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💋chapter 11:hurt him again💋

IT'S BEEN TWO DAYS SINCE SUKUNA AND MY FATHER MET for the first time ever. I was out of suspicion and for now I was good for now, but I couldn't stop thinking about what Naoya said to me that night.

"Me and you, we are part of the Zenin clan..and we fuck up every good thing, that we have in our lives".

Am I really a mini version of my father? Am I going to end up alone just like him? I couldn't sleep, I couldn't eat..the only thing I'm my mind was how I'm going to fuck up a nice guy, who loves me so much.

"What's up with you lately?", Yuuji asked me, while we were on a lunch break together. The rest of our group was busy, so it was only me and him, "you're zoning out a lot".

"Nothing, I'm just..having shit going on", I said with a deep sigh and leaned on the chair to relax my head for awhile, "I met my father a couple day's ago..and he made me realise what a horrible human I am", I explained.

"Why would you believe that? This is some real bullshit, y/n", Yuuji sounded very mad, but I didn't took it seriously.

"Because it's true, Yuuji", I looked at him dead in the eyes and he stopped for a moment to hear me out, "I hear everyone around me and I didn't even realise it till now".

If I say what I did Yuuji will hate me and I can't blame him for it. I cheated on his twin brother with Megumi's father and then lied to him once again involving my shitty ass father. Uncle Gