Chapter 8

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Chapter 8

They were eating dinner when they heard the roar of a certain sports car.
"You've got to be kidding me, again. Does this bloke not understand what No means".
"Don't worry Amy I'll deal with him".
"Thanks Grampa ".
Jack opened the door to see this Prince stood there.
"What do you want now".
"To speak with Amy".
"Miss Fleming to you, You've already spoken to her I believe ".
"Well yes, but I have a propersition to put to her".
"Do you understand what no means, because she told me how you somehow tracked her down and interrupted her working, No means No, she's not interested. She has loads of work for the next three months at least and she'll be getting more bookings as the weeks go by".
"I'll make it worth her while to cancel her bookings and work with my horses and only my horses".
Amy had heard enough and stormed over to the door.
"Listen here, I do not cancel my customer's for anyone and no amount of money will change my mind, Now push off and stop pestering me".
Amy turned and sat back down to eat her dinner.
"Well you've heard it straight from her so goodbye".
Jack shut the door and he also came back to eat his dinner.
"If he turns up again Grampa, Lou, let me know and I'll see a Lawyer".

Saturday soon arrived and Amy was excited to be a part of this race.
Unknown to anyone Tim Fleming had a horse running in the race but he stayed out of the way, he'd changed his name to Timothy Flamange.
The purse for this race was 2 Million so it had a lot of interest. Tim knew he had a chance of winning it as he had a good horse. Unfortunately for him he didn't know Amy was A Jockey in this race.
All the family was there and Lisa was excited to see if this horse had potential.
The riders all came out and into their gates ready. Tim was looking at the information for the other riders when he saw her name riding for Fairfield Stables. The odds on her horse were not good as it was an unknown so dismissed it, he also didn't think his daughter had raced before either.
Suddenly the gates were up and the race began, Amy stayed away from the fence and put herself in 5th place keeping a steady pace. Soon there were just six horses in the lead, Amy moved her way up into 4th place and a while later into 3rd, it was a good steady pace then she saw the lead horse pulling away so moved the horse forward into 2nd place. Amy knew from the practice runs that her horse had plenty more speed to go and stayed just at the back of the lead horse.
Tim was watching as his horse was in the lead but he didn't realise that Amy was the rider behind his horse.
Lisa couldn't believe that Amy was in 2nd place, but her Trainer Carl knew what Amy was about to do.
As they came to the last marker Amy started moving forward, the lead horse also started to speed up and there was another horse coming up behind her so Amy spoke to the horse like she always did for encouragement and let him go, 5 seconds and she'd pulled up to neck and neck, she could hear the crowd going wild and Tim was looking worried.
They weren't far from the Finish line when Amy gave everything she had and Lisa's horse shot forward past Tim's horse by two horse lengths, she crossed the Finish line and 4 seconds later so did Tim's and the other horse.
Tim was cursing because he almost came in 3rd. Amy was ecstatic and Lisa was Jumping up and down thinking the horse may only come in 5th or 6th.


Tim was watching the winners circle when Amy took off her eye shield and her helmet. He stood there shocked that his own daughter had beaten his horse, but his Temper was beginning to take over at the loss of 2 Million Dollars.
He moved away quickly before he was recognised.
Lisa was hugging Amy saying that she couldn't believe she actually won the race. There were TV Cameras and the press, including reporters and TV personnel.
It was all so surreal to Amy.
Eventually the horse was taken back to the Stables and Lisa and Amy joined everyone else in the celebration.
"Lisa, I'm going to go and see Shadow and give him some hugs".
"Okay love, see you in a while".

Amy opened up Shadows stall and walked in giving him a lot of pats and hugs, talking to him.
Amy turned round to see Tim stood there, she tried to imagine steam coming out of his nose as he looked so red faced.
"Didn't know you were in the race actually ".
"Yeah my horse was, how could you do that to me".
"Like I said, I thought you were down in California ".
"You can come and ride for me".
"Err No I won't, I live here in Hudson and apart from that I do not like you".
"Come with me or your boyfriend will pay".
"Do you see him anywhere, that's because he left me, so do what you like because he's not my boyfriend anymore, better still why Don't you piss off back to California and leave me alone".
"How dare you speak to me like that".
"This is me being calm, believe me I've been calling you much worse than that, you only think of yourself and what you can get out of it. When you left, my life improved 100%".
"Well like I said your coming with me as my new Jockey".
"Like hell I will, I have a life here and until you turned up I was actually happy, now leave me alone and piss off".
Amy hit the horse but not hard and he kicked out Just missing Tim. Realising what Amy just tried to do to him he went for her.

Lisa and the family were enjoying themselves, Lisa was saying to Jack and Lou how proud she was of Amy when she realised Amy hadn't come back.
"Carl, Amy hasn't come back from visiting Shadow".
"I'll go and check on her".
"Where's Carl going Lisa ".
"Find Amy".
As Carl was about to leave the building towards the Stables he called a security guard to accompany him.
Carl explained that Amy hadn't returned to the party, not knowing what they were going to find he pulled his gun ready and they walked into the stable area. Carl knew where shadow was and noticed the gate was slightly open, the guard put his hand on Carl's chest and he quietly entered first seeing a bloke leaning over someone with his hands around her throat.
Tim did as he was told but his Temper was still high, he picked up a metal Hay fork and ran at them.
Carl ran to Amy and checked her pulse, it was steady but very weak.
"Call an Ambulance and tell em it's a code 3 now, how is he".
The guard shook his head.
Carl looked at Amy covered in blood, her Jaw was at a funny angle, blood was coming from her mouth, Nose, and ears, he could also tell that her assailant was strangling her.
Carl grabbed his phone and called Lisa.


To be continued

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