I put the dishes on the table, contemplating whether Qian would help me cook or not when she grows up.I looked out the window of our house.I saw Xiao training Yuzhong, our first-born.
See, after my journey ended and I killed my brother, I married Xiao.We lived a simple life in a cottage in Jaeyun Karst.The most magical thing that happened was when Yuzhong came along.When I was giving birth to him, Xiao had to rush over from protecting Liyue to Dr.Baizhu's clinic. I could not believe that it had already been a decade since I settled down in Liyue.In that time, I married Xiao, and have two wonderful children.
Yuzhong, our first child, was a half-adeptus and had the power to manipulate all the elements.(just like me!! :D)Xiao makes sure he uses this to his advantage by the only way he knew how, training.
"You won't win just by dodging!Attack!"I heard Xiao yell.
I could tell Yuzhong was struggling to even dodge Xiao's attacks, less attack back.
"Keep your eyes on your opponent, Almond!Don't get distracted!"Xiao cried.
The two were sparring with wooden sticks.I chuckled.Of course Xiao would nickname his children after his favourite food.Xiao narrowly misses hitting Yuzhong's head.Now I had enough.I walked to the window.
"Hey!Don't be so strict on Yuzhong, Xiao!He's only 7!"I hollered,"Plus, I made Almond tofu, so you guys should come in and eat!"
I swear I saw the two's eyes sparkle.I chuckled, like father like son.Yuzhong inherited his father's love of almond tofu.I saw Cloud Retainer and Qian flying towards the house.
Qian was also a half-adeptus. However, unlike he brother, she has a pair of jade coloured wings.When the wings reflect light, it gives the wings a majestic golden hue.Normally, Xiao would leave Qian in the mountains of Jaeyun Karst, under the caref watch of Cloud Retainer of course.Qian would go frolicking, flying around the misty mountains and picking fruits to eat half of the time.
I go outside to meet Cloud Retainer and Xiao.I summon my own golden wings, and fly up to meet them.After so long, all my former power was back.I had my wings, I had my travelling between dimensions power, plus the power to manipulate all the elements.I hugged Qian while in the air.
"Aww, I missed you!How was it, playing with Cloud Retainer?"I asked Qian.
Her face lit up with joy.It made all that I lost to get here today worthwhile.I may have not aged at all, like Xiao, but I could feel eternity wearing me down.Qian and Yuzhong wi eventually have to learn how to deal with eternity too.Even though Xiao still has his bad karma, Qian has become a light in his dark world.
"It was fun!I played hide and seek with Cloud Retainer!"Qian chirped in reply.
"And who won?"I asked, glancing at Cloud Retainer.
Cloud Retainer sighs and says, "Qian is amazingly adept at hiding for a 5-year-old."
I chuckled.
"Thanks for taking care of Qian, Cloud Retainer.See you tomorrow!"I said.
Qian and I flew back.By the time we went into the cottage, Yuzhong and Xiao were already wolfing down the almond tofu.
"Tofu!"Xiao cries after seeing Qian.
Qian flies into Xiao's arms and he hugs her.Xiao lets go and Qian flies into her seat.
I take my seat and Xiao sits back down.
"Yuzhong can teleport."Xiao told me.
I stared at him for a moment.
"Wow, that's great!"I cried, smiling at Yuzhong proudly as Yuzhong averted my gaze.
"Yes, he suddenly teleported behind me and hit me with the wooden stick we were training with.He did not even realize he teleported."Xiao explained.
Qian has wings and can travel through dimensions.Both inherited from me.Yuzhong, on the other hand, has teleportation abilities and can manipulate all the elements.I love both of them equally.Half of Yuzhong's hair is black, while the other is blonde.He has Xiao's amber cat-like eyes.Qian has Xiao's black hair with green accents, and my golden yellow eyes.(my eye features are softer and rounder.Whole Xiao's are sharp and pointy)
I have not left Liyue in 10 years, but this decade was the decade that went by the fastest for me.
"Don't steal Almond's almond tofu, Tofu.Put it back."Xiao said firmly to Qian.
Qian pouts her lips as Yuzhong nods vigorously, tears in his eyes.I laugh.
"Xiao, they're too adorable."I said.
"Yes, as they inherited their mother's genes."Xiao replied.
My cheeks turn red.Xiao laughs.
"Even after all these years, you still react so shyly."Xiao said.
"Well, the reason is that you still make me nervous when I'm around you.I still love you as much as I did back then."I replied.
This time, it was Xiao turning red.Qian and Yuzhong look at me, then at Xiao.
"Daddy and mummy are being lovey-dovey again."Qian told Yuzhong.
Yuzhong nods as we stare at Qian.Way to go, Qian, you ruined the moment.After dinner, Xiao helped me with the dishes and we went into the kids' room to tuck them in.I kissed Yuzhong and Qian's foreheads, and Xiao did the same.We bid the two goodnight before closing the lights, leaving the room and closing the door.
I sighed happily.
"I love you, Xiao."I said.
"I love you too."Xiao replied.
Xiao places his hand on my cheek and I hold his hand.
"You haven't aged a bit."Xiao said.
"So have you."I replied.
We kissed then parted.I could hear crickets outside chirping.I looked out of the window.The night sky was littered with stars.I smiled.Routine and normality might be boring to others.However, to people like Xiao and I, normality is a rare occurrence and something to treasure.
Sometime, we should appreciate normality and routines.We do not need life to be exciting all the time. Sometimes, the same cup of tea you wake up to every morning is all you need.
Author's Notes:Hiii it's been so long.I decided to add a special since I got such overwhelming support after I finished this Wattpad.Anyways, I'm considering writing a sequel for Xiaolumi.If this special gets more than 20 reads, I'll write a sequel TwT.(lowering my standards to not disappoint myself) Anyways, I got good enough for my exams to go to the school I want to go to.Yassss!!! :D Thank you for 2.6k reads!Have a good day/night! ❤️ ✨

Xiaolumi- A Cursed Yaksha
Fantasy[ "Lumine, I love you." ] [And that is exactly why I will help you endure the curse that befell you...so you can finally smile freely without that pained look in your eyes.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A blonde, petite girl, accompanied by a fairy who is...