Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

Amy, Lou and Jack walked back in after saying goodbye to Ty.
"Oh bye Ty really nice to meet you".
"Oh shut up Lou". Amy laughed.
Lou turned and actually saw her Sister blushing with a smile on her face. Something she thought she'd never see again, even Jack saw a bit of the old Amy.
"Well err, I'd better get to work".
Amy hurried out towards the Barn.
"You know Lou, think I saw a bit of the old Amy when she blushed".
"I did too Grampa, I think the attraction is still there somewhere".

The following morning Jack said he was off to collect some Vaccines from the Vet Clinic, when Amy suddenly Spoke.
"I'll go for you Grampa, I mean I've got to get something from Maggie's so I can call in and get them from Scott".
"Oh, err okay Amy, that would be a big help thank you".
Jack turned and saw Lou smiling, he couldn't help smiling himself.
"Grampa do you think that seeing Ty could trigger any memories".
"You never know Lou, the Doctor said they don't understand that much about how the brain works, we'll just have to wait and see".
Later Amy walked into the Clinic and saw Scott, so asked for the order her Grampa put in.
As Scott went to get it he noticed Amy was looking around.
"There you go Amy".
"Oh thanks Scott".
"He's over at Maggie's".
"Sorry, who".
Scott smiled at her then said it again.
"You'll probably see him when you go to get whatever it is your getting ".
"Okay thanks Scott, bye".

Amy walked into Maggie's and saw Ty sat at the counter so sat on the stool next to him.
"Hey, fancy seeing you here".
"Well it's been a while since I was here, so had to pop in, and I'm glad there still doing the Veggie Chilli".
"Yeah, it's my favourite too".
The waitress walked up to Amy, although she'd been there for about
6 yrs she always spoke without thinking.
"So the usual Amy".
"Yes please jenny, thanks".
"Nice to see you two back together, won't be a minute".
Ty quickly said something then changed the conversation.
"Opps, sounds like she's in trouble, so what did you come into Maggie's for Amy, chilli or something else".
"Err, actually I came in for a new Bridle, we have a horse called Harley and this is the second one he's broken, I thought he was a rescue but Grampa said he belongs to someone".
"Oh that's my fault Amy, he's my horse and Jack said he'd keep him at Heartland until I was settled, but the last two years have been really hard for me, he should of said something and I'd have paid for them. While we're waiting let's go pick one out and I'll pay for it".
As they were walking over Ty quickly told Jenny where they'd be.
She looked at Ty and mouthed 'Sorry'.
They picked out a bridle then sat and ate their lunch. Ty said he had to get back but he'd be over tomorrow to give paint his injection.
Lou was doing some washing when Amy got back but Lou saw confusion on Amy's Face as soon as she walked in.
"What's wrong Amy".
"You tell me Lou, people are keeping secrets".


"Amy!! ,what do you mean keeping secrets".
Jack walked in but only heard the last part of the sentence.
"Keeping secrets, who is".
Amy looked at them both.
"You all are, what aren't you telling me, Jenny served me and just said 'it's nice to see you two back together' then Maggie shouted at her, and Ty changed the conversation twice. So what's the truth about that painting and why haven't I got any photos in my room. As far back as I can remember I've always had photos on my mirror, TELL ME,,,, please ".
"Okay Amy, but we were advised by your doctor to let you remember on your own, if and when you saw something or someone that triggered your memories, so I'm not going to tell you word for word what happened I'll give you hints and see how it goes, okay".
"Right, the painting was a gift from Ty,
Do you remember how he got it and why it got damaged".
Amy was trying to think when Lou handed the painting to Amy who stood looking at it.
Suddenly she saw herself stood at the end of the runway, then a police woman, horses, Harley, purple bags tied to branches, a Plane Crash, Ty, Scott, blood ,wreckage, holding Ty, kissing Ty, the visions were getting faster and faster, then other visions of her and Ty were bombarding her head. Ring of Fire, Fall Finale, Dark Horse, She couldn't stop them , her head was hurting a lot, Amy fell to the floor clutching her head and screaming. Then she started fitting uncontrollably.
Jack grabbed a wooden spoon and put it across her mouth to stop her from biting her tongue off.
Lisa had already phoned an ambulance as if she knew how it was going to play out.
"An Ambulance has already been dispatched".
"How did you know Lisa".
"I saw it happen once before, a long time ago ".
Everything happened so fast, then the medics rushed in and took over injecting her with an anti convulsing drug, within minutes Amy with Lou were in the Ambulance rushing to Hudson General.
Amy was still fitting but not as bad so they injected her with a mild sedative which helped even more.
When they got to the hospital the Doctor who treated her before was waiting for them after he was notified by the A & E Doctor on call had read her notes quickly.

Lou, Jack and Lisa with Katie were sat waiting again.
Eventually the doctor came over to them.
"I'm sorry we have to meet again under these circumstances, Amy's fully sedated for now to give her brain a chance to calm down, so how did this happen.
Lou and Jack explained how Amy came in all confused after going into Town and proceeded to tell how they tried to calm her down and only used words and not an account of how she got the painting. Then how she clutched her head shouting there were to many visions and getting faster, then collapsed and fitting.
"I would best describe what happened as a Brain Storm, to many memories coming back like when you fast forward a film, the speed they came back were to much for her to handle.
You did the right thing only using words for her instead of just telling her, it gave her the opportunity to think and although it wasn't pleasant, it helped her to dig deep for what she'd lost".
The following day when Amy woke up Ty was sat by her bed.

To be continued

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