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💋chapter 1:friends and boyfriends💋

EVERYDAY LIFE HAS TO BE THE MOST EXHAUSTING THING ever. You work 8 hours, then you gotta go home and deal with your personal life, cook, clean, see your friends and be productive. I can't deal with all of that, I just wanna sleep all day and make money. I'm seriously starting to think crypto isn't that bad.

It's another day after work. Today was a crazy day at the office-tons of paper work, that I was avoiding for a month and I totally forgot that I had to check them till today. Yes, you can say I'm very irresponsible, when it comes to work, but trust me I'm the perfect person, when it comes to life out of the office.

I am a cleaning maniac, I love cooking and I love partying. When I have time, of course. The good thing about my work is that I'm able to work with my best friends, who have been by my side since I was student at Jujutsu Tech-my brothers and sister from another mother Yuuji Itadori, Megumi Fushiguro and Nobara Kugusai, who had to deal with me ever since she walked out of that train the first day.

I love being around my friends, that brings so much fun and joy into the office and we share basically everything with each other. There is nothing we don't tell each other. Like every time, when I get my period I call Yuuji to tell him to warn his brother, and also my boyfriend, Sukuna not to mess with me.

Yes, Sukuna, aka Yuuji's twin brother, is my boyfriend. We've been together for 3 years now and we started our relationship as friends with benefits. I'm sure you heard that story before, but ours is kinda different. The difference in our relationship is that Sukuna is all over me and so in love with me, but I'm not.

I mean, I'm so glad I have him in my life, he's the perfect boyfriend-money, protection, good sex and he's so in love with me, that we barely argue, because he's scared he'll lose me. But with that love his jealousy started to grow too and his overprotectiveness. I don't feel the same as I used to. Maybe, because we've been together for so long and I'm already tired of him, or maybe because I'm 23 years old and I need some freedom to liv my youth, as uncle Gojo says. I can't explain it.

But other than that I can come out and say that my life is perfect. I'm living alone, I have a good job, that pays my bills, I have friends and family by my side. I can't complain at all. The only thing I'm craving right now is maybe some freedom, something exciting. That's all that's missing in my everyday life.

You know, having the same routine everyday is annoying, even if you have the perfect life. The same places, you do the same things, you fuck the same guy and you eat the same shit. I am craving danger like in high school. Fighting curses, living the wild life, partying every night, fucking random guy and don't even remember their names. They don't matter anyway. I am craving someone, who will give me this cool and exciting feeling, that Sukuna used to give me, when we first started fucking.

Back then we were hiding, because we knew Yuuji will get mad and the risk, that we might get caught is what was driving me more and more to Sukuna. But after Yuuji found out he was fine with us dating and the spark died.

Ugh, should I do something tonight? I thought as I was walking home from the supermarket, I was tired, but I had some energy left and it was pretty early too. I knew my friends were busy tonight, even Panda had something to do. I could call Mai, but I don't like her very much.

This is stressing me out, I put my bags on the ground supporting them with my legs and I sat down on the bus stop to wait for my transport to come and take me home. Maybe I should go out alone? I can have a couple of drinks by myself, it's not a big deal. Well, it's not cool to go out and drink alone, right?

I just sat there and waited till my bus was finally here. I got on it and I sat all the way in the back, since there aren't many people, who take the bus on this hour. I put my headphones in and I play my playlist on full volume. When we reached my stop and stood up and walked out saying bye to the driver, since we know each other. I walk up to my building and I was ready to unlock the door, when suddenly my phone started blowing up.

I carefully put the bags down and I pulled my phone out of my pocket only to see Nobara calling me. I picked it up immediately.

"Hey, girl", she said and deep sigh followed after, I knew where this conversation was going and I knew what she was about to tell me, "are you free tonight? I wanna go out", she asked.

"Did you fought with Maki again?", I asked her and let out a almost silent chuckle.

"Yes and this time I wasn't the one, who was wrong. This time I'm mad at her".

"Nobara, you're always the one, who's mad, not Maki-senpai", Nobara and Maki have been dating since we were in Jujutsu Tech. I love their relationship, it's perfect the way it is. The only problem is Nobara's..feisty personality and her stubbornness.

"Doesn't matter. Should we go to Havana, or to Malibu? Where r u feeling it?", she asked.

"Actually I'm feeling like Vegas", I love that club, even tho it's always full. They have the best alcohol ever and the barman is so hot like crazy hot, "are you down?".

"Don't tell me you wanna go there, cause of that got barman", she said with a deep sight after it and I chuckled, "y/n...".

"Don't worry, girl, I won't do anything. I'm in a relationship after all. I don't cheat", yet..I don't cheat yet, but I'm about to soon.

"Fine. Get ready, I'm coming to get u in hour".

"Cool. Wear something pink, I'm feeling pink".


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