Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

"Well I was 17 when he showed up, he'd straightened himself out after 2 years and met me at Maggie's, I missed him, I mean I was 15 when he left and I thought it was great he looked for me, then all the bullying and pushing started and he wouldn't stop so after I graduated I left for New York and went to University. OMG Grampa what have I done.
Don't worry Lou, just tell Amy the truth, okay".
"Okay Grampa ".
"Also if you don't want him phoning you then block his number".
"Why didn't I think of that".

Two days later Amy was already off on a trail ride with Spartan while Ty was secretly building a Jumping course.
Amy and Soraya had tried to get Spartan into a trailer but he wasn't having it after the crash.
A few days later Ty asked Amy if she was available as he wanted to show her something, he was really keen and Amy was starting to like him so she asked how far it was.
"Honestly Amy it's on Heartland land , it won't take long".
"Ohhh, okay then".
When Ty pulled up and Amy saw what he'd built, she got out and walked over to look at it. As he stood by her he could see the tears running down her face.
"Amy, is this good enough for you to train on, I think I've done it right".
"No one's ever done something like this for me before, it's perfect Ty, thank you".
Amy hugged him and kissed his cheek.

The following day Lou knocked Amy's bedroom door just as Amy's alarm went off.
"Come in". Amy shouted.
"Hey morning, I need to speak with you about Dad".
"Well he's come back, I don't know if you want to see him or not".
"No, I don't know who he is, why's he come back now Lou".
"Well honestly it's my fault, I thought he should know about Mum but I didn't think he'd actually come back to live round here, I thought he'd come to the funeral and then go. There's things you need to know about him Amy".
"I know some of it because Mum told me and warned me about him".
Lou went on to tell Amy what happened when he last came back and why she left Hudson. She also told her about when she met him yesterday.
Later on Amy and Ty were in the Barn when a red BMW skidded up to the Barn entrance . Ashley Stanton got out and sauntered over to Ty talking to him and then started touching his arm batting her eye lashes at him. Amy was furious, everytime there's a new man she has to turn up, it doesn't matter if they have a girlfriend or not.

3 Months Later

Amy and Soraya had been using the course Ty had made and Spartan was a natural but she still couldn't get him in the Trailer.
She was trying to get him in the Trailer when Ty came out the Barn.
"Amy, you may want to try opening the side door to let some light in, it's too dark in there".
"Thanks Ty, I'll try it".
Ty started his bike and rode off.
Amy tried his suggestion and bingo ,Spartan went straight through, so Amy tried it a few more times and he did it everytime.
Amy tacked him up and took him for a trail ride. She'd been out for some time and was wondering where Ty had gone, for the last month jacks girlfriend Lisa had her Nephew Ben staying at Heartland and he wouldn't do a thing to help. He treated everyone as if they were his own staff, he wouldn't muck out and always expected Ty to wash his horse down, the atmosphere at Heartland wasn't good and she and Ty kept arguing about him.
She hadn't realised how far they'd ridden when she suddenly saw him moving some cattle, Amy knew who he was from photo's so quickly turned Spartan around and rode off just as Tim shouted her name, he rode after her but Spartan was faster and he turned back. Tim was Red in the face with anger that Amy had ridden off without speaking.
When she got back she noticed that there had been a delivery of Jumps and Ben was putting them out.
Ty was back and working in the Barn.


"He's something else, that Ben Amy. Telling me to help him put his dam Jumps out, I've got my own work to do".
"Yeah I know Ty, he's a pain in the butt, so where'd you dissappear to this morning".
"A job interview".
"What, I thought you liked it here".
"I did, until his lordship arrived".
"Well I don't like it either, but Lou says that his Aunt is paying for him to stay here and apparently we need the money".
"Yeah, it's alright for some".
The following day Ben was Jumping in the arena and Amy didn't like the way Ben kept whipping his horse when he wouldn't jump.
Mallory had come over and also mentioned it to Amy. But as Amy said it's his horse and she'd already had a go at him for how he was treating his horse, but Ben was arrogant and told Amy to mind her own business.

That night at dinner the atmosphere wasn't good, Amy didn't want Ty to leave and Ben was giving digs at Ty about working on a horse Ranch and he couldn't even ride. Ty was really getting fed up with it.
The phone rang and Jack answered it then passed it over to Ty.
"It's for you, Val Stanton ".
"Oh thanks, excuse me for a moment".
Ty took the phone outside to talk.
Amy knew Ashley  had put him up to this and she didn't want him to leave.
"I thought he had to stay here Grampa  according to Clint".
"No, he can go wherever he wants to".
Ben noticed the looks that he was getting from Amy and Jack.
"Well Ben if he leaves then you'll have to wash your own horse and clean out his stall".
"Nah, you can do that can't you Amy".
"Ben, Amy has her own work to do and to be completely honest,  Ty shouldn't be doing what your supposed to do either,  So from now on look after your own dam horse".
"I'll do it it".
"No Mallory,  Ben's horse, Ben's responsibility, you here hear me Ben".
"Yeah Jack".
Ty walked back in and sat down.
"Ty, from now on Ben will be looking after his own horse, so I don't want to see you doing anything for him at all okay".
"Fine by me Jack".

The next day Ben was Jumping Red and doing his usual treatment of the poor horse. Amy was in the Barn and Ty had gone to see Val Stanton  when Mallory came running in saying that Ben was on the floor.
They rushed out and were helping him up, he was cusing and angry then noticed Red was gone.
He went in one direction and Amy and Mallory went another.
After a while they found him, Amy phoned Ben to say they had him and were bringing him back.
As they started to cross the small river Red pulled back sharply causing Amy to fall off Spartan, Mallory screamed and Copper took off leaving Amy unconscious on the rocks with her face a couple of inches from the water.

To be continued

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