Chapter 7

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Chapter 7

Amy shut her door as not to wake Katie, Lou and Peters daughter.
(No Georgie in this story)
"I bet that comment was to do with Amy's earnings".
"Think you may be right there Lou".

Ty got back to the Trailer and found Caleb sat at the fire pit.
"You came home earlier than I thought".
Ty sat down by the pit and took a bottle of beer that Caleb offered him.
"Well you don't look like someone who just had dinner with his very beautiful girlfriend".
"Yeah well how can I compete with what Amy earns, I'm supposed to be the bread earner as they say".
"You've got to be kidding me, what decade was you born in the 1930s".
"What you on about".
"You Ty, we live in a modern era, men and women earn different salaries nowadays Ty, so what if Amy earns more than you, your supposed to be a couple".
"Well that's the way I think. It would be like living in Amy's House, or Jacks barn, even now I'm living in your trailer".
"When your a Qualified Vet you'll be earning up to $130,000 a year Ty, that's a bloody good salary".
"Yeah, but Amy's earning three times that, and she's going to ride one of Lisa's horses in a race, if she wins she could earn more than what my annual salary would be in one day".
"So what, if you truly love her as much as you say you do, it shouldn't matter".
"Well I'm going to bed".

Just before Ty went to bed he opened his little cabinet and opened the velvet box with an engagement ring, then put it back and went to sleep.
Amy spent the next few weeks at Fairfield being trained for the up coming race. She was glad she was being paid for it and to ride Lisa's horse whether she won or not, there was no pressure on her, Lisa just needed her to ride the horse as best she could.
Lisa came up to the trainer to see how Amy was doing.
"How's she doing ".
"She's a natural Lisa, we're using four different horses so they don't hurt there joints and have a good rest in-between rides and the times she's getting are better than we've ever had, where did you find her".
Well she's my Fiance's Granddaughter,  she's a Trainer, Show Jumper, Barrel Racer and a horse Behaviourist, do you remember about 6 yrs ago there was newspaper articles and a video that went viral of the Miracle Girl".
" She's the Miracle Girl, no wonder she's getting times like this".

The first week of her training there were problems with transport,  Amy either went with Lisa or Jack or Lou would take her to Fairfield, she couldn't take Jack's truck incase he needed it, even though Amy was saving for a Ranch House she knew she needed her own Truck so Lisa took her to look at some, by the end of the week she had her own Truck.
Amy still hadn't seen Ty since that night on the porch.
Back at Fairfield Lisa wanted Amy to take the horse she would be riding around the race track. She had coming out of the gate down to an art now and Lisa was stood at the fence with her stop watch to see what she could do.
Amy came out of the gate and was off.
The trainer was there too.
"She's really moving Lisa".
As she past the post Lisa looked at the time.
"This is working properly right".
"Well mine says the same as yours Lisa, you know I think she has a good  chance of coming in within the first three".


Amy had been missing Ty so much, but she was fed up with his attitude towards money and other things, Ty was always the one to break up with her Just because he couldn't get over something that other men would just brush off or not even say anything about it, she wasn't going to go after him this time like she always used to, she felt that it sent the wrong message, as if she needed him so much she'd give in to whatever he wanted.
She wasn't going to let him think he had control over her, she'd had enough of that with Jack and her so called father.
She was older and wiser and her own woman. Ty had a choice, he either wanted to be with her or he didn't, even though it would break her heart if they did break up.
"Right I've got two more training sessions Grampa, one today and tomorrow, then it's the race on Saturday,  see you Later, Bye".
Lou walked into the kitchen with Katie and sat her in her chair for her breakfast.
"She hasn't seen Ty for four weeks now since he went off in a huff Grampa ".
"Well she told me she was fed up with his attitude over the same things all the time, and this time she wasn't going after him".
"Amy was always the one going after him to get back together".
"Yeah, well this time she's standing up to him, she loves him but said she  won't be controlled".
"She's grown up a lot hasn't she".
"Yes Lou, she certainly has".

Lou heard a powerful car approaching and  looked out.
"Wow that's an expensive looking sports car".
Jack got up and had a look too.
"Wonder what this bloke wants ".
There was a knock at the door so Lou answered it.
"Hello can I help you".
"Hello my names Prince Ahmed I'm looking for Amy, she helped with my horse at the Airport".
"Well Amy's not here at the moment as she's very busy working for someone".
"Well I want her to come and work for me as she seems to be very good with what she does".
"Amy's in high demand and I know from her diary that she's booked up for the foreseeable future, she does have a business to run".
"Where's she working at the moment".
"Sorry we don't give out that sort of information".
"Well I'm willing to pay whatever she wants, open cheque".
"Where are you staying ".
"Hillcrest, ask her to call me".
"I'll pass the message on when I see her".
"Okay thank you".
"He seems full of himself ".
"I don't trust him grampa, open cheque, really!!!!".

Amy got back just before dinner and didn't look happy.
"What's up Amy, not a good day".
"Did you tell some bloke with a flashy sports car where I was by any chance"
"No, he came here looking for you but I told him you were working and very busy, he asked where you were but I  told him we don't give out that information, why".
"Well I don't know how he found out but Carl the trainer called me over while I was riding and this Prince somebody was trying to get me to leave Fairfield and go work for him for some ridiculous amount of money. I didn't like the way he kept looking at me and he had this sick smile on his face as if I'd drop everything Just because of the aloof money he was offering".
"I bet Lisa wasn't happy".
"That's putting it mildly Grampa, she told him to get off her property ".

To be continued

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