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💋chapter 12:caught in action💋

YOU DON'T REALISE WHAT YOU DO WITH YOUR LIFE, until you finally have the time to sit down and rethink your life. This was one of those night, when I'll probably be on my own in my dark apartment sleeping with no warmth next to me. Sukuna is working late again and he won't come home until the very late hours.

This is the time, when I stay home alone and the silence makes me think. It makes me think about Sukuna, Megumi, Toji and everything, that went wrong this month. Every past mistake and every time i was supposed to feel guilty, but I didn't finally hit me. And I find myself crying like a baby.

Laying down on my couch, my knees pressed on my chest, tears rolling down on my cold face and my teeth making noises. I can't live the way I do now, I thought to myself as I was staring at my picture with Sukuna on the small table next to the couch. I remember this day, it was on our first date. He brought me in an aquarium and we took it in front of the penguins. It was the funniest day in my life and I was happy through it.

But now..it brings me only pain. Pain, that I created for myself. Ironic, isn't it? How sooner or later the consequences of your actions finally catch up to you and you want to turn back time and slap yourself.

"I need some distraction", I told to myself and I got up to get my laptop and watch some of the new episodes of second season of Classroom of the elite.

But even one of my favourite animes didn't help me much. Ugh, so annoying. Maybe I should call Nobara and ask her to come and sleep over. I picked my phone from the table and I opened my messages. Scrolling down my eyes stopped on Toji's last text: wasn't this fun? ;). He sure is a good distraction.

I strolled through our previous conversation and I found myself remembering everything from that night. The way he touched me, the way he made me feel in cloud nine. The nice orgasm, that I had. Shit, I'm getting horny.

And then suddenly...a new message from him appeared in the chat making me jump out of surprise.

Toji: u miss me? ;)

Me: u wish

Toji: yeah I fucking do
Toji:cuz I miss u too bby girl ;)

Me:get over it, it was one time thing.

Toji:if it was one time thing, then why are u still reading our chat? ;)
Toji: admit it, u want me bad.

He knows it, I know it, but I can never admit it to him. I promised myself I'll never do this to Sukuna again. He doesn't deserve it. But at the same time..I've never wanted anything more in my life. I want his touch again.


Toji:gimme the address, I'll be there ;)

Me:xxxx xxxx xxx12

Toji stopped replying and I knew I was about to fuck up once again. In my own house. I threw my phone to the side and I play Say it by Tory Lanez on the background. I walked in my bedroom and I quickly changed into something more hot and a sexy red underwear.

Ten minutes later the doorbell rang and my whole body got excited immediately. I walk up to the door and I opened it slowly. His muscular chest in my face, his big hands next to his body. I raise my eyes and I met his. The green in them was so beautiful and some how it made you just stare at his eyes. Toji reached with his hand and lift up my chin, then he press his lips on mine.

His other hand on my lower back pushing me gently inside and with one kick the door behind us was shut. Toji didn't break the kiss, instead he picked me up and I wrap my legs around his small waist. The song on repeat, while our steamy kisses leads up to the couch.

You gon' have to do more than just (say it)
You gon' have to do less when you (do it)
Tell mama you know I (show it)
Always want you to (prove it)

Toji gently puts me on the couch and hovers above me, he puts his hands on the sides of my face and leans down for another kiss. This time he slid his tongue inside my mouth and I pull off his shirt letting the cold air in my apartment to hit his back. Toji moves down to my neck leaving sloppy kisses on it and he slowly unclipped my bra.

"This time, baby, let me take care of you", he whispered next to my ear and moved even lower to my boobs starting to kiss them and to suck my nipples.

"Shit, Toji", I moaned a little bit and I brush my fingers through his black hair.

Toji placed himself between my tights and he yet again removed my thong with his teeth, but this time more aggressive ripping them. It was so hot watching him lick his lips, while looking at my private parts. Then he put his thumb on my clit and pressed it.

"Baby, imma eat you so good tonight", he said and looked up at me, " I want you to press my head till I can't breath, okay?".

He put my legs on his shoulders and began to eat me out. I did what he wanted me to and I press his head deeper into me. I felt his tongue hitting my walls and I arch my back in pleasure as he was hitting my g-spot. Fuck, I moaned as he continued to run my spot with his tongue.

He sure knows how to drive me crazy. I pull his hair and he raised his head to take a deep breath, then he get back to work. While he was playing with his tongue he also put one finger inside of my ass.

"Fuck, Toji..more!", I moaned and he started to move the finger slowly while licking the whole length of my vagina and slurping my juices.

His whole mouth was covered in my juices, when he was done eating me and he stood up to kiss me pushing the juices inside of my mouth and bit my lip a little bit.

"WHAT THE FUCK?!", a voice made me break the kiss immediately. I know this voice, both me and Toji let our travel to the front door and Sukuna, who was standing there watching us in horror.


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