Chapter 1:Rite of Descension

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  The rain was clearing.I drank the last few dregs of herbal tea that Paimon had made.After bidding farewell to , Mondstadt Paimon and I were heading to Liyue by foot.Liyue is a bustling city where the Geo Archon(Earth god),Rex Lapis-also known as Morax-resides.Plus,the Abyss Order and the Fatui Emmisary(A group of 'bad guys' from Snezhnaya(which is influenced by Russia maybe?) have been rumoured to be there.

  After seeing La Signora(eight of the 11 Fatui Harbringers) take Venti-Lord Barbatos's-,the anemo archon's,Gnosis(connection to the gods,Celestia,and grants some power to the individual so wields it).Since then,the Fatui,who weren't regarded as powerful in a thousand years, have suddenly been registered as a threat.I guess they finally came out of the shadows.

  We were killing two birds with one stone, wait no...three birds.Liyue's annual Rite of Descension is being held soon.It's a big socialising event so if Aether was in Liyue,he would be there. Hopefully...he's there.I could already see Liyue.It had beautiful architecture original to itself.It created a system of currency, "Mora",which is used all over teyvat,Liyue had an infamous 'leader' called Lady Ning Guang.

  She is a businesswoman who is one of the richest people in Teyvat.After the people voted her to be the head of the Liyue Qixing, Ning Guang never failed to host the Rite of Descension and protect the people of Liyue.Lady Ning Guang is really well informed, even the smallest of rumours reaches her ears.So without a doubt...she must know Paimon and I are coming.

  Finally, I walked up to the giant front gates of Liyue and marvelled at how extravagant it was compared to the front gates of Mondsdaht.The soldiers stationed at the gates asked for our identities.

 Paimon explained with gusto,"I'm Paimon!This is my friend, Lumine, who's looking for her twin brother Aether!We wish to enter Liyue to watch Lady...Ning Guang was it? Host the Rite of Descension."

  The soldiers looked thoughtful for a moment then the two soldiers withdrew their spears that were blocking our way.

  "Have a good stay in Liyue.If your here for the Rite of Descension,you better hurry up.It's in five minutes."the soldier said, smiling,"It is a very important day for us people of Liyue."

  Well, so it was.Venti just told us that we should come here to Liyue to find the Geo Archon, who could give us the whereabouts of Aether.We rushed through the empty streets.It seemed like everyone here were off to watch the Rite of Descension.I bumped into someone and stumbled, falling onto the ground.However,the person whom I bumped into kept his balance.I looked up after I fell, it was was a tall man with long black hair tied in a ponytail and orange-yellow eyes.He  didn't even seem to be trying to get to the Rite of Descension.

He  didn't even seem to be trying to get to the Rite of Descension

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  The man extended his gloved hand down towards me.

  "Terribly sorry."he said, helping me up.

  "It's fine."I reply,"I should have been more aware."

  Then,I saw a guy with a fierce looking mask on the rooftop of the building near us from the corner of my eye. However, when I tried to turn back to take a closer look, he was gone.I turned back to look at the man with orange-yellow eyes and black hair.

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