Chapter 8:Xiao

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  I woke up to a start.The traveller had given me a key to her Serenitea Pot, so now I actually have a place to stay.However, the traveller has fallen into a coma from overexerting herself during the battle of Liyue.So the house is eerily quiet without Paimon and her constant presence.She has already finished renovating this mansion of hers, and has even created a room for me before she fell into the coma.For the past few days since the end of the battle I have been visiting Jaeyun Karst often.Fall was coming, and the leaves were yellowing.I wondered if the Traveller had a winter coat made yet, or she'd be really cold in the winter.Things were already returning to normal in Liyue, just three days after Osial's defeat.However, without the continuous presence of the traveller around town, everyone was starting to miss her.

  The traveller has this talent of making people happy with just her presence, while I am otherwise.It is not like I want to be menacing, I am just this way by nature.However, I feel that the traveller's optimistic and happy-go-lucky attitude towards life draws people to her.When someone is suffering with their problems, she swoops in and helps them.The traveller inspires people to always see the best in any situation.She always brings out the best in people, and is able to see the good in anyone.I both envy and admire her for that.However, there is more to the traveller than her perfect exterior.On the inside, she's more broken than me.She's experienced more, lost more, cried more.I knew the Traveller might be older than me, as Morax told me.It was actually highly likely that she was older than me.After the battle of Liyue, Morax revealed himself as Zhongli to me.I finally had my 'father figure' back, but I was still worried for the Traveller.

  I have seen the Traveller do things that I have never seen before, like wielding three different Adeptal energies at once.That fiery look of determination in her eyes as she killed Fatui enemy after Fatui enemy...I was glad that I have not crossed her.It would be unwise to become her enemy.Tartaglia disappeared and has not been seen since the Traveller and I's battle with him.I get up from my bed and get dressed.After the battle of Liyue, there have been less monsters roaming near it's walls.They are mostly camping in the mountains of Jaeyun Karst, where I kill them for training.I put on my mask and teleport out of the Serenitea Pot.I have actually been following a sort of schedule.I head to Xiangling's restaurant, and collect the some watery porridge for the Traveller.

  "I mixed some mashed potatoes and small bits of carrot in there, so that the Traveller can get all the nutrients she needs!"Xiangling says in a rather sad tone, "How is she?"

  "She's still in her coma, and Doctor Baizhu reckons that she won't be awake for at least a few more days."I reply, taking the pot wrapped in cloth, "But thanks for cooking for the traveller every day, Xiangling.When she wakes up, I'm sure she'd be very grateful that you've done this for her."

  Xiangling smiles at me.

  "Yes, I think so.We're all worried about Lumine..."Xiangling says, tears starting to form in her eyes, "What if she never wakes up?What'll happen to Paimon and-all of her friends?"

  It was rare to see Xiangling, such a positive and happy person crying.She must be very sad right now to be crying like this.

  "She will wake up, thanks to your marvellous cooking."I said, "Without you, she might become malnourished and die."

  Xiangling nods, wiping her tears away.I then teleport to the clinic.Qiqi was there, putting a wet cloth on the Traveller's forehead.

  "Adeptus Xiao...Big sister Lumi has gotten a fever you have the food?"Qiqi asks in a droning and monotonous voice.

  I nod and place the packaged food on the Traveller's bedside table.I look at the Traveller.She's having another one of her nightmares.It must be hell for the Traveller.She already suffers every night with the little sleep she gets and now she suffers 24/7.The Traveller is writhing in her coma, and her face was red.I touched her forehead and immediately took my hand away right after.Her forehead is burning hot.Qiqi unwraps the food, and scoops some of the watery porridge into a bowl.Qiqi touches my shoulder to get my attention and hands me the bowl and a spoon.

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