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💋chapter 3:secret text💋

"WHAT HAPPENED WITH YOU?", I SAT NEXT TO HER as I watched Nobara cry uncontrollably and sipping her tonic. She was holding her phone, text messages opened for me to see. It was from Maki, but I couldn't see what it says.

"Maki...she...she..b-broke up with m-me", she explained through her tears and I wrapped my arms around her. I knew that if we stay any longer she'll get drunk and do something stupid, so I decided to call it quits.

I pulled out my phone from my purse and open my messages to text Yuuji. I told him to come and pick us up, because both me and Nobara had a few drinks, so we can't drive. He agreed.

I helped her get up and I put her jacket on her shoulders to keep her warm. I threw one last look at Toji, who was too busy working to even notice me leaving. I doubt he'll call me, I thought as I was leaving the club.

Standing outside waiting exposed to the cold weather. The night was quiet and chilly, the crickets were playing their song around us mixed with the sounds of Nobara's sobbing. I see Yuuji's car pulling up closer to us and I held Nobara's hand to calm her down. The car stopped and the window rolled down, but to my surprise the one driving wasn't Yuuji. It was my boyfriend..Sukuna. He looked at me and he didn't look too happy to see me.

I helped Nobara to get in the backseat and I sat on the front next to my boyfriend. I put my seatbelt on and Sukuna starts driving. He was quiet for awhile, but I knew he was going to give me a lecture later.

"How was work today?", I decided to start a conversation with him just to avoid the awkward silence in the car.

"It was awful..and I was hoping that after this long ass day I'll come home to my girlfriend and I'll hug her, but no..instead I came home to her uncle and his boyfriend making out on my goddamn couch", Sukuna said with anger in his voice, but it didn't really surprised me. I was so used to him whining, that I couldn't care less.

"It wasn't planned", I said and I turn my head to look through the window. He would give me crap no matter what I say, so might as well just tell him the truth.

"I get that, but why didn't you at least text me to tell me, that you're going out?", Sukuna was looking straight ahead, his hand on my bare tight squeezing it a little bit, "maybe I would've come and pick you up, when you were ready".

"You always say that to sound nice, but when I do actually tell you you start complaining, that I'm always out and not enough with you blah blah blah, you kill my vibe", I finally look at him and I got very angry. I felt all my feelings for him unite into one and I wanted to tell him how much I can't stand him lately.

It's not toxic. There are far more toxic and twisted relationships than ours, but there are certain things I can't close my eyes for. Like the fact that he's so clingy, the fact how jealous he is, the way he doesn't let me live. I'm 23 and I want to live a little bit longer, but Sukuna has other plans for me-a house wife till one day I suffer enough to kill myself.

I can't imagine my life like this. I can't stay home and be the good girlfriend he wants, I am not this type of a woman. I like to be out, I like to be surrounded with people, I love partying and staying late, I love adventures. I just want to spend the little time I have before I start to think about kids and house, cooking and shit.

"Where should I drop this one?", Sukuna points at Nobara, who was crying at the back seat looking at pictures of her and Maki.

"She's coming home with us. I can't let her go home like this, Maki will kill me. Also I can't let her with Yuuji, because I know he has some friends over..and Megumi said he'll meet up with his dad, so..", I explained.

"Are you fucking kidding me? I don't want to babysit a grown ass woman all night", Sukuna threw me a quick look before making a turn to my apartment building.

"Okay, then go to your apartment. I'm not leaving my best friend", I said.

"But..I wanted to spend some time with you and see you", Sukuna squeezed my tight once again, but this time I felt nothing. Usually when he does that I get turned on, but this time was..nothing, "we haven't spent much time with each other lately and I miss you".

"You have to wait till tomorrow".

Sukuna rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything more. He stopped the car and was nice enough to help me get Nobara to my apartment. When uncle Gojo saw her he almost had a stroke and his soul left his body.

Nobara was in a very bad condition. She was very drunk and crying, she almost threw up on our way home and her clothes were dirty for some reason. We put her on the couch and Geto brought some water for her. We tried to force her to throw up, but she couldn't do it.

Around midnight Nobara finally calmed down and fell asleep. I sat next to her on the couch and decided to text Maki to let her know that everything is okay, but when I opened my texts I saw, that an unknown number texted me. I open it and the first thing I see was 'hey sweetheart, it's Toji💋' . My heart almost dropped, when I saw that. A wide grin on my face appeared and I texted him hey back.

"Who are you texting?", Sukuna, who decided to stay after all walked out of the bathroom with a towel around his waist and looked at me with his red eyes.

"Maki. I'm letting her know, that everything is okay with Nobara", I lied obviously. I couldn't believe, that Toji texted me. Should I ask him out soon? Or should I lay low for now?


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