Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

A month later Ty was in Maggie's when Ashley walked in.
"Hey Ty, no Amy".
"She's busy with some problem Horse's why".
"Oh I've Just entered the Hudson Fall Finale and Amy usually enters but she didn't last year because her horse died, but I didn't see her name this time so just wondered if she was going to enter".
"Oh I don't know actually, I'll ask when I get back".
"Okay, bye".
When Ty got back the Barn was empty and Spartan wasn't there so assumed Amy had finished and was out riding. He went in the office and opened the Laptop looking for anything on Spartan. What he found surprised him and he wondered if Amy was aware of Spartans genealogy.
Tim had disappeared the day after Ben's encounter with someone's fists, he was down in California to make some money on the racing like he normally does.

At Diner they were all enjoying Lou's cooking when Ty decided to bring up the Fall Finale.
"So I was in Maggie's at Lunch time and Ashley walked in asking me if you'd signed up to the Fall Finale  Amy".
"Oh, well my usual horse died last year and I haven't got round to getting another one".
"You've already got one Amy".
"What, you mean Spartan, he likes jumping but".
"I looked him up Amy, I don't think you realise what a great horse you actually have there".
Lou looked interested as did Jack.
"What do you mean Ty!!".
"Well Spartan is actually a Show Jumping Horse with loads of wins. He was on the Professional Circuit".
Amy looked at Ty totally gobsmacked that her horse was a pro Show Jumper.
"Well Mum used to coach me and unfortunately she's not here to do it".
"I'll coach you Amy, I've spent the afternoon reading up on it and I know a bit about Angles etc as I'm good at playing pool, so I already looked at the course and I know where you can save 4 or 5 seconds which I read is a lot when your against the clock".
"You sure Ty".
"Yes , I'm sure between us you could win, so are you game to wipe the smile off Ashley's face".
"Yes, let's do it".
Amy thought that this is just what she wants to get closer to Ty.
Amy booked in and registered for the Fall Finale. Then she asked Ty to show her what he'd found out about Spartan,  he even found some video footage of him competing and the heights he could reach.
They spent every spare minute they had practicing.
Ty showed her his diagram of the course and Amy said it looked like a Pretzel, Ty started tickling her and eventually they ended up in each others arms staring at each other then both quickly moved away smiling .
That night Amy went to sleep smiling.
They continued practicing until both Amy and Spartan were as one, even trying the short cut manoeuvre which Spartan had no problem with.

The day arrived for the Fall Finale and Amy looked fantastic, Lisa had bought her a new Jacket with the Heartland Logo on it and a helmet to match with the Logo on the front.
Up in the stands hidden in a corner was Tim, a friend of his had phoned him to say that his Youngest Daughter was in the Fall Finale and Tim wanted to see how good she was.
The first rounds went well and eventually it was down to Amy and Ashley just like old times, of course with Val having money Ashley always won because she had the best horse, but this time so did Amy and Ashley seemed to think it was one of Amy's  problem Horse's that she'd trained.
Ashley went first giving Amy her snobby look knowing she was going to win. Ashley had a good time.
"Amy remember the short cut we mentioned and practiced, well now is the time to do it okay".
Amy set off and was clearing every Jump with room to spare, Ty noticed Ashley watching Amy then the clock, he knew she was worried.
Amy came up to the short cut and swung Spartan round clearing the Jump and then the last Jump. When the clock stopped he could see Ashley's face , Amy had won by 3 seconds and the crowd went wild, the family were jumping up and down.


Amy rode out and jumped down hugging Ty and he swung her around.
Tim was amazed at her skill but was watching the interaction between the two and he didn't like it one bit.
Eventually Amy was called out and they drapped the Fall Finale horse blanket over Spartan and gave Amy the 3ft high Trophy and a cheque for $50,000.
She rode round the Arena twice before exiting.
The family came over and everyone was congratulating her, then someone else came up to her.
"Congratulations Amy, that was some excellent riding and you have a great skill".
"Err, thank you  but I couldn't have done it without my coach".
As Amy said it she moved away from Tim and hugged Ty.
Everyone ignored him.
"Right I think this calls for a celebration Amy and Ty, we'll done both of you".
"Thanks Grampa".
"Yes  Thanks Jack".
Jack then led Amy away from Tim towards the trailer to load up Spartan.
Amy could hear Val Stanton berating her daughter for losing.

Back at Heartland the party was going well, they'd invited a few friends back who were at the show. Amy went to see where Ty had disappeared to and found him in the Barn talking to Spartan.
"Hey coach,  how's the conversation going".
"Ha ha, you got me there".
They were both talking and making a fuss of Spartan when Ty leaned forward and kissed Amy, she was surprised then put her hands around his neck and kissed him back.
They heard a noise and quickly pulled apart but Jack had seen them.
"Erm I'll get back to my quests,  dont be long Ty".
Amy ran back to the house with a big smile on her face.
"Can I have a word Jack, my father sent me this".
Ty showed Jack the letter.

When the party was over Amy went looking for Ty, he wasn't in the Barn so she went up to the Loft and walked in. She stood there looking around and everything was gone, then she saw the letter sticking out from under  his hat and picked it up.
She ran back into the house and straight into her room. Lou saw her crying and followed.
Lou came out later and told Jack that Ty had left.
"Well I know he had a letter from his dad and said he had a decision to make".
"What decision ".
"Not mine to say".
"Your no help, Amy's crying her eye's out in there, at least let me tell her something".
"He'll probably let us know".
Lou went back into Amys room.
For the next couple of months Amy was just moping around and Jack wondered if he should say something, but Amy seemed to be coming out of it so he kept quiet.
Amy  had her hands full with 3 new clients and school, Lou had come up with a plan to build holiday homes at the back end of the Lake which Jack was against but after a bit of pressure from Lisa about letting Lou use her business profession to bring income into Heartland's coffers he relented and agreed.
Lou was talking about it at dinner and said she was going to offer trail rides.
"You could help with that right Amy".
"No, sorry Lou, I have school and my own business ".
"Oh come on Amy I'm sure you could find time somewhere ".
"Lou, Amy just said she wouldn't have time, especially with school as well".
"So what about you grampa".
"I agreed to your Holiday Homes but I have Cattle to look after, so you'll have to hire a Ranch Hand".
"Lou, why don't we go half's on a Ranch Hand  It would help me too especially in a morning with mucking out".
"Yeah that's a good idea Amy".

To be continued

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