Chapter 11:Oceanid

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 It was another normal day of completing my daily commissions until I came across one that promised great rewards.I accepted it, then immediately regretted it after realising what I had to do to collect the item 'Cleansing Heart' needed to finish the commission.I had to defeat Rhodeia of the loch-or else known as the Oceanid of Qingce.I could not turn back after accepting the commission.Hence, I learned that I should find out how powerful the certain monster I have to kill is to finish the commission before accepting it.Though I had to learn that the hard way...

  I stretched as I walked towards the Adventurers' Guild.I had finished all my daily commissions and was heading back to the Adventurers' Guild to collect my rewards.Before long, I reached the Adventurers' Guild.

  "Traveller!Back already?"Katheryne says, taking out a chest of mora that would be my reward for completing the day's worth of commissions.

  I smile and take the chest from Katheryne, saying, "Yep!"

  I turn to leave before Katheryne calls me again.

  "Traveller!May I entice you with a special commission?"Katheryne asked.

  I turned back to Katheryne.Any normal Adventurer would decline immediately, however, I was an exception.I did not have anything better to do anyways.I might as well.I walk back to Katheryne.

  "Tell me more, I'm interested."I replied.

  Katheryne smiles and says, "I knew you'd take this offer, Traveller.Completing this commission would earn you quite a handsome sum of mora.However, the danger level of this commission is high, do you wish to proceed?"

  I nodded.I was up for a challenge.Having nothing but Hilichurls to kill for the past two months have made my hands itchy for some blood on them.

  Katheryne passes me a scroll, rolled up neatly and bounded by a dark blue ribbon.I knew that this commission would hold a challenge worthy of my time.I unroll the scroll and read:

Dear Adventurer,

   You even receiving this letter of mine means that Ms.Katheryne thinks that you are capable of completing this commission.That would imply that you are an extremely skilled and possibly well-known adventurer.I hope that you will be able to complete this commission, as I have been waiting for months for someone to complete this commission and bring a Cleansing Heart to complete a little collection of mine.As you may have guessed, your task is to kill/defeat Rhodeia of the Loch, or else known as the Oceanid of Qingce.Declining is an option at this stage.So think wisely, by signing this contract you are bound to this contract.You cannot break the contract.So you would either complete this commission-or die doing it.I wish you the best of luck.

_____________(sign here)                                                                                                        -Signed, Yelan

  I saw that a sigil of permission was imprinted upon the paper.I smiled, this would be fun.

  "So, do you accept the terms and conditions, Traveller?"Katheryne asks, "I have the special contract bamboo brush for you to sign it with.This Yelan woman provided it."

  I took the bamboo brush, and I could tell that it stored elemental energy in it.This was no ordinary Liyue bamboo brush.I dipped it in ink and was going to start writing when Paimon stopped me.

  "Lumine!You don't even know how hard it'd be to kill Rhodeia!Don't you feel like you should research what Rhodeia is before signing this contract?"Paimon said.

  "Come on Paimon!Don't you want the mora for food?Plus, I bet this Rhodeia is some half-baked  monster that can't beat me!Not like a monster can be as strong as a Fatui Harbringer, right?"I said, before I started writing.

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