Chapter 5:The Lantern Rite Festival

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Aether...I wish you were here.The lanterns...rise into the sky and float on the beautifully.You would have loved this...the food, the people.The distant lanterns becoming mere specks of orange light, drifting up into the sky and floating out of sight towards the horizon.Oh I miss you.I never realised how much I need you till now.In Mondsdaht, I was still in a state of denial.I guess it is part of the grieving process.But now, I was angry at myself.If only I had done more to save you.If only I had just flew a little further, ran a little faster. I could have reached you both of those times.Why did this have to happen to us? Why did you have to change so much? Your not the Aether I knew! The Aether I knew would never join the Abyss Order, would never leave his sister behind like that...Why, Aether?It's like you became an entirely new person that I am unable to recognise.Since when have you been so cold, ruthless and evil? Why did you have to upset me like that?

'The Aether you knew is dead, dear sister.There is only me left, accept it.'Aether's words flashed through my mind, 'But it is fine.After you finish your journey and realise the truth of it all, I will be waiting here for you to join me.'

Those cold eyes, devoid of kindness.What have the Abyss Order done to my brother?However, that smile that he always gave me...was so nostalgic and gave me hope...I was wrong.I could see it all clearly now.The Aether I knew is gone, worse than dead.He is the puppeteer of the entire Abyss Order.I'm so lost without Aether.He was all I had.

Earlier that day...

Being over-emotional lately, tears started welling up in my eyes.I had remembered last night's nightmare.I wiped the tears away, not wanting Paimon or anyone else to worry about me.Today was supposed to be a happy day after all.

"Aether..."I mummered,staring into the blue sky.

I'm sorry, Aether.I cannot stand idly by and watch people suffer anymore.I cannot just stand there and watch quietly anymore.I'm tired of it.

"Lumine."I heard Xiao's voice.

he had just teleported next to me.

"Hi Xiao!I just finished my commissions!I'm going off to meet with girls to choose outfits!"I chirped, plastering a warm smile onto my face.

"So I see, I have gotten a day off.Lady Ning Guang insisted it and I could not decline..."Xiao explained.

"Oh that's nice!Then you can have lunch at Lady Ning Guang's with me."

"I'm...not sure if Lady Ning Guang would want my Karmic debt to befall on her house- "

"Oh don't be a killjoy Xiao! Come on!"

I began forcefully pulling Xiao with us to Ning Guang's place.Xiao grumbled.Soon, we reached Ning Guang's huge mansion.Several servants greeted us before Ning Guang herself came out of her house.

"Miss Lumine!Adeptus Xiao!How wonderful it is to see you!Do come in, ignore formalities, I hate grovellers."Ning Guang said, glancing at Xiao who was about to bow.

Ning Guang led us to an open-air garden with a round table near a stream.The girls were already there.Keqing, Ganyu, Hutao, Xiangling and a woman whom I had never seen before were sitting at the table.

"Oh I don't think you and Miss Shenhe have met.Miss Shenhe is a human that was trained by Adepti."Ning Guang explained briefly, "And is often misinterpreted as an adeptus."

I nodded.The 'Shenhe' woman had light blue hair and blue eyes.It seemed like blue is a popular hair colour here in Liyue.

"Sorry for being late."I apologised, "I bumped into Xiao and yeah..."

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