Chapter 9:Rehabilitation

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  I woke up in cold sweat.What happened?How long has it been since I fell into my coma?I wipe sweat off my forehead.I had the most horrible dream...however, it was briefly interrupted by a good one.Strange, was the curse's effects wearing off?The dream was like last time's, instead of leaving me, Aether stayed.Curious.I wonder what was causing my change in dreams.I touched my hair, the flower in it had been removed.I should go flower-picking again to pick fresh flowers for my hair.I sat up but got a sharp stab of pain near my waist.I winced.I guess I was hurt really badly in the battle of Liyue.

  "Traveller."I heard a familiar voice call my name.

  I heard a squeal and small hands wrapped around me.It's Paimon and Xiao.Xiao was crossing his arms, half-hidden in shadow at a corner.

  "How did you guys know I have woken up so quickly?"I asked curiously.

  "Rex La-"Paimon started before Xiao stuffed a dumpling in her mouth.

  "Umm...the Adepti foretold it by looking at the stars."Xiao says.

  My eyes narrow.

  "Adepti, you say?Sorry but I have studied the Adepti thoroughly through multiple books and none of them ever mentioned Adepti being able to read the future by the stars."I said in a slightly accusing tone.

  "Umm...humans don't know much about Adepti, so they are bound to miss a few things."Xiao says.

  I recalled what Paimon was muttering before Xiao stuffed that dumpling into her mouth to prevent her form saying whatever she wanted to say.Rex Lapis.Rex Lapis is Zhongli!I remember now.

  "Stop lying to me, Xiao.I know Rex Lapis is alive.He's Mr.Zhongli."I said calmly, "I'm not angry with you though, I just want an explanation to why Rex Lapis faked his down death.

  Xiao looked taken aback.

  "Who told you this?"Xiao asked.

  "Venti."I replied.

  "Oh, the drunk bard.He's ways as an archon are...questionable.I can't believe I let that drunk save my life once."Xiao says, sighing, "I expect he was the one that helped you get up to the Jade Chamber then."

  I nodded.

  "Well, then there's no point in hiding the truth from you anymore."Xiao says.

  So Xiao started explaining.Rex Lapis is one of the oldest archons.He wanted to test if Liyue could govern and protect itself.Hence, Rex Lapis faked his death.The Fatui, however, was not planned.They just happened to show up.Osial was not planned either.That was why Rex Lapis helped Qiqi in the battle of Liyue, though discreetly.Plus, Rex Lapis just wanted a quiet life and have fun with Lord Barbatos(Venti).Rex Lapis just wanted to retire as an archon, in a way.He had been through wars, and built a flourishing city.I guess he feels accomplished with his life, and now wants to enjoy the fruits of his labour.

  "Well, since your here, why not you join Paimon and I for breakfast?I'm ravishing."I said.

  "I wanted to invite you first-"Xiao muttered in a tone that sounded slightly disappointed.

  I giggled.

  "Well, at least you can fill me in about all the stuff I missed in the past few days."I said, "Come on! I'll treat you to Almond Tofu!"

  "There's no need-"

  However, I had already pulled Xiao, with great difficulty, out of the room, with Paimon floating after us.Another burst of pain makes fall to my knees.Right, my injuries were still there, and they were acting up.Xiao helped me up and we walked slowly out of the clinic.Xiao told me that I had been in a coma for around three days, and that Xiangling had cooked three servings of watery porridge per day for me to consume during my coma.Xiao then helped deliver the porridge.

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