Chapter 21

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Chapter 21

About 30 minutes later Lisa walked in pushing Lyndy in a small wheelchair,  when she saw her mum.
"Look mummy I've got a chair with wheels ".
Amy and Lou couldn't help but laugh as even though she had a broken leg she was more excited about being pushed along in a wheelchair.
"Hello baby, how are you".
"I'm not a baby Mommy,  I'm a little girl".
They all laughed quietly, Lisa and Lou  helped Lyndy up and she cuddled up to her mom being careful of Amy's stomach after Lou mentioned it to her. Amy hugged her tightly thinking that she could of lost her.
Not long after, Lisa suggested they go and see her daddy, Amy nodded to say that's a good idea.

6 Months later

Amy and Ty were both discharged from hospital after 7 days, Lyndy was allowed to go with Lou after two days.
Jack insisted they stay at Heartland for the next week then see how they were managing as neither of them could pick Lyndy up if they needed to, which as she's five wasn't very often, Lyndy stayed with them in Amy's old room as she was still suffering with occasional nightmares .
By the second week they were both healing as far as their body's went, but mentally they were still recovering from the loss of the child that was taken from them, Amy was having a hard time due to this loss but Lou being her loving sister always got her to talk about it and not keep it bottled up. Jack also spoke to Ty about it, getting him to open up about his feelings. After 3 weeks at Heartland they moved back home.
Lyndy was doing well and thankfully she was now sleeping through the night.
Six weeks later Lyndy had her cast off and the X-ray showed a fully healed leg, to see her running around again made Amy smile.
For the next three months Amy had her monthly check ups and after the third one she was discharged as an out patient,  she was completely healed. Unfortunately though her and Ty's relationship had changed and she felt as if she was alone, Ty was back at work but he was always working, she'd tried to get that bond back but he hadn't cuddled her on the sofa since it all happened let alone kiss her. He'd kiss her head or cheek but that was as far as it went.

The following week Caleb took Ty out for drinks and playing pool after Amy had spoken to Cassandra about the change in Ty, (Cassandra had come to see how Amy was doing).
Cassandra was worried about her friends and spoke to Caleb about it.
After leaving the bar they went back to Calebs trailer and sat outside around the firepit drinking and talking.
Around midnight Cass drove to Amy's and said she'd watch Lyndy as Ty was drunk and upset while Amy went to collect him.
When she got Ty home Cass left and Amy sat him down deciding to talk even though he was drunk as he was always more honest and open.
That night he opened up and talked about how he felt , they were both in tears and hearing him open up about what happened and his fear of how he thought he was going to lose her because they couldn't stop the bleeding of the miscarriage and bullet wound. He was worried that if he got her pregnant and she lost it would he lose her too, which is why he hadn't touched her or got to close.
Eventually he broke down and Amy hugged him, he finally hugged Amy back. They spoke for ages and slowly Ty started to sober up.
The following day Amy made a phone call, not long after her and Ty left Lyndy with Lou and drove to the hospital to see her Gynaecologist.
He showed them in to his office and sat down, then Amy explained what had happened.  He was very supportive and spoke to Ty about his fears, he also explained that Amy's blood loss wasn't because of losing the baby but the damage caused by the bullet. By the time they left the hospital Ty was more like himself again , he kept apologising to Amy but she told him he had nothing to apologise for.
"Ty, everyone handles things differently,  the thing is that all three of us are still alive and well now. Let's go for a walk in the park".
"Yeah, that sounds like a good idea".
They spent a couple of hours talking and finally getting things sorted,  even laying down on the grass together and hugging each other, kissing too. They ended up at Maggie's having a drink and some lunch before going back to collect Lyndy.

