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💋chapter 14:let me fix this💋

THE FOLLOWING DAYS AFTER I GOT CAUGHT CHEATING were the hardest in my life. Everyone refused to talk to me, even uncle Gojo was too disappointed to talk to me for a day, or two.

The hardest part was the fact, that I work with all my friends and I had to see them through the day. Nobara made sure to show me how much she hates me now-throwing me dirty looks and talks shit about me in front of me. Megumi on the other hand didn't talk to me, he pretended like I didn't exist. Walking past me like I was invisible. I felt terrible.

For the first couple of days Yuuji wasn't at work at all. One of our mutual colleagues told me he had to stay home, because his brother wasn't feeling well.

"Apparently his girlfriend cheated on him and now the man ain't the same", my colleague explained to me and shook his head.

I thought about calling Sukuna just to check how he is, but when I open my phone I realised how stupid I'll look, if I do it. I cause him all these problems and then call him to check on him. Are you an idiot? I thought.

I was sitting alone at lunch. I was getting used to the loneliness at this point and the way the others were treating me. I mean..I am not a victim, it's my fault for the way they treat and see me. If I knew fucking Toji would ruin my life this much, I would never do it.

I see the doors of the cafeteria opening and Nobara walks in with Megumi, Maki and Inumaki-senpai. They were laughing and having so much fun, it hurts when I watch em being together. Even Megumi looks so happy for the first time in awhile. Damn, removing me from your lives must've been the best decision you ever made, huh?

They walk past me and sat on the table close to mine. I tried not to look at them, because I knew it would hurt me even more. I hear them talking about going out tonight to celebrate something, but I can't hear what exactly. I can feel someone's eyes on me, but I don't wanna look. I don't wanna know.

I stood up and I took my lunch box in my hands to move back to my office. I close the box and I put it back in my bag and I zip the bag before putting it on my shoulder. I start walking away with my head down.

"Y/n", I heard someone calling me. I turn around and I see Megumi standing up looking at me. I felt so uneasy as I was turning around to face him.

The rest of them turned back to look at me, Maki and Inumaki looked neutral, but Nobara was hating me and I could see it in her eyes.

"What you did was shitty..", Megumi began saying and he moved to walk to me. When he reached me he stood right in front of me and crossed his arms, "at least one apology would be nice from you, you know", he said.

"I tried...", I said in my low voice and I look down in shame, "but no one wanted to listen to me, when I tried".

"No, bitch, don't put the blame on us", Nobara stood up and shouted at me pointing with her finger, "you are the one, who messed up".

"I never said I'm not guilty, Nobara!", I shouted back at her and she suddenly looked at me like I was a special grade curse, "I get it, I'm a shitty person, what I did is wrong and don't you think I'm feeling horrible? I AM! I'm sorry for what I did, I'm sorry, that I messed up with everyone, believe me", I looked at Megumi and tried not to cry, "I'm sorry I slept with your father, Megumi. I'm sorry you had to find out from someone else and not from me".

"I'm not mad at you, because you slept with my father, y/n", Megumi's face became colder and he looked down, "I'm mad, that you didn't trust me enough to tell me..and for what you did to Sukuna! That was unfair to him".

Everyone kept quiet after his words. I mean we all know, that the one, who suffers the most is my now ex boyfriend. I feel horrible already, no need to rub it even more in my face. Maki let out a cute chuckle and stood up walking towards us, then she wrapped her hands around me and Megumi's necks.

"Come on, you guys. It's not the first time, when a young girl makes a mistake. I don't think it's something, that you can't solve", she explained and smiled at me, "I think you should apologise to Sukuna before you give us any explanations, y/n".

"He won't listen", I looked down.

"Have you tried talking to him? How do you know he's not willing to listen?".

"Maki, don't get involved. Y/n messed up and if I was on Sukuna's place I would never fucking forgive her!", Nobara added shouting.

"Babe", Maki turned to her girlfriend and look at her with anger in her eyes, "shut the fuck up, will ya? Y/n will fix everything on her own".

"Maki-senpai is right", Megumi looked at me and his cold expression warmed up a little, "if you find a way to fix things, I'll forgive you. You are my best friend after all".

At that moment, while I was watching all my friends looking at me..believing in me, I realised that I spent almost a week feeling sorry instead of taking any actions to fix my life. I should've contacted him.

Naoya might be right about my destiny to fuck everything up, but I was right. I'm not like him and it's not too late to fix everything. I look at Maki-senpai and she nods her head at me. I smiled and I grabbed my things running out of the office. You still have time to talk to Sukuna and even, if he doesn't forgive me..at least I know I tried my best.

I walk to my car and I get in. I started the car and I almost hit the trash cans behind me, but I didn't care about them right now. I was driving to Sukuna's house hoping I can still make him forgive me. You can do this.


A/n-would you forgive cheating? 🤔

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