Chapter 6:The 11th Fatui Harbringer

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!!Warning!!Long chapter(Find a good time to read this)

The jade chamber floats towards Osial, who was charging a ball of energy in his mouth.I look at Osial hopelessly, nothing can change his and our fates.I looked at everyone who was giving a bit of their power to me.This plan was risky, but we had no choice.The jade chamber, Ning Guang's second home, which was always a hassle to get to as it was in the sky.It held so much mora in it's bowels that it'd be such a shame-

"Traveller!Do it now!"Ning Guang's voice rang in my ears.I lifted my sword.It was now or never...

-Earlier that day-

I woke up, yawning.Strange, I had a dream last night.I could not remember in the past 500 years that I have had a dream.I was cursed to 500 years of sleep with nightmares, and those nightmares haunted my dreams every night even after 500 years.(As it was all my brain could dream about)But now...I struggled to remember last night's dream.The details were slipping away like water when cupped into one's hands.

I remembered the nightmare.Aether, walking away into the portal.The nightmare seemed to end there and morph into a dream.He turned, comforted me, and said that he will always be here for me and never leave me.Yes, that was what happened in my dream.

I still remembered reaching out for him, and finally reaching him.He hugged me as I sobbed.The dream then proceeded to morph into a nightmare where I fell through endless abyss, without a gilder to catch me.However, it morphed into a dream again, where Aether caught me.I rubbed my tired eyes.

Was I...recovering from the curse?Have I had enough experiences here to have other thoughts to compete with the thoughts in my nightmares?I was afraid I would forget things.Eternity has a curse.You...forget things as time passes by.That is why I am so desperately trying to find Aether before I forget him.500 years has already made me forget some of our experiences together, and I need to make new experiences with him before I forget him altogether.Nonetheless, I have just had my first dream in 500 years. I felt so replenished, so awake.So this is what a good night's worth of sleep gives you, what all normal people get but I was lacking.

I stretched and jumped out of my bed.Strange, I don't remember coming back here to sleep.The last thing I remembered was sitting at the roof of that building with Xiao...Realisation hits me.My face instantly turns a light shade of pink.Oh no.This was so embarrassing.I collapsed back onto my bed and screamed into my pillow.what have I done?! Xiao would have seen me crying and muttering in my sleep!!! That was so embarrassing!

"Lumine!Your awake!"I heard the familiar voice of Paimon, breaking me from my train of thoughts.

Paimon floats headfirst into my arms, snuggling up with me.

"What...happened?"I said in a slightly higher-pitched voice then my normal one.

"Last night? Oh yeah Xiao carried you back here and left to protect Liyue again."Paimon squeaked.

My face turned as red as a tomato.Oh Celestia....

" you have a fever Lumine?You do seem quite red."Paimon said.

"Oh umm it's nothing.We better go get breakfast and go do the day's worth of commissions!"I said, changing the topic.

I did not think I could bear hearing Paimon's entire recollection of last night's events, so I desperately tried changing the topic.

"Oh, ok.You don't have to be embarrassed, y'know? Xiao was equally embarrassed when carrying you back- "Paimon droned on.

I stuffed a leftover dumpling from yesterday into Paimon's mouth, then hastily walked towards the inn's dining area, leaving Paimon to choke on the dumpling.Paimon floats up beside me, her tiny arms on her hips.

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