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💋chapter 17:being a father💋

THIS IS IT. THE MOMENT I'VE BEEN WAITING FOR MY whole life. The moment, when I can look my father in the eyes and ask him why he left me. The moment, when I can finally find out the truth.

Naoya was sitting across from me in the table with cup of tea in his hands. I had one too, but I didn't wanna drink it, cause it might be poisonous, or something. I still don't trust that man completely. His green eyes are travelling from spot to spot around the room. Looks like I wasn't the only one scared of that conversation.

"So..shoot me", he finally looked at me, but I can see how unsure he was. His body language was hard to read, I didn't know what to expect.

"I asked you already..a simple question. I'm sure you know the answer by now", I furrowed my eyes at him. The atmosphere never felt colder in this apartment before.

"I do. I do know it", Naoya took a deep breath and looked down at his cup, "well..umm..at some point I thought we will have this talk, but maybe I should've prepared for it first".

"What's so hard? Just tell the truth".

"It's easy for you to say, you don't know how complicated the truth is", he chuckled.

"A wise man told me not long ago, that you should stop blaming your life and how hard it was, because you're not the only one, who had it hard. So I'm saying the same to you".

"Okay..you're right, kid".

Naoya finally smiled at me and looked right in my eyes. The way his eyes softened and his body finally calmed down made me feel more secure too. I don't know much about my father and my mom never really told me what happened before he left us. So I was inpatient to finally hear the story.

"When I met your mom I was 18", let's pretend Naoya is the same age as Gojo and Ieiri, "and I fell in love with her. You can call it love at first sight or whatever. The point is I was falling hard for that woman. She made me feel more like a human and less like a Zenin".

"Then..why?", I asked.

"The Zenin clan was against it, of course. And when Ieiri got pregnant with you they were even more unhappy. Because you possessed a strong cursed energy since birth, they thought you might be a treat to them. They said you'll end up being evil like me. So they said, that if I don't drop this family I might ruin your life and your mom's life, AND the whole clan".

"And you listened? Okay, I know this is a fanfic, but can't you think of something better to lie? Is that all you got?", I shouted at him.

"What do you expect? I wasn't supposed to be part of this book and now I gotta deal with you and the readers", Naoya shouted back at me and rolled his eyes, "the point is, that I loved your mom. And I love you too. You're my kid, my blood. And that day, when I told you, that I wanna see you more often was true".

"Would you come back to us?".

Naoya stopped for a moment and his face was pale. His body froze and his arms fell next to his body. Maybe he didn't expect me to ask such question, but I was curious.

"Your mom would never accept me back and your uncles would totally kill me, if I even try to look at her", Naoya began talking and he made a strong point. Uncle Gojo will tear him apart, if he sees him next to my mom.

"I don't want you in our house. I just want you to be there for us. Support us. Support me. I want to have my dad close to me, Naoya".

"And I want to be close to you too, y/n. You are my blood. Do you know how many positions I had to change just to have you?", he asked.

"OKAY, too much info", I rolled my eyes.

Naoya laughed at me and I chuckled too. Then he got up and slowly walked up to me, wrapped his arms around me and hugged me. He pressed my head to his chest and just let me have this comfort for awhile. It felt nice to have a little bit of love from your dad.

~time skip~
Apparently Yuuji told everybody, that I had a panic attack. Even my mom found out about it and both her and uncle Gojo flew by my door to see, if I'm hurt. My mom ran up to me and hugged me so tight I couldn't breath.

"Oh, y/n, my lovely. Are you okay?", she asked.

"Mom...mom I can't b-breath", I started tapping her arm to make her release me from that tight grip, but when she finally let go Gojo was right after her hugging me even tighter.

"You got us all so worried", he said.

"Us all?", I asked.

And at that moment I see Nobara, Megumi, Yuuji, Sukuna and the rest of my family and friends walking inside my apartment. Even uncle Nanami got some time off to come and see me. I looked at them and the sudden feeling of guilt ran back to my body. But the moment they all smiled at me I felt at home.

I ran to my friends and I hug them tight. I can't believe it's been only a couple of days without them. It felt like years to me. Sukuna just looked at me with a smile, but we didn't try to hug each other. I know it was still hard for him to forgive me and I respected that.

"Looks like you have it under control, Shoko, I should take my leave", Naoya stood up and got his jacket from the couch. I looked at him as he walked past me with his hands down. I know he felt the same guilt I had right now. My mom followed him with her eyes, but then her body softened a little bit.

"Naoya, wait!", she said and my dad stopped at one place turning his head back to her, mom scratched her hand nervously, "if you want to be a part of y/n's life..you're welcome to".

"Thank you, Shoko", he smiled at her.

Everything seems good now, right? I got my friends back and I'll try to better myself from now on. For them and for me. Yes, I lost a very loving boyfriend, but at least we can try to keep our friendship. That's all that matters. And by the end of it you think this is the end. No. It's just the beginning.


Toji:hey sweetheart
Toji:Are u busy tonight? ;)


A/n-thank you so much for reading this I don't know what it is book! 💕
I hope I'll see you in my next JJK books too! 💋

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