting out breakfast when Lou's phone rang.
"Hey Ty, your calling early".
Lou listened to what Ty was telling her.
"Give us time to sort ourselves out and we'll join you on the search, I'm sure she'll be okay Ty, we'll see you shortly".
Lou saw Lisa looking at her looking worried.
"Amy's missing, she rode off on Spartan about 8pm last night and hasn't come back, I'm going to join Ty to search for her".
"I'll join you Lou".
Lou looked at Jack and saw no emotion in him at all.
"This is your fault after the things you said to her yesterday".
"Nothing to do with me, she'll come back when she's ready".
"Jack, once we find Amy were going to see Doctor Virani".
"I don't want to see any doctors, I'm fed up with them".
"Well I looked at the paperwork that comes with your medication and your having one of the side effects of them. They need to change them, end of conversion".
They got ready and joined up with Ty.
"Thanks for coming,  no Jack!!!".
"No, he says she'll come home when she's ready".
"Well probably best he isn't here because I'd probably give him a mouthful after what she put in the letter I found".
"I think it's a side effect of his new medication Ty, I'm taking him to see Dr Virani once we've found Amy".
"Let's hope it is the medication Lisa".
"What did Amy say Ty".
"Well that's what I'm worried about Lou, it didn't really make a lot of sense, so I think she maybe suffering from depression and her headaches have come back. She said something about building the Ranch was a total mistake and we need to sell up and start again somewhere else".
"When I came into the kitchen yesterday after she left,  Grampa was muttering something about not letting her sell Heartland land".

They'd been searching for two hours and not found her.
"Where the hell is she Lou".
"Well she knows that we know her usual routes so maybe she went a different way if she wants to be on her own".
"Okay well let's try that way instead".
After another hour Lisa saw Spartan down by a creek and pointed him out to Ty, they rode off towards him when Ty saw Amy laying down on a blanket by a fallen tree trunk.
Ty jumped off Harley and ran to her, she was semi conscious, she heard Ty and Lou's voices, but was moaning about her head.
Lisa grabbed Spartan and Ty managed to help her climb on then sat behind her, Harley wasn't big enough to take them both.
When they got back he put her to bed and gave her some of the tablets she still had from before after checking the use by date, he then phoned Dr Virani.
"Ty, when she's seen Amy can you send her down to Heartland ".
"Yes of course Lisa, thanks both of you for helping me".
"That's what family do Ty, take care of her, let us know what she says".
"Will do Lou".
Dr Virani turned up and Ty took her to see Amy. Before they entered the bedroom she asked Ty what had happened to set this off.
He explained about Jack then showed her the letter Amy left Him.
"Okay, I'd say her depression has returned but only slightly, the headaches are more than likely due to Anxiety, the solution is to sort out Jack then Amy should be back to her normal self. I'm going to give her an injection to calm her down, lower her Anxiety which in turn will stop the headaches".
"What about her depression".
"As I said it's slight but if Jack improves, that should make her feel much better, can I".
"Oh, yes please go in, sorry".

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