Chapter 6

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Chapter 6

They got to Ty's room and Jack told Amy to go ahead as he wanted to talk to the Doctor.
She walked in and Ty was asleep but when she saw the state of him she started crying, how could someone do this to another person. He looked like he'd been in a fight in a boxing ring.
She pulled the chair up to his bed quietly and put it so she was facing him then sat and took hold of his hand. She noticed he only had a sheet covering his chest and stomach and curiosity got the better of her and gently pulled it down to his hips. What she saw made her feel sick so moved the sheet back up.
She sat for a while until Jack walked in.
"Look at his chest and stomach Grampa".
"You looked".
"Of course, I wanted to see if he had more injuries".
Jack had a quick look and winced when he saw what they'd done to him.
"That's what happens when two big bloke's want to send a message".
"Why, do they know what happened".
"Apparently he was doing okay with his dad, then his dad started gambling again and ended up owing a lot of money, his dad cleared off so they came after his son, Ty, they wanted their money and said this was a warning to his father, but he'd took off so they decided to beat the crap out of Ty instead.
Fortunately someone called the police and they arrested the two bloke's and rushed Ty to Hospital two day's ago. He managed to give our number this morning but he was in so much pain they knocked him out".
"Neither of us seem to have any luck with our father's do we".
"I'm going to get a coffee do you want one".
"Yeah can I have a caramel latte please ".
"Sure thing".

They spent sometime with Ty, he woke up eventually and they had a good talk, then Jack left Amy and Ty alone so they could talk.
Three days later Jack went to collect Ty with Lou so Jack could drive Ty's truck home to Heartland with his belongings.
Amy had updated Ty on her run in with Tim and she totally understood where he was coming from wanting to try again with his Dad. Ty apologised to Amy for not telling her.
He thought Amy was reconnecting with her father, boy did they both get that wrong
Over the next few weeks Ty recovered and life went back to normal at Heartland.
Jack and Caleb found Tim and warned him off saying that if he touched Amy again he would dissappear where no one would ever find him.
He ran off the next day back to California even putting Big River up for sale, he left with a lot of bruises after he lost his Temper again and tried to punch Jack.

Amy was working hard and Ty decided to Join Scott on his rounds as he seemed interested in becoming a Vet although he did have doubts when Amy's School Bus was involved in a crash on the way to school, although the bus was untouched Amy helped a horse and became The Miracle Girl and Ty helped Scott with the horses in the large transporter, but having to euthanize a couple of horses did upset him Amy gave him nothing but encouragement.


5 Years Later.

Amy was now 21 almost 22 and Ty was 23 yrs old almost 24.
They were still together although they broke up twice due to outside interference and Ty's past flaring up.
Now though they were stronger together and never kept secrets.
Then Amy got a call that her and Ty were needed at the Airport to help with a horse.
Amy finally got the horse to calm down and Scott with Ty's help quickly checked the horse fit to travel.

That night at dinner Amy and Ty were telling them about the stuck up Prince they saw at the Airport.
Lisa then had a thought as she was in a dilemma.
"Amy, you've ridden Race Horse's haven't you, around the track I mean".
"Yes I have but not in a race".
"Well I have a problem, my Jockey has broken his leg and can't ride at the up and coming Race, so how would you like to learn how to ride properly".
"Really, but I'm going to be new to it and doubt if I'd win".
"That's okay Amy I'm not expecting the horse to win, I want to see how he performs mainly, but it would be a valuable addition to your skills, so would you like to learn. I'll pay you to learn and to ride in the race, and if by a miracle the horse actually won you'd get a percentage of the winnings which I'm sure you and Ty could use to build your own Ranch House one day".
"Omg Ty, either way it means more for our savings doesn't it".
"Err, yeah, yeah of course it does".
"Then Yes Lisa I'm in".
Ty's comment didn't go unnoticed by Jack or Lou because Amy could earn 3 or 4 times what he would earn in a year when he's a qualified Vet.
Jack and Lou looked at each other as if to say we have a potential problem".
Amy didn't miss it either.

Later after dinner Amy was sat outside on the swing thinking of not what Ty said but how he said it.
"Hey there you are, I'm going to make a move soon, have university in the morning".
"Yeah, yeah you do".
"Why did you say it like that".
"Well that's exactly the way you said it at dinner when I said it would add to our savings, I mean you didn't sound that thrilled about it".
"Yeah, well you earn more than I do and you always will I guess".
"So is that a problem for you, that your future I hope wife will earn more than you, I mean we earn different amounts because of what we do, but as a couple the money we earn is Ours not yours or mine".
"Yeah right, I'm going to get to bed Amy, I'll see you tomorrow ".
"What no kiss goodnight".
"I'm tired Amy".
Ty got in his Truck and drove off.
Amy walked back in the house towards her room muttering.
"You okay Amy" Lou said looking at her.
"I said bloody men and there Ego's".

To be continued

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