"We're here.This is Wangsheng Funeral Parlour.I'll go call Mr.Zhongli."Ganyu said, rushing into the building.
A few minutes later, she came out with Hutao and Zhongli following her. Ganyu was in deep conversation with Zhongli. After a while,Zhongli nodded. Then, Ganyu left, giving me a lazy wave.
"Well, we'll be making the best funeral for Lord Morax.Hutao, go get treasures from Yanfei.And.. Traveller, see that pagota over there?The lone tower in the west?If you go there and bring out some Almond Tofu, Adeptus Xiao will appear.He'll give you some really nice incense.I doubt he would decline, as the Geo Archon was his only father figure.Oh and you should also tell him of the Geo Archon's death.I think he is too busy to realise Rex Lapis is dead."Zhongli said rather sadly, giving me the dish.
Curious,I asked,"How do you know all this?"
Zhongli gave a unreadable smile.
"Let's just say that Xiao and I go way back."He replied, smiling,"Now you best be on your way if you want to be back before dusk."
Paimon flew to me and gave me a smile.
"Come on, Lumine!Paimon wants to finish this task quickly so Paimon can eat food quicker!!!"Paimon cried.
"Just so you know, you better not eat the Almond tofu."I said.
I gave a tired sigh.Well,assuming Ning Guang would pay me... I agreed.So Paimon and I immediately started traveling to the west, fighting Hilichurls and Geo slimes along the way.The pagoda became bigger as we neared it, which made me realise just how tall the pagoda was. And finally, around 3p.m in the afternoon, we finally reached the bottom of the tower.I was a bit tired from fighting all those Hilichurls and looking up at the tall pagoda did not make me feel any better.Paimon,who looked much more exhausted than me, wiped sweat off her forehead.
"I thought you were floating, how are you so exhausted?"I asked as we walked into the pagoda.
"Hey!Floating takes up a lot of energy too y'know?! In my opinion, it takes up even more energy than walking-"Paimon replied in an annoyed tone.
"Oh, right."I said in a slightly sarcastic tone as we reached the foot of the stairs.
I gave a groan.After all that,I had to climb this impossibly tall tower by stairs?!A large tree that seemed to rise up to the heavens stood proudly in the middle of the pagoda.It seemed like the tree was part of the pagoda itself. I remembered Venti telling me about the new invention that Wangshu inn has.Something about a machine that can carry you up into the inn and back down to the reception area without you having to break a sweat.How I wished that invention was built here now.Finally,I conceded to fate, and began climbing the stairs.
After what seemed like an eternity, Paimon and I finally reached the top of the pagoda.Panting ,I took a look around the place.It was pretty.The pagoda was built around the large tree.And,this being the top level, the leaf canopy above me provided me with the shade that shielded me from the sweltering heat.A small breeze picked up, making the branches of the tree above me sway with the wind.Several leaves fell onto the wooden platform that I stood on. One even fell into my hair.I took it out and threw it to the ground. Paimon floated to me, a curious look on her face.
"Whaooo look at the view Lumine!"Paimon cried, floating to the railings.
I ran there, and put both hands on the railings, bending over slightly like a cat that stretches when yawning.Paimon was right, the view was certainly breath-taking.I gasped at the view. I could see everything from here.I could see Liyue with its many buildings and it's port.The sea was at one side and behind Liyue were tall mountains, sometimes with trees growing on the sides.The vast wilderness stretched under me like a green and yellow carpet,with occasional grey coloured rocks poking out of the grass.The wind blew my hair backwards as I admired the view.Now maybe that awful climb up here was worth it.

Xiaolumi- A Cursed Yaksha
Fantasy[ "Lumine, I love you." ] [And that is exactly why I will help you endure the curse that befell you...so you can finally smile freely without that pained look in your eyes.] ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ A blonde, petite girl, accompanied by a fairy who is...