Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

2 Years Later.

For the first 6 months Amy found it hard to get back to some sort of normality, she suffered with mild headaches constantly which eventually stopped.
Lou and Lisa striped Amy's room of the photo's of her and Ty and checked the draws in her cabinets before she came home. Jack explained about her Mum.
She didn't ask about Ty at all. They'd forgotten the Painting that Ty gave her when they had the Plane Crash as it was hanging on the wall.
When she mentioned it Jack came up with a good reason. He told her that there was a trainee Vet called Ty Borden who worked for Scott Cardinal and he knew she was mad about horses so much he gave her the painting.
Amy suffered from recall memories but not enough to grab hold of.
The following year she was practically back to the Amy they new, apart from her memory loss, she was now 26 yrs old, she was working with horses again and was booked solid for up to 6 months in advance.
Ty had phoned Jack when he'd seen the newspaper articles about the Miracle Girl waking up after a 3 month Coma.
Jack explained that she hadn't mentioned him as she'd lost 10 years of memories, she had no memory of him, that was the last time they heard from him .

Jack was at the Vet Clinic getting the Red Nile Vaccines when Scott informed him he was going away for a Month but had a very qualified Vet who was going to run the Clinic while he was away. He was due to arrive by the end of the week.
Jack just hoped that he was as good as Scott.
Thursday morning Jack was making a pot of Coffee, Amy was out on a trail ride as she had nothing planned till Lunchtime.
He was standing at the kitchen window drinking his Coffee when Lou came up to him and looked out the window as well.
"Well look at that Grampa, never thought we'd see that old Blue truck again. It parked at the fence and a very grown up and smartly dressed Ty Borden got out and walked towards the door.
"Well I'll be a monkeys uncle, look at you, it's so good to see you Ty".
"It's good to see you too Jack ".
"Come in".
Lou noticed Ty quickly glance around inside.
"It's okay Ty, Amy's out on a trail ride, I can't get over how different you look, come here".
Lou gave Ty a hug and they sat in the Lounge, Jack came in with coffees still looking at this young man who looked nothing like the Ty they remembered.
"So what have you been up to Ty".


"I moved in with a mate at uni as he had a spare room and stayed until I Graduated then got a Job at a Clinic in Ontario to start with. Then I moved to a practice in Winnipeg where I'm at now, I also took Caleb's advice which was a good one for a change and saw a Counsellor, who took me back to when I was a child and we worked forwards up to before I left. She even used Hypnotherapy for some of the problems including the Money problem I had which was because of my Dad and Wade. Now I feel like a different person, and I feel great, wish I'd done it a lot earlier".
"We're glad to hear it Ty".
Thanks Jack".
"So have you met anyone".
"To be honest Lou, I tried dating but it never felt right and I couldn't get into it".
"Let me guess, you kept thinking of Amy!!!".
"Yeah, to be honest, but I didn't know how things were with her and her memories".
"Well to be honest Ty, and I know this may hurt but she's never mentioned you, we had to take down all the photos of you and her and others. We kept them safe so if she asked where they were we could give them back to her but she never did".
"Remember though Grampa we forgot about the painting and she asked about it".
"Oh yes that's right Lou. I had to think fast so I told her about you and that you were working for Scott as a trainee Vet and how you got it, then because you knew she was mad about horses you gave it to her".
"That was quick thinking Jack".
"Yes it was, but there was no recognition, so the doctors said to wait for her to ask about anything she may remember or think she may".
"So what are you doing over this way Ty".
"Actually Lou I'm looking after Scott's Clinic while he's away and house sitting for him".
"Ahh so your the one he was talking about, he never mentioned a name".

They spent a couple of hours drinking Coffee and chatting when Amy walked in.
"I'm back Lou".
Amy walked in and saw the stranger sat in the Lounge.
"Oh, hello".
"Amy, remember when you asked about the painting in your room, ("Yeah") well this is Dr Ty Borden who gave it to you, he's here to cover for Scott while he's away".
"Hello Amy, I know you probably don't remember me".
"No I don't, but thank you for the painting, I probably already thanked you, I'm having a few memory problems at the moment".
"That's perfectly understandable Amy, I understand. Well I'd better get myself over to the Clinic and let Scott know I've arrived".
"Okay Ty, thanks for coming to see us first".
"Well I had to call in and say hello".
"Oh Bye Ty, it was really nice to meet you".
"Bye Amy, bye Lou".

To be continued

Amy and TYWhere stories live. Discover now