Chapter 19

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Chapter 19

It had been another 2 Months and Amy was now 7 months into her pregnancy.
She'd stopped working a week ago on Dr Virani's advice, and to be honest with herself she was glad as she tired a lot quicker now, her leg's had been playing up too as she wasn't resting them enough. Lou had bought Maggie's a month ago as she wanted to move to England and be with Soraya who had become engaged to her boyfriend.
Amy had her breakfast and later on decided to go and see Lou then call in and see Ty afterwards.
She walked in to Maggie's and immediately Lou took her arm and they sat at the table nearest the entrance to behind the counter.
Lou went and got Amy a decaffeinated coffee and herself one too, turns out her stomach bug wasn't a bug after all, Lou and Peter were expecting no 2.
"So when are you starting on the Nursery Amy".
"I'm not, getting someone I know, actually it's someone Ty knows to sort it out, Ty's to busy and I have to rest and relax, Doctors Orders".
They carried on talking about babies, they both thought it weird that they were both pregnant although there was four months between them.
There was a crash in the kitchen so Lou hurried to see no one was hurt and find out what happened.
Amy sat with her hands on her belly waiting for Lou to return. A couple of late teens were sat on the next table and recognised who she was so started talking to her, they were saying how happy they were that Amy had recovered as they loved watching her when they were younger at a couple of her Clinics.
Amy explained that although she survived and did get most of her memories back there were still things missing from them.
Amy was so enjoying talking to the two young women she never noticed him come in or sit at her table until she saw the girls look at someone.
Sat by her was Chase Powers.
"Err what do you want Mr Powers".
"To help you remember, I have a great proposition to put forward".
"Look I don't know who you are and I'm now 7 Months pregnant, so just leave me alone, I'm not interested".
"I can help you remember Amy".
"HEY ARSEHOLE, you heard what she said leave her alone".
"Oh shut ya trap".
One of the girls ran to let Lou know Amy was being harassed by a bloke she did not know.
Lou came out towards where Amy was sat then saw Chase Powers grab her around her waist and Amy screamed like she was in pain and he kissed her.
Chase went flying backwards and crashed on top of a table which broke under his weight. Phones were clicking and some were filming .
"What the hell is wrong with you woman".
"I told you, I don't know who you are and you won't leave me alone".
Lou ran to Amy holding her.
"I'll help you remember ".
"Hey Chase, back off my sister right now, I remember what you did to her all those years ago and you haven't changed one bit, you tried your hardest to try and split her and Ty up but it didn't work, now I'm warning you ".
"What you gonna do about it Lou".
"Me,,,, nothing, but my husband will, won't you my love".
Chase turned around and was stood looking at Peters chest, he looked up and saw the look on Peters face.
"Shall we take this outside as you've already broken one table".
Chase went to the door but Peter didn't follow, as soon as Chase opened the door to walk through he saw Ty suddenly appear in front of him. Peter walked forward and bumped into Chase knocking him outside, Peter and Ty took an arm each lifting him up and walking off with him.
Lou and Amy were hoping that their husbands didn't do anything to get in trouble but ten minutes later they walked back in laughing.
"What did you do to him". Lous said worried.
"Agh nothing, just gave him a good talking to and a few threats of what could happen if he tried anything like that again"
Peter carried on "Yeah, we left him in a large waste bin where all the rubbish goes".
A few people ran outside to see with there phones, Lou ran and poked her head out the door seeing people taking more photos of Chase trying to get out of the large bin covered in all sorts of food and garbage.
Ty had gone over to see Amy and threw his arms around her , she hung on to him still shocked by what happened.
"Are you alright Amy, your shaking ".
"Yeah, I'm just so angry, I wanted to keep punching him".
"Well let's hope he got the message, mind you I don't think he's done his reputation any good by the time all these photos and video's get out there by these customers".
"I'm glad I Don't remember him, thank you for coming over, and you peter, thank you".
"No problem Amy".

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