𝕥 𝕨 𝕖 𝕟 𝕥 𝕪 - 𝕥 𝕙 𝕣 𝕖 𝕖

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𝕒𝕣𝕥 𝕔𝕣𝕖𝕕𝕚𝕥 𝕥𝕠 𝕝𝕦𝕔𝕚𝕛𝕒𝕒_𝕒𝕣𝕥 (𝕥𝕨𝕚𝕥𝕥𝕖𝕣)

Your first of two semesters at Shiganshina was coming to a close. Talk of Thanksgiving break lingered throughout the air of all of your classes. The cafeteria even made their own version of Thanksgiving dinner consisting of turkey, mashed potatoes, gravy, carrots, green bean casserole, stuffing, cranberry sauce, and pumpkin pie. It was as good as it could have been for food created to feed the masses. Sasha sure didn't seem to mind the overall lack of flavor.

You drove to campus even though your last class was only a half hour walk away because the weather was getting to be so cold. Once your professor dismissed class, you packed up your notebook, pens, and pencils before rummaging around your book bag for your keys. They weren't jingling in the front pocket where you always kept them.

You searched the bigger main compartment, still no keys. Your heart raced in your chest as you began to panic, frantically feeling around every little pocket for your lanyard. Alas, no keys were found.

You inwardly groaned at what you knew had happened. You knew you would lock your keys in the car. You should have driven home at some point to get your spare like you thought when you first moved in. You sprinted to the parking lot to peer into your vehicle, and lo and behold laid your lanyard adorning your keys in the middle console. You pulled on the door handle, praying to any sort of higher being that it was unlocked. Your prayers remained unanswered when the door didn't budge.

Your first thought was to call Mikasa and road trip with your best friend home, but that wasn't an option because your middle classed gimmick would be up the second she saw the manor you were raised in.

You had two options. To call your parents and tell them, in which no doubt would earn you a scolding but one of their assistants would drive you up the spare. Or call Eren and see if he would be willing to drive you home to pick your spare up.

It wasn't a bad idea. It was in the middle of the afternoon, so your parents were sure to be at work. You couldn't let them know about Eren just yet. Not after the constant nagging about not getting attached to anyone until after medical school. Not when Eren was the complete opposite of what they'd approve of: long hair, pierced ears, painted fingernails. Eren was a lot of things, but he certainly didn't fit into the boring, stuck up, professional business class.

And you loved him for it.

You reached into your bag to grab your phone before clicking on Eren's contact to call him.

"What's up?" he answered, sounding slightly concerned. You never called him this time of day.

"You busy right now?"

"Not really, just got back from taking Isabel on her walk. You need something?"

"It's a lot to ask, so feel free to say no. But I lo-"

"I'm down. What do I gotta do?" he interrupted.

"...As I was saying, I locked my keys in my car and my only spare is back at home in Orvud. Think you can give me a ride?"

"I already said yes, Y/N. Where are you?"

"I'll share my location. See you soon."

You got a head start on your homework at one of the seating areas in your classroom building while you waited for Eren to arrive. Once he did, you gathered your things together once more and ran to his car to escape the freezing climate.

"I'm so glad it's not snowing today," you huffed between heavy breaths when you finally made it to him and shut the door behind you.

"Hey, Y/N," Eren greeted as he leaned across the middle console to catch your lips in a casual kiss. No matter how many times he did things like that, you were always so amazed at how quickly his body felt like home itself.

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