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💋chapter 2:in the club💋

EXACTLY ONE HOUR LATER NOBARA WAS PUSHING THE HORN of her car to the max and I'm pretty sure the neighbourhood is hating me right now. Uncle Gojo came in my room and put his hands on his ears.

"Tell that country brat to stop!", he shouted at me and I chuckled. I fixed my hair and look at my make up one last time, uncle Gojo came closer and looked at my reflection in the mirror with a smile, "someone looks good tonight. Are you planning on partying all night again?".

"Just a simple dress and some light make up, it's not extravagant", I smiled back at him.

"Does Sukuna know you're going out?".

"He's working late again, so I'm pretty sure he won't find out I was even out", I explained and got up from my chair to look at the finished look for tonight. I loved that dress-it was short, but not too revealing and in my favourite colour. It's a present from Sukuna actually.

(Just imagine it in your fav colour)

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(Just imagine it in your fav colour)

After some final touches I was finally ready to go out. I said bye to uncle Gojo and his boyfriend uncle Geto and I got out. Nobara was looking at me with annoyance in her eyes. I smiled awkwardly at her and got in the car.

"I'm waiting here for 15 minutes, y/n. The hell what were you doing? Making the dress?", she started scolding me like she usually does. I can't help, that I'm late. I gotta look my best, if I'm going to finally speak to that hot barman, plus there's nothing wrong with being a little fashionably late, right?

I apologised to Nobara, because I knew she won't start the car until I do. She drove off and I played Circus by Britney Spears, because me and Nobara love singing as loud as we can in the car. Who does love that?

She parked the car not far from the club and I threw a quick glance in the mirror to make sure I'm still as hot as ever. Nobara waited for me and gave me a dirty look. I giggled and we both walk inside the club. I look around to see if the hot barman was there and I guess it was my lucky night, because he was there. Also Junpei, my old friend, was on shift today. He saw me the minute I walked in and waved at me.

"Junpei, what's up?", I smiled at him and I gave him a quick hug, because he was holding some drinks in his hands.

"Hey, y/n! Are you here with Sukuna today, or with Yuuji and the rest?", he shouted loud enough for me to hear him. Chris Breezy was playing in the background and people were dancing around us.

"I'm here with Nobara. You know how she is, when she and Maki fight", I giggled.

"What? Again? This is the second time this week", Junpei laughed too and pointed at the bar, where the hot barman was, "go order something. It's on me tonight".

"What's the occasion?", I smiled.

"I got into college! After working so much to get in and save money I finally did it!".

"Congrats, Junpei!", I hugged him once more.

I know how hard was it for him to finally get his life together. He lived with his mom all his life and they didn't had much, but his mom was happy she had him. He also had a hard time in school until Yuuji found him one day and helped him a little. After that Junpei became one of us and we love him for it!

I move past the already drunk people around me and I stop by the bar. The man in front of me was talking to one of his colleagues and smiled a little bit. Damn, he's so hot! I thought to myself as I was observing him from head to toe. He was tall and muscular, really muscular, he has black hair styled in the most unusual way, but it was still hot. His eyes were green and he has a scar going through his lip. Every single thing in his body screamed 'danger' and I loved it so much.

I had my eyes on him for a while, that's why I wanted to come here so often. The way his body is shaking while making my cocktails and his veins on his hands pop up make my knees weak and feel like bubblegum.

Finally his eyes fell on me and the green in them kinda reminded me of someone, but I couldn't remember who. A smirk grew across his face and I felt butterflies in my stomach.

"What can I get ya tonight, sweetheart", he came closer to me, so I can hear him better, but the only thing I felt was his strong colon and the tension down there, "the usual?".

"You know my usual?", I looked straight into his eyes and tried to play it cool, but when I saw that smirk again all I wanted was for him to fuck me right here right now.

"You start with gin and tonic with lemon slice, then if you feel brave you order a strawberry martini with more strawberry liquor", he started to explain my usual order in exact order and I couldn't help, but smile, "on Saturdays you and your friends order shorts".

"Wow, you know so much about my taste, but I don't even know your name. Bizarre".

"It's Toji", he winked at me while pouring the gin into a small glass, "what's yours?".

"Y/n, nice to meet ya, Toji".

"I bet it is", he slowly pushed the glass to me and leaned on the bar to look at my eyes. I was stunned on how beautiful this man is and how young he looks. I know from Junpei, that he's 39 years old, but goddamn he's a dilf at his finest. I wish my man looks like that at 39.

"Are you doing that all the time?", I asked.

"What?", he asked me back.

"Remembering girls orders to impress them and then get to play a little?".

"Usually I don't bother, because there are too many pretty girls coming here, but you are one of our regulars, so I can't help it", he explained.

"Should I feel special?".

"Hmm..maybe you should. I don't do this for every girl I see", he once again winked at me. I think he knows what he's doing, because every time, when he winks I want to have him more and more.

"Should I make you feel special too?".


I pulled out a small piece of paper and I wrote down my number, then I folded it and slowly pushed it towards him like he did with my drink. Toji got the paper and opened it, then a wide grin appeared on his face. He looked at me and put the paper in his pocket.

"Feel free to give me a call sometime", I grabbed my drinks and I stood up to go and find Nobara.

"I'll do it for sure", I heard him saying before I walked away to find Nobara crying on one of the booths.


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