Chapter 22

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Chapter 22

Ty walked in the kitchen and held Amy's hand pulling her outside.
"Err, Lyndy's going to be a big sister Eh".
"Ha Ha, did you like that little surprise I did".
"Yes I did, how far are you Amy".
"Well I suspected, but wanted to really make sure before I said anything to you, I'm 12 weeks Ty and everything is okay".
"I'm so happy Amy , really happy".
Ty held her and kissed her. Lyndy was walking round so Lou, Peter, Katie, GG and Lisa could see. It wasn't long before they came out onto the Porch to offer their congratulations.

The following day Amy saw a car coming up the drive, as soon as the driver got out she had a memory flash and knew who he was, it had been a long time since she'd seen him, she didn't know who was with him but went out to meet them.
"Hi Amy, don't know if you remember me but I'm Clint".
"Hi Clint, yes I do, had a memory flash when I saw you, long time no see".
"Yes it has been a while, this is Cooper, he's opening a Horse Therapy Ranch not far from here for Troubled teens like Ty when I brought him here".
"Hi Cooper, both of you come in".
Amy asked if they wanted coffee and both said they'd love one.
She came through and they sat in the Lounge.
"I love your Ranch Amy, how's Ty doing".
They spoke for a while and Amy updated Clint on how Ty was when Lyndy came bounding in after being out with Lou and Jackson.
"My word haven't you grown up Lyndy, she was about 6 months old last time I saw a photo of her Amy".
"Tell me about it, I'm expecting another now".
"Oh Congratulations to you both".
"Thanks Clint".
"So how old are you then Lyndy".
"I'm 6 now, do you know my Mommy and Daddy ".
"Yes I do".
"Pleased to meet you, I'm Lyndy Fleming Borden ".
Lyndy surprised Amy when she walked up to Clint and shook his hand.
"Well I'm pleased to meet you too Lyndy".
Amy smiled, she surprised her as they hadn't taught her that.
"So what can I do to help you".
"Cooper, maybe you'd like to ask Amy".
"Yeah, well Amy as I said were opening a Horse Therapy Ranch but I need some horses and Clint suggested we come and see you".
"Oh right, well I have six to choose from, there all fine horses and ready to be ridden but I'd suggest they Join up with them before they ride them.
They don't actually need to but it would help them to bond with the horses, good Therapy for them, not the horses but the teens you have".
"What's Join up".
"Well let's go look at them and see which one's you want, then I'll come over once your ready and show them how to do it".
"Thanks Amy, that's a good idea".
"Come on then let's go see them, you coming too Lyndy ".
"Oh yeah Mommy, lets go".
They all laughed at Lyndy's enthusiasm.
Amy took them to the paddock and whistled, all six horses came running over and Cooper had a good look at them.
"These are beautiful horses Amy, how much are they".
"Well there all the same so covering costs and training there 2000 each".
"Is that all".
"Well I could get more but as it's for the Therapy Ranch I'll make it 2000
Each, is that okay for you".
"Yes, thank you. I'll take all six".
"Okay then".
"What about the Black and Tan one".
"Oh, he's a wild Mustang , I'm trying to get him healthy enough to be released again, I have a small Heard of wild Mustangs here on Heartland that we rescued from a friend of my Grampa who passed away, it was that or see them taken away for slaughter which I wasn't going to let happen".
"So the herd will just get bigger".
"Oh no, I have a set number so any youngsters over that limit will be taken out and gentled, then I'll sell them".
"Please bear me in mind if you get anymore, I'd like to get up to 12 horses eventually".
"I will certainly call you first".
"Thanks Amy".

After the forms were filled out and Cooper paid for them, they arranged a time and day for delivery.
When Ty got home Amy was telling him all about her surprise visitors and what they were doing.
Ty didn't seem as interested as Amy thought he would be so ended the conversation mid sentence, got up and went to serve up dinner.
Dinner was very quiet, Ty wasn't talking at at all, Amy could feel the atmosphere.
"Ty what's wrong, you haven't spoken to me since I served up dinner".
"Nothing, just not in a talking mood that's all ".
Amy left it at that and when she'd got the dinner plates and pans washed up it was 8pm so took Lyndy to bed. Later she went into the office and caught up on some paperwork.
"I'm going to bed Ty, are you coming".
"Yeah in a while, I have a report to write".
"Oh, okay night".
Amy went to bed trying to think why her husband was acting so funny. She sent a text to Scott asking if something had happened today to make him so funny.
When she got a reply she was shocked at what Scott had written.
Apparently an old friend of Ty's had turned up to see him and they'd ended up having a big argument inside the Clinic and Scott had to step in and kick this so called friend out, then had words with Ty about it being unacceptable behaviour in front of customers. Amy lay down and it wasn't long before she fell asleep.

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