Chapter 23, [ Epilogue ]

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Chapter 23,

[ Epilogue ]

Amy was up the next morning but Ty had already gone to work, she couldn't understand what was going on with him, she phoned Lou and asked her to come over as she needed to talk to her.
An hour later she turned up with cakes and they spent hours just talking  about Ty's attitude and all the arguments. The ex friend who caused Ty a lot of anxiety and his moods.
Lou had no idea what else Amy could do but wait it out until he was ready to talk to her about it.

Ty was in Maggie's having his lunch in a window seat, he looked out the window and on the other side of the road he saw Amy with another bloke walking up the road arm in arm, he couldn't believe it. She was out in Hudson not even trying to hide the fact she was with someone else.
Then Caleb walked in and sat by Ty.
"Believe me now Ty, look at her".
Ty got up to go and confront Amy when he saw them get in a truck that had Cooper's Crossing Therapy Ranch on the side. He watched it drive off.
Ty ran back to the Clinic and got in his Truck then drove home, unfortunately there'd been an accident so Ty was held up.
Eventually he got home and stormed into the house.
"Hey, what are you doing home".
"How long have you been back".
"What, I've been home all morning why, what are you on about Ty".
"You know what I'm on about, I just saw you in town with that Cooper guy, how long has it been going on for Amy".
"I have absolutely no idea what your on about Ty, I've been home here with Lou all morning".
"Yeah, I'm sure Lou will back you up, your cheating on me and I never thought you'd do that".
"TY, I would never cheat on you, I can't understand where this is coming from ".
"Well I'm gone, I can't believe you'd do this".
The next thing Amy knew was Ty throwing his bag in the truck and driving off.
She sat at the table and cried then she phoned Lou still in tears.

Lou turned up asking what happened.
Amy told her in-between sobs.
"I told him I was here with you but he didn't believe me, said that you'd stick up for me anyway".
Lou held Amy but she wanted to get her hands on Ty and find out what he was playing at.
"Look Amy, it may do you both some good to have a break and we'll find out what's going on".
Amy just nodded.
"Now calm yourself down okay, it's not good for the baby".
"Oh god Lou, Lyndy will be back in five minutes".
"Don't worry, I'll go pick them up".
Lou drove off to the school bus stop to pick up Lyndy and Jackson.
When they got back to Amy's she told Lyndy to pack some clothes as she was stopping with her and Jackson for a couple of days.
"Amy, Lyndy can stop with me and Jackson for a few days okay, Grampa and Lisa are away, so just do what you want, didn't Clint ask you to help him out when Cooper goes away tomorrow away with his girlfriend".
"Yeah he did".
"Well at least you won't have to worry about Lyndy. Phone me tomorrow sometime okay".
"Okay, thank you Lou".

Ty was stopping with Caleb and took a couple of days off so decided to get drunk around the firepit.
"So what did Amy have to say for herself then Ty".
"She denied everything, said she was at home with lou all morning. I mean of course Lou's gonna stick up for her sister, I can't believe she'd do this, I know I've been off with her and things haven't been good but all couples have occasional falling outs".
"Well unless Amy has a double it had to be her right".
"Err, well yes , we both saw her right. You saw saw her, and you said that his girlfriend was called Amy, short, blonde, Cowgirl".
"That's what he said, and he didn't know me so".
They carried on drinking and Caleb changed the conversation.
Two day's Later Ty was back at work, he was moody and Scott asked him what was going on.
"It's personal Scott , like me and Amy personal ".
"Well if it's affecting our business I have a right to know Ty".
They walked into Scott's office and Ty explained what's been happening over the last month up to a couple of day's ago".
"Well it can't be Amy Ty".
"Me and Caleb saw her walking arm in arm with Cooper, and she got into his truck".
"Well I saw him a couple of days ago and he said he was going on holiday today actually with his girlfriend ".
"I need to pop home and check up on something Scott, I won't be long".
Ty drove back to their Ranch and didn't find anyone at home, he got in his Truck and drove down the road to Heartland.
Lou saw him pull up and went to the door.
"So you decided to come and see your daughter did you".
"Why's she here Lou, she should be at school ".
"She wasn't feeling very well, personally I think she's to upset at her daddy for leaving her mum, she also said that her daddy doesn't love her anymore because he won't let her sit on his lap and give her cuddles".
"So where's Amy then".
"She's working Ty".
"Oh is that what they call it".
"What are you on about, your not making sense Ty".
"Well Amy's not here, and Cooper has gone on Holiday with his girlfriend called Amy".
"Get in here Ty, I think you need to listen to some truths".
"Look Lou I know your going to stick up and cover for Amy but I think we all know she's gone away with Cooper on holiday and your looking after Lyndy".
"Get your ass in here now Ty and say hello to your daughter ".
Ty walked in and saw Lyndy playing in the Lounge.
"Hey sweetheart, Daddy's here".
Lyndy looked at him and ran to Jacksons bedroom.
"What the hells wrong with her Lou".

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