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💋chapter 4:daddy issues💋

ME AND TOJI CONTINUED TO TEXT FOR A COUPLE OF DAYS since we met and honestly he sounds like a very..okay guy. He told me, that he has a son my age and a daughter, that he haven't seen in a very long time. He also told me his wife died awhile ago and now he's not interested in dating.

I mean..that's fine with me. He's hot and all, I wanna do some things with him, but that's all I'm planning on doing. I don't wanna be anyone's step-mommy, you know. Especially, when the son is my age.

Of course I haven't told anyone about Toji, cause I know it's going to end up reaching Sukuna. And it Sukuna finds out..he's going to kill Toji for sure. I don't want that.

Today's Saturday and I had some free time to enjoy for myself. Uncle Gojo called me this morning and asked, if I wanna train with him and Megumi today. I said yes. I needed to keep my cursed energy under control and my strength on 100% ,even tho I'm not a student anymore.

"It's a simple one on one battle, are you two okay with this?", uncle Gojo asked, when me and Megumi stood face to face. We both nodded our heads and he backed up.

Megumi, as usual, likes to take the first move without thinking. He summoned his demon dogs and his first move was done. He's so easy to predict, when he fights. I didn't even had to use my cursed energy, I can just use my cursed tools to fight the dogs. The dogs started running towards me and one spinning of my tools was enough to beat them.

"Y/n wins again", uncle Gojo clapped with his hands and slowly walked up to us, "Megumi, you need to work harder to make it

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"Y/n wins again", uncle Gojo clapped with his hands and slowly walked up to us, "Megumi, you need to work harder to make it. You can't hide your true potential your whole life".

"This is just training, sensei", Megumi rolled his eyes and crossed his arms.

"It's not just today, you never bring your full potential into fights. I'm expecting more from my first ever student", uncle Gojo shook his head in disapproval and walked away.

I looked at Megumi, who was packing his stuff in his bag. He looked bothered, his body was tense and his face was colder than usual. I am used to Megumi's always annoyed face, but I can tell, when something is bothering him.

I walked up to him and I put my hand in his shoulder. Megumi looked at me and I simply smiled at him. He's one of my best friends, I know how to cheer him up. He sat down and I sat next to him. Megumi lets out a sigh.

"What's up, Gumi? Are you okay?", I ask him and he rests his head on my shoulder like we always do.

"You know that I recently reunited with my dad after so many years, right?", he asked me and I nodded my head. I don't know much about Megumi's father, I don't even know his name, but I know he left Megumi and his sister after his mom died with uncle Gojo.

"What about it?".

"After leaving me for so long..now he wants to play the father role. He says, that he wants to spend more time with me, to get to know me and help me out", Megumi started explaining and I didn't quite understand where was the problem, "I don't know, if I should give him a chance to be a father again", he said.

"Maybe you should try. I mean..I don't know the man, but having one parent instead of being alone sounds better", I tapped his back and he looked up at me, "I don't know my dad that good, but I'm glad I have my mom and uncle Gojo, uncle Geto too..it would be so much better, if I had close relationship with my father, you know", I explained.

Even tho I have the best life and friends, my family life kinda sucks. My mom, Shoko Ieiri is the best mother you can ask for. She's not only supportive of me, but she also did her best to give me the life I have now. Without her hard work I wouldn't be where I am now. I don't know my dad very well.

When I was younger my dad used to be in my life more often, but after some time he stopped calling and visiting. Mom said, that he's just too busy with life, but I felt..alone without my father. Thanks to mom and my two uncles, who aren't blood related to me, but still feel like fathers to me, I grew up without him and I'm pretty good.

"Would you forgive your father, if he wants to come back to your life?", Megumi snapped me out of my thoughts with very good question.

That's a very good question actually. Would I forgive him, if he wants to come back? Would I accept him again and love him again?

"Honestly..I don't know. He did pretty shitty stuff and yes..he left me, but if I have to be honest with you..I will forgive him", I said.

"Why?", Megumi asked.

"Because I miss him. I love everything, that my family did for me, but..I miss my dad".

Megumi looked down for a minute. I guess he didn't expect this answer from me, but I was honest with him. Whatever you do and no matter how hard you try, you'll always have this missing part in you that wants to be filled.

I'm very well aware, that my dad might have a better family now. Maybe he has other kids and other wife, he might've forgotten about me and mom. Maybe he's happier now with them. But I still want to give him another chance, if he asks me to. I want to forgive him and have him around at least for awhile.

"You're right. I'll give him another chance to prove himself to me", Megumi finally looked up and put a barely visible smile on his face.

"That's a spirit", I chuckled, "what's his name anyway, what kind of person he is. You never mentioned anything about him", I asked.

"His name is Toji Fushiguro..and as far as I know he works as a barman in some night club close to your building", Megumi explained and my blood ran cold, when I heard it.

No way..no fucking way. Don't tell me, that it's true. Don't tell me, that the hot man I've been texting all this time..is Megumi's father.


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