Life finally got back to normal,  JD WORTH and the man who accidentally shot Amy, Ty, and Lyndy were found quilty and Jailed,  the shooter got 2 years but JD Werth was Jailed for 10 years due to the amount of laws he broke, bribary etc.
Amy had got back to work and Ty stopped doing so much overtime, there relationship was back to where it was before they were shot and so was there love life.
Amy drove Lyndy to preschool then went to see a woman about her problem horse. When she got there she was introduced to the horse who seemed to be perfectly okay until the owner asked Amy to step back with her and dropped a metal bucket, the horse went crazy.
"How long as he been like this"
"About four weeks,  he was never afraid before, my daughter's in hospital because while she was riding him in the arena to start her usual training for show Jumping one of the metal sheets on the Barn slid off and made such a noise that he went mad".
"How old is your daughter may I ask".
"She's 17 and has been riding him for 3 yrs".
"Is anyone else allowed near him".
"Apart from the staff that know her, no one is allowed in this barn".
Amy was looking around the stall but didn't see anything that could cause this.
"Is this his normal stall".
"No, it's two stalls down, but we wondered if a change of stall with a better view of outside may help".
Amy walked down to the stall and noticed a fresh cover of Hay was in there.
"Do you use Hay or sawdust in the stalls".
"Well this one has Hay".
"Oh yes, my daughter sometimes has a few girls over from school,  their all in the schools Jumping Team and I heard a commotion going on in the Barn, there wasn't anyone around so I walked in and caught one of the girls putting straw inside".
"When was this".
"Err about 4 or 5 weeks ago, we moved him to a better stall and left that one as it was rather than waste the bedding".
Amy walked in grabbing a fork as she went in and started moving the straw around.
"What are you looking for".
"I'll know if I see one, tell me how bad is the competition between the girls, is anyone jealous or see your daughter as a threat".
"Well I would say possibly two of the girls".
"Is one of them the girl who was putting Hay in this stable".
"Oh yes, she would definitely be one of them".
Amy bent down and started picking up things then walked over and showed them to her.
"What are those ".
"There Cap's, here's one that didn't go off".
Amy took her outside and closed the Barn door then gave it to her.
"Here, throw it at the floor hard".
She did as Amy asked and it made her jump when it went off.
"Omg, is this what she's been doing, no wonder the horse reared".
"I'll take the horse with me and desensitise him, I'll leave you to sort out the young lady who hurt not only your daughter but her horse too, here's the rest of the evidence".


The horse was desensitised within the week with Carl's help and returned to her owner. Amy asked how she got on with the girls parents.
"Well I explained what happened and they called their daughter down who denied everything,  so I asked them to check her room which they refused.
So I called there bluff and told em I was calling the RCMP,  they immediately agreed to look. At that point their daughter knew what they'd find so admitted to it. She ran upstairs and brought another bag down".
"Any punishment for what she's done".
"Oh yes, The've taken her off the Jumping Team, so she won't even get to compete.
A few days later and Amy was busy getting things ready for Lyndy's 6th Birthday, she couldn't get over how time had moved forward so quickly, Lou was helping her, Lyndy and Jackson were at school, Lyndy had no Idea that her Mum had arranged with her friends mother's to come to Ranch Tamy after school for the Birthday Party, none of the mothers had said anything to their own children so they wouldn't let it slip by accident. They were at the end of summer so thankfully today was warm, there were games set up and Lyndy already had a large play area.
When it was time Lou left to pick up Lyndy and Jackson. The other Mum's had been told that they could stay and join the other adults on the large porch if they wanted to.
Ty had a video running as Lou entered the Ranch and Amy had the Camera. The look on Lyndy's face was priceless, Jackson gave her a hug saying Happy Birthday,  they acted like brother and sister.
All Lyndy's friends turned up and she got lots of presents and cards she really enjoyed her party.
Amy called her over then took her to her room asking her to wear a T Shirt Amy had done, when Lyndy saw the words she smiled at her mum but Amy put her finger to her lips telling her she wanted to see if daddy saw it,  Lyndy nodded and smiled.
Amy went back to the kitchen and Lyndy went back to her friends.
After a while Ty walked in to see how she was getting on and saw the top she was wearing, ( I'm going to be a big sister  ).


To be continued

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