Chapter 20

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Chapter 20

2 Months Later

Amy has fully recovered, two weeks after she had her stiches taken out and got the all clear.
Chase Powers was Charged with Sexual Assault and Attempted Murder,  his Lawyer tried to get bail but was denied on the grounds of being a danger, and fleeing. He was held on remand until his court date, his wife filed for divorce on the grounds of mental instability and violence. Which would help the prosecution with the case.
Amy's pregnancy continued without any problems.
Amy was now three days past her due date.
"Hey Ty, come and cuddle me".
Ty was writing a report out about a horse he saw today for the RCMP for negligence.
"Well that was good timing love, I've literally just finished my report".
He walked over and sat next to her hugging as best they could.
"What film do you fancy watching love".
"Well I was flicking through the films on Netflix this afternoon and saw what looks like a good film, it's got Harrison Ford and Anne Heche called 6 Day's and 7 Nights, a comedy romance, action film, it looks good".
"Okay let's watch that,  sounds like easy viewing".
"Yeah, nothing heavy".
Ty put it on and they sat watching it, in places it was really funny and Amy was killing herself laughing even Ty was laughing.
At the end of the film Amy asked for a mug of tea.
"Help me up love, I need to pee".
He held her hands and gently helped to pull her up, once she was standing  she went to the guest washroom while Ty put the kettle on.
"Ty,,,,, don't bother with tea, get my hospital bag".
Ty ran upstairs and was back down in record time. He stood in the entrance of the washroom looking at Amy who was still sat on the toilet.
"I'm glad I was sat down when my waters broke, no mess to clean up".
They both burst out laughing.
"I think it was all that laughing during the film".
"Yes very possible Amy, ready when you are my love".
"Okay, let's go, take my truck because it has actual suspension ".
They both started laughing again.
"That film seems to have given you the giggles".
"Ha Ha , I really enjoyed it".
They got in Amy's truck and set off for the hospital. Ty and Amy decided not to call the family yet as they didn't want them sat at the hospital for hours on end just waiting. Ty was going to phone after the baby was born, this was there time together to see their child come into the world.
They arrived at the maternity unit at 11pm and Amy was checked over, a midwife set up everything and they both sat listening to Baby's heartbeat.

Amy had been in Labour for nine and a half hours when they were told she was fully dilated and when she felt the urge to push to just go with what her body was telling her.
After ten hours their Little Girl was born, she was a healthy 7lb 4oz with blue eye's and blonde hair.
Amy was crying from happiness and so was Ty, it was the first time Amy had ever seen him cry properly, they were so happy. After she'd been cleaned up they put her to Amy's breast and she latched on and started to feed.
Ty was in awe at what he was seeing, Amy looked at Ty with a big smile on her face, Ty gave her a short but sweet kiss.
The family had all had breakfast early and the chores were done, as it was a Sunday they were deciding what to do for the day when the house phone rang.
Jack answered and spoke to Ty, congratulating them both and asked when they could visit. He then walked back into the lounge.
"Right everyone,  I know what we're doing today".
"What's that Grampa ".
"Well Lou were all going to the hospital to see Amy and meet your Niece and our great Granddaughter who was born an hour ago".
"What, why didn't they tell me, I mean us when she went in".
"Well I assume they didn't want us all sat there over night for ten hours, and they just wanted to be on their own".
Peter looked at Lou and her usual reaction of not being involved.
"Well I think that was very considerate of them, at least we all got a good night's sleep".

About midday the family turned up and Ty met them taking them up to the Maternity unit.
When they walked in it was all Ooo's and Ah's as everyone was looking at the new member of the family,  Amy was talking to Katie who was mesmerised by how small their baby was.
"Ty, did you get the Nursery finished".
"Yes Lou, it looks brilliant,  she did a good job, me and Amy are well pleased with what she did".
"Can you give me her number, it seems less stressful than doing it all ourselves ".
"Oh it definitely is Lou, she's great".
There was lots of congratulations 🎊
Hugs and kisses.
"Amy can I hold her".
"Of course you can Lou".
"God Amy, she looks just like you when you were born".
"Thanks Grampa".
"So when's the next one Amy".
"Blimey Lou I've only just had her, give it 5 yrs then we'll see, and maybe 5 yrs after that one".
"You want three kids".
"I want a big family Lou, why do you think we had so many bedrooms built , Ty said two bedrooms when we were making the plans, then I said where are the kids going to sleep, he hadn't thought of that, Ha Ha".
"Typical bloke, ha ha".
They all eventually left the new parents with their beautiful daughter.
Ty left at 8pm when visiting finished and was picked up by Peter.
The following day Amy was discharged and they went home as parents,  Amy was in the back with the baby seat and their newly named daughter Lyndy, Amy was on cloud nine, she'd always wanted a family and Lyndy was number 1.

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