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💋chapter 5:Megumi's father💋

HOLD ON...IS IT EVEN POSSIBLE FOR THE WORLD TO BE this small? Now that i think about it, the things are kinda adding up. Toji said he has a son my age and a daughter around my age too, he also said that he doesn't have a good relationship with them, because of their mother's passing. Plus his green eyes and black hair really remind me of Megumis.

"Y/n? Y/n? Y/N!", Megumi shouted next to my ear bringing me back to reality. I shook my head hoping it was just my wild imagination playing games with me, but it wasn't. "Are you okay, y/n, you look pale?", he asked me.

"Yeah, yeah..I'm fine. Just tired", I stood up and put my things into my back. I can't believe I'm playing with Megumi's father.

I felt disgusted with myself. If Megumi finds out I've been texting his father he's going to hate me forever. And we texted some pretty freaky things, if you know what I'm saying. Now that I remember it..it really was freaky.

"When r we meeting again?"

"Little girl, you're playing too much ;) I wanna see u soon"

"You want taste it so bad you're even dreaming of me already?"

"Should I show you what you're missing on?"

"You can't take it, even if you want to, baby girl, those little boys you been fucking with can't give u what I can"

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"You can't take it, even if you want to, baby girl, those little boys you been fucking with can't give u what I can"

"I guess your man doesn't know how to fuck you right, huh? Should I show u what real sex is, or you are going to keep playing"

"Tired? You used to train for hours, when we were in high school", Megumi's voice brought me back to present time reminding me what I'm doing, "you're getting weaker, y/n".

Megumi smiled and he looked exactly like Toji, when he smiled at me that night at the club. It gives me butterflies and scares me at the same time. How is that even possible? From all the man I could've meet..it had to be Megumi's dad.

On the other hand..this is the excitement and the adrenaline I was waiting for. This is the man, who can give me the same adventure I used to have, when me and Sukuna started fucking. And I know Megumi won't take it the same like Yuuji used to. It's his dad after all.

I decided to keep my mouth shut for now and continue doing what I was on. I doubt Toji knows, that I'm Megumi's friend and I doubt Megumi will find out soon, so why not take what I want from that man and move on?

I don't want anything more than sex. I don't want to have any relationships with Toji, after we fuck I'll delete his number and I'll continue with my life. My boring life. So I decided to text Toji and finally accept meeting him.

"Hey" , I texted him, when I got in my car and I was far enough from Megumi. He immediately replied with hey and one winky emoji. Wow.

"What are you doing tonight?", I decided to be straight-forward. I have nothing to lose.

"Working, why? Did I finally decided to try a real man? ;)" , he replied once again.

"Maybe ;)"

"Come to work. I'll find some time for u, little girl ;) Maybe we can try the back room".

"I'll be there in midnight"

Toji didn't text me after that. He just left me on delivered, but I was sure he saw it. Now, I have to think of some excuse for Sukuna to escape tonight. I can't tell him, that I'm going out with my friends, because he'll ask Yuuji immediately and find out, that I'm lying.

I can't tell him, that I'll be with Gojo, because he knows uncle Gojo comes to my place, when we hang out. So it's not valid excuse either. And then I figured it out. The only one, who he can't ask or find out is my father. Sukuna never met my dad, he doesn't know how he looks like and he doesn't know anything about him, so I can use him as an excuse.

"So..your father called you today?", Sukuna asked me, when I got back home and told him, that I have something to tell him, "I thought he was out of your life forever, what happened?".

"I thought so too, but he found my number and he called me today asking me to meet up, so we can fix our relationship", I can't believe I'm such a good lier. I hate lying, but this man gives me no choice sometimes. Especially now, that I'm planning on cheating on him.

"Sounds great, babe. You should totally go and see him. Maybe he'll turn out to be a decent human being", Sukuna hugged me around the waist, "plus, if your dad is back in your life, I don't have to tolerate Gojo around anymore".

"Wow, very nice", I rolled my eyes.

"What? It's true".

Sukuna and uncle Gojo don't like each other very much. It started, when we were students in Jujutsu Tech. Sukuna was kinda like "the bad boy" of the school and uncle Gojo always thought he's not a good match for me. I guess he was right all along about Sukuna, but I guess being young and stupid didn't help me to realise that on time.

I gotta admit tho, I felt kinda guilty for what I was doing..or for what I was about to do to Sukuna tonight. He's great with me and honestly, if I had to choose between him and Toji, I'll still pick Sukuna. He takes care of me and you can clearly see he's in love with me, but I want this not because I'm unhappy in my relationship, but because it's a simple pleasure.

Cheating is bad, I'll never support it, but then I'm young, I have only been with Sukuna for all these years and I'm craving something a little bit different and dangerous. It's going to be one time thing, then I'll make sure Sukuna would be loved and taken care off by me. I'm sorry.


A/n-just wait, until you see who y/n father is. That's the ship you would never expect, because it does not exist.

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