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💋chapter 13:kill the man💋

TOJI IMMEDIATELY STOOD UP AND LOOKED AT SUKUNA right in the eye, I closed my legs and stood up too. My boyfriend was staring at us and I could hear his heart breaking into pieces in his chest. His eyes were even more red than before and his hands were clinched into fists making his knuckles white.

"WHO THE HELL ARE YOU?", Sukuna pointed at Toji and then looked at me with the most disappointed eyes in the world, "what is going on here, y/n, are you cheating on me?".

"Babe, I-...I can explain", I slowly started to walk up to him, but when I saw his body getting even more tense and I stopped.

"I can't believe it", Sukuna put his hands on his head and held it, then I saw tears rolling from his eyes, "the girl I was in love with for so long cheated on me..in our own home", he said.

"Well, looks like you two have a lot to talk about, don't you?", Toji grabbed his shirt from the floor and started walking towards the door, but Sukuna stood on his way, "the fuck, man, let me go. I'm not a part of this mess".

"You're not going anywhere until you tell me who the fuck you are, man", Sukuna put his hand on Toji's chest and pushed him back a little. I was shaking so much.

"Toji Fushiguro, barman during the night and professional sorcerer killer, nice to meet ya".

"Fushiguro...oh my God, is that Megumi's father you're fucking?", Sukuna looked back at me and the disgust in his eyes made me feel like a worthless whore, "SHIT, Y/N".

This was the first time in my life, when the consequences of my actions finally hit me in the face. Hard. Now I'm standing in my home in my underwear with my boyfriend and my side piece caught in action. I can't imagine what will happen, when Megumi and the rest find out about this.

Megumi and Yuuji won't look me in the eyes, uncle Gojo and uncle Geto will be disappointed in me, my mom will be so mad and Nobara will probably kill me on the spot. The worst part is, that I lost the only man, who loved me for me all these years. I am a moron.

"This is very awkward", Toji laughed it off and once again tried to walk out of the apartment, but Sukuna stayed in his way, "can you please move, so I can go home now, young man?".

At that moment Sukuna lost it completely and the next thing I see is him swinging on Toji as hard as he can. The older man was on the floor bleeding, while my boyfriend was on top of him punching him again and again. Toji couldn't do anything, because Sukuna didn't have him time to react, so he just took it all.

I tried to pull Sukuna back, but he pushed me off of him and I feel on the floor. He had so much rage. Rage, that I've never seen before in him. I thought he's going to kill Toji, if I don't do something sooner. I stood up and I decided to use my cursed technique on him, but I felt my body too weak for that. I got my hands together and I closed my eyes. I'm going to put all into it, I thought.

"Infinity", I heard from behind me and I look to see uncle Gojo, my mom and..my father standing behind me.

Suddenly everything around us went white and I looked at Sukuna, who was under uncle Gojo's technique. He calmed down and this was the perfect time for Naoya to capture Sukuna and put him down to restrain him and prevent any kills tonight. Toji took the opportunity to run away, of course.

"Oh, y/n!", my mom quickly ran up to me and wrapped her hands around me. I buried my face into her neck and I allowed myself to cry.

"Are you okay, kid?", Naoya came to me and bends down to check on me, but uncle Gojo held him by the back of his jacket and pull him away from me.

"There's no time to play 'pretend father' right now, Naoya", uncle Gojo shouted at my dad and fell on his knees next to me hugging me tight, "it's okay now, y/n, it's okay".

After I calmed down a little bit from the shock, I sat on the couch, where Sukuna was sitting tied up to it. He didn't look at me once, but I knew it wasn't because he hate me, he just didn't want me to see his tears. I didn't try to talk to him, there was nothing to justify my actions..and I can't beg for forgiveness.

Of course not long after Yuuji came to pick his brother up and he found out what I did. He was so mad at me for the first time ever. It didn't took him long to tell the others as well. Nobara called me to ask me, if that's true and of course I admitted it. She called me a whore and an asshole. I didn't say anything to her, because she was right about me.

Megumi didn't call, didn't text. He didn't do anything, even tho he read the message on our group chat. This was the moment I lost not only one person in my life, but all of them. My father came and sat next to me, while I was watching Sukuna leave with Yuuji. I felt so ashamed I couldn't even defend myself. Naoya put his hand on my shoulder.

"Kid, I told you, didn't I?".

"I'm not in the mood to boost your ego right now, Naoya. Just leave me alone".

"You don't get it, don't you?", he said and I look at him, "I warned you about who you are, but you decided to prove me, that I'm wrong, you decided to stay in their lives just to prove you're not like me and look what you did. If it was that easy..do you think I would leave your mother, the love of my life, and my kid? No, I left you, because I knew what I was. You should've did the same..kid", my father said and stood up. Yep, he really was right.


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