[ "Lumine, I love you." ]
[And that is exactly why I will help you endure the curse that befell you...so you can finally smile freely without that pained look in your eyes.]
A blonde, petite girl, accompanied by a fairy who is...
Before I knew it, it was the last day of fall.I went to the Tailors' Shop to collect my winter clothes, which were made just in time.The first snow of the year was already falling as I left the Tailor Shop that morning.I was wearing my winter clothes, and by Celestia I needed it.The previous week after we defeated Oceanid got colder and colder.I had to buy an oversized coat to keep warm.However, with these winter clothes, there was no need.I felt lighter, and much warmer.After collecting my clothes, I went to do my daily commissions.
For today's commissions, it required me to venture into the Forrest to collect some rare materials this time.It was a nice change to the usual:Kill {insert number} number of Hilichurls or slimes.By the time we reached the forrest, a thin layer of snow had already covered the forrest floor.The sound of Paimon's stomach rumbling breaks my train of thoughts.I giggle.
"We just had breakfast 3 hours ago, Paimon!"I cried, laughing.
"Paimon has a big appetite, okay?!"Paimon says.
"I know, I'll get you some food AFTER we find the glaze lilies."I reply, pinching Paimon's cheek.
Paimon nods, sulking and crossing her arms.We reach a Forrest clearing, with Glaze lilies!However, what caught my attention more was a familiar figure standing in the middle of the clearing, watching the snow fall...
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"Xiao!Your here too?"I asked, smiling, "Oooo your winter clothes look great!"
Xiao turns to look at me.
"Oh, thank you Traveller."Xiao replies politely, "I was fighting some Hilichurls just now..."
I pouted my lips.
"I haven't seen you in three days, where have you been?!"I asked.
Xiao bit his lip, and replied quietly, "There has been a sudden increase in the amount of creatures contaminated with Bad Karma, so I have been exterminating them."
I look at Xiao with more care, and notice the eye bags under his eyes.He must have been overworking!I sighed.Xiao really does work too hard sometimes.
"Don't overwork yourself, you wouldn't want to be sick on Christmas, do you?"I chided Xiao, crossing my arms.
"Yes.However-"Xiao mutters.
"No, I don't even want to hear it.Look, how about you do my commission with me and relax a while?It's just picking flowers."I said.
"But-"Xiao tries to continue.
"No but's, come on."I said sternly.
Holding Xiao by his arm, I guide him to some Glaze Lilies and I start to pick them.Xiao sighed and squatted beside me to gather a bunch of Glaze Lilies.I went to pick one last one, which was the same one Xiao was trying to pick.His hand closes around mine, and I turn to look at him.Xiao immediately releases my hand and turns so that his back faces me.The hand he touched feels numb...I wonder why.