Chapter 13

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Chapter 13

Ty saw Amy looking at him and wondered if she knew him or not. She wasn't crying but he saw tears running down her face.
Amy was looking at Ty seeing a different version of him to all the memories she now had. He looked slightly older but more handsome, a grown up handsome, suddenly she sat up and threw her arms around his neck and kissed him with all the feelings that had come back to her. Then she pulled back.
"I remember everything Ty".
Then Ty kissed her.
He knew he did the right thing leaving, giving her time to heal, but he needed time to heal himself by getting help as his problems were always coming between them.
They talked about everything, he told her how Calebs advice actually was good advice this time so he saw a Counsellor which changed his life, he felt free for the first time in his life.

A week later Jack, Lisa and Lou were standing in the kitchen watching as the two love birds went for a walk holding hands.
"Well we've got our Amy back, slightly different but that's a good thing".
"Yeah Grampa, we've got Ty back too"
"She's going to miss him when he goes back to Winnipeg ".
"I know Lisa but it's only for a month while he works his notice. I'm glad he phoned Scott".
"He was so pleased that Scott offered him his old job back Jack".
Amy and Ty walked for some time talking and before they realised it they were at the Ridge. They sat down in the long grass then laid back, it was a lovely sunny day and they just held each other in their arms kissing, this was the one place they both loved, especially the view of the snow capped mountains.
Over the next three weeks Amy was busy and so was Ty but still managed to find time for each other.
Two day's before Ty was to leave he asked Amy on a Date as it would be a while before was able to come back, saying he wanted to take her to a new posh restaurant.

When Ty arrived to collect her his chin hit the floor, Amy looked gorgeous in her dress, a little makeup and her hair was dead straight.
Lou had to take a photo as usual.
It was a beautiful Restaurant and the food was excellent, the waitress cleared their plates away and took there order for dessert.
While they were waiting Ty got up and went down on one knee producing the Ring he'd held onto for two years, he then proposed asking for her hand in marriage, Amy smiled and said Yes, there was clapping as everyone saw what was happening and watched to see if she said yes or no. Ty gave her a sweet kiss.
"Well Ty, now you have to come back". With a big smile.
"Definitely, I've been keeping your ring safe since just before you got hurt".
"Omg Ty, you've had it for two years".
"Yes, I wanted to sort myself out then hoped you'd remember, I only ever wanted you".
"Now I have my memory back , I only want you too".


Ty dropped Amy back at home, they kissed and Ty said he'd see her before he left.
Amy walked in and saw everyone still up at 10pm.
"Did you have a nice time".
"Yes it was a lovely evening, Just making my self a mug of tea, be through in a minute".
She made her Camomile tea and walked through to the lounge sitting on the sofa. Put her tea on the small table but left her hand on her knee wondering how long it would take them to notice.
They asked about the restaurant and the food. Then Lou's ever watchful eye's saw the glint of her Ring.
"AMY,,,, your Engaged, let's see the ring please".
"Ohhh Congratulations Amy".
"I wondered how long it would take you to notice. Ty got on one knee at the Restaurant and asked me to Marry him ".
"That looks really expensive Amy".
"It's beautiful isn't it".
"Amy, that Ring is a family heirloom, Ty took me with him him when he went looking, and he really wanted something nice to show his love for you, I told him to save his money because I had just what he needed, that was your Grandma Lyndy's engagement ring and she wanted you to have it when you found the one".
"Oh thank you Grandpa, I'll treasure it for always".

6 Months Later

Amy and Ty had set the Date 6 months ago and it was almost here.
After they were engaged Jack took Amy up to there favourite place near the Ridge and gifted Amy with 100 Acres for her and Ty to build their own place. They both sat down and drew their own plans of what the house would look like, then put them together to see what each other wanted, Ty wanted a Pool Room and Amy wanted a room to relax with a Hot Tub. The Plans were pretty much the same for the layout but Ty had put two bedrooms and Amy wanted four which she wasn't going to budge on.
They had the plans drawn up and an internal view too, and they were both very pleased with the outcome.
Their new home was almost halfway completed, so Amy suggested they get a pre built unit and have it installed near the entrance to their property, which would give them somewhere to live for a while and then it could be used by a Ranch Hand. It was just a Two bedroom modular Cabin.
Ty asked her about a new barn as Jack won't allow changes to his old barn.
Amy showed Ty some plans she'd drawn up for a 12 Stall Barn, Hay barn, her own Ring Training Corrals, leaving Jacks free for the Cattle like it used to be.
New Gates at the Entrance by the Cabin and two paddocks.
"You've put a lot of thought into this Amy, it's brilliant, what did Jack say".
"He'll find out afterwards, it's our land Ty and we're building our own Ranch and our own future".
Amy wrapped her arms around him and gave him a loving kiss.

To be continued

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