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💋chapter 10:like father, like daughter💋

THE NIGHT I WAS NOT LOOKING FORWARD TO FINALLY came and I was not excited to let Naoya in my house. Of course I was nervous too about how it's going to end up. Knowing how bad my father can be.

I spent one hour explaining to Sukuna what kind of man Naoya is and why he should not take anything seriously from him. Sukuna on the other hand didn't want to believe me.

"I doubt he's that bad", he said with a laugh, but I had every reason to be nervous.

But my father wasn't the only problem in the picture. Toji was on it too. He didn't stop texting me the whole day, even tho I ignored all his messages. He invited me to his house and sent me so many freaky messages. They were kinda tempting me, but I kept it cool.

8 o'clock hit and I hear knock on my door. I got up from the couch and I threw one last look at my boyfriend, who was preparing the table for us. Then I walk up to the door and I open it. Naoya is standing right in front of me with his annoying cocky smirk. He gave me a box full of chocolates and said cheerfully:

"My beautiful daughter! I'm so glad to see you again", then he pulled me and hugged me so tight like he missed me. You're a damn good actor, Naoya Zenin.

Both me and my father walk to the kitchen, where Sukuna was nervously waiting. When he saw my father for the first time I saw how his soul left his body for a second and then came back. Sukuna's eyes traveled from Naoya to me and then back to him.

"That must be my new son in law", Naoya put another fake smile on his face and walked up to Sukuna hugging him tight, "I've heard so much nice things about you, my boy", he said.

"H-Hello, sir", Sukuna was caught off guard for a moment, but then he pulled away from the hug and looked at me, "wow, y/n..you look like your father so much. Not in a bad way".

"Oh, no, son..the only thing we have in common is the personality. Her beauty came from her mother's side", Naoya chuckled and I felt like punching him in the face, "Shoko used to be so hot, when we were young. She was a catch, you feel me? Haha, but unfortunately im not a man of relationships".

"You're not a man of anything, Naoya", I said mumbling under my nose, but he heard me and turn to look back at me.

I didn't repeat myself. I don't wanna fuck up the deal me and dad made. I lead him to the table and Sukuna brought some sake for us to drink. I pour some into my cup and then I pour into Sukunas passing the bottle to Naoya. He gave me his glass and I threw his a dirty look, but I pour some sake into his glass too.

"So, son, how did you met my daughter?", this man must be the best actor I've seen off tv in my life. He acted like he cares the whole time.

"We met through my brother. They are good friends and that's how we met, sir", Sukuna explained. Of course he decided to keep some details for himself, which was good.

"Oh, you have a brother? What's his name? I wanna know more about my little girl's life and her friends", Naoya supports his chin with his palm and smiled at me, "you know, with our situation I couldn't see her grow up, which broke my heart into pieces. I still can't forget how she called me 'papa' for the first time".

Naoya squeezed his shirt and pretended like he was so hurt. I watched him with annoyance in my eyes, but Sukuna seemed to believe him and his bullshit. I guess being a lier goes down through our family tree. I am part of the Zenin clan after all, even tho they don't claim me.

"Well, y/n is an amazing girl", Sukuna started telling my father, "she's smart and caring, she is strong and independent. You can always depend on her, she'll be there for the people she loves. She has her issues, but we love her no matter what she does. I love her no matter what she does and I hope she feels the same about me. I'm very serious about y/n and I was hoping to get your blessing tonight, sir".

When Sukuna finished talking both me and Naoya just stood there in shock. We couldn't believe what he was saying. Suddenly the feeling of guilt ran through my body again and my heart started aching. He thinks all of these things about me, because he doesn't know I cheated on him. What's wrong with me? Why did I fuck Toji? Why am I doing this to him?

Naoya didn't say anything, because he knew it's not his place to give any blessings. But when we were finally over with dinner he walked out on the balcony for a cigarette and he invited me to make him some company. We got on the balcony and I closed to door to keep the warmth inside. Naoya pulled out a cigarette and lit it up as I watched him.

"He's a good kid", my father finally spoke up and blew out the smoke, "I don't know what you need to lie for, but I like him".

"Yeah, he's perfect", I looked at my boyfriend and smiled as I watched him struggle with the dishes for awhile, dork.

"Leave him", Naoya said and my blood ran cold by his sudden voice change. I looked at my father, who looked me straight in the eyes.

"Excuse me?".

"I know you don't see me as a father figure and you don't take my word for shit, but this time I'm seriously trying to help you. Leave him".


"Look, kid, me and you..we are not meant to be friends and family, but we have one thing in common and that's our evilness. Like it, or not you're just like me...you're my daughter and you took the best out of your mom and the worst of me. Me and you, we are part of the Zenin clan..and we fuck up every good thing, that we have in our lives", he explained.

"What are you trying to say, Naoya? Im not like you, I won't leave like you did!".

"And what? You're going to fuck that kid up with your fucked up life?", my father pointed at Sukuna, "he's too good for someone like you, you're going to ruin him just like I would've ruined your mom, if I stayed with her. Listen to me and leave the boy to find someone better".

I hate to admit it, but Naoya was right for the first time in his life. I mean..look at me I invited him to cover up my lie, because I got out and fucked my best friend's dad. Today I'll lie about this, tomorrow I'll lie about something else and Sukuna doesn't deserve it.

I guess Naoya and I really have something in common. We fuck up the people we love and we can't help it. The guilt and the disgust I'm feeling will disappear in no time, they I might do it again, because..everyone was right about me all along. I'm egotistical. Just like him.


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