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💋chapter 16:forgiveness💋

I WOKE UP SURROUNDED BY THE SOFTEST FEELING ever, nice cotton blankets around me keeping me warm. I slowly got up and sat on the bed, I felt my body weak and my head heavy. I looked around. I know this bedroom, I'm still at Sukuna's.

"You're awake", Sukuna walks in the room with a cup of water in his hands. He was dressed in nice oversized white t-shirt, black sweatpants and his hair was wet. This was the first time in awhile, that I'm seeing him in casual clothes.

"What happened?", I scratched the back of my head and tried to remember everything before my fainting.

"You got a panic attack. It's okay now", he sat beside me on the bed and gave me the glass of water. I started drinking it, but it made me feel more sick. I felt like I was about to throw up, "Yuuji is going to be back with food, because we assumed you haven't eaten yet".

"I'm good".

"Okay then".

Sukuna stood up after making sure I have all I need and started walking towards the door. I quickly threw the blanket on the side and stood up running after him. I caught him by the arm and he looked down at me. I never knew how intimidating Sukuna can be, when he's mad.

"C-Can you stay with me for a bit?", I asked and he nodded his head. We both walked back to the bed and sat down next to each other.

Sukuna didn't say anything, he just stood there next to me watching something through the window. I took a quick look at him and I felt his body getting tense again. Oh my.., I don't wanna start this conversation again.

"Y/n..", he started.

"Please...please let's not start it again", I cut him off and I looked down squeezing the sheets in my hands, "there is always another time".

"I forgive you..", he finally looked at me.


"But this doesn't mean, that we are getting back together and we are going to be happy as friends, no. This means, that I don't have any bad feelings towards you and I'm willing to try and be close to you again. But that's all", he explained to me and leans his head back.

"But..what you said earlier..".

"I was mad. I still am, but..there is no point in punishing you even more. I think you understand what you did".

Yes, Sukuna, I do understand..I thought to myself and I let a deep sigh. At least trying to forgive me is better than never forgive me, I'm okay with proving my worth again.

Yuuji returned with chinese food and came to see me. He checked my blood pressure and everything, when I told him I'm okay. Sukuna just stood there silently. My head was still heavy, but I think it's just from stress. After Yuuji made sure in really okay he insisted on driving me back home. I refused.

"I'll call someone, you don't need to do more for me, Yuuji", I pulled my phone to search for someone.

Yuuji tried to insist on driving me home, but Sukuna stopped him applying, that I should do what I think is right. To be honest with y'all, I didn't have anyone to call. Uncle Gojo is mad at me, my mom is at work, uncle Nanami is working too and uncle Geto is busy with his stuff. So the only person, who I can call..was my father. So I did.

Surprisingly, when Naoya heard what happened with me, he came as quickly as possible to pick me up. He thanked the twins and then held me, while we were walking to my car. He even helped me sit inside.

"So, kid, did you made any progress", he asked me, when he started the car. I was looking on the side of his face, while he was focusing on the road ahead of us.

"Naoya, can I ask you a question?".

"You just did", he chuckled.

"Don't play smart with me", I rolled my eyes and I lean more into my seat, "why did you left me and mom? Was there anyone else?".

Naoya kept quiet for awhile and I see him pulling in my parking space in front of my apartment building. Then he parked the car and stopped the engine. I waited for him to tell me the answer, but instead he got out of the car and came to open my door.

"I'm not going out until you gave me explanation, Naoya", I said and I crossed my arms.

"Fine, then stay here", he said and closed the door in my face. What a jerk. I got out of the car and saw him walking towards the building to my apartment, "why don't you wanna tell me? What's the big deal? If you have another kid in your life I'll get over it..seriously".

"I don't have another kid, y/n. You are the only one successor I have", he said and he unlocked the building. I walked after him.

"Did you cheated on mom?".


"Are you into drugs?".


"Did you loved her at least?", after this question popped out of my mouth Naoya stopped at one place and slowly turned to me, looking at me with blood in his eyes.

"Of course I loved your mother. I love you too, if that's your next question. And, if you wonder that much, I'll tell you everything, when we get to your apartment, kid", the way he said 'kid' only proved me, that I made him mad.

Naoya starts walking again till we finally got to my apartment. I pulled out my keys and I put them in the lock slowly unlocking my door and pushing it back to open it. Naoya was behind me. I put my bag to the side and I sat on the couch. Naoya stops in the kitchen.

"I will make you tea, stay there", he said.

I lay on the couch to chill for a little bit, when I felt vibration in my pocket. I pulled out my phone and I see Megumi's number on the screen, which surprised me. I picked up.

"Y/n, Yuuji told us what happened. Are you okay now, do you need anything?", Megumi's worried voice broke the silence and it made me feel like I'm at home again. I smiled to myself and I let out a nice chuckle.

"I'm okay. Don't worry".


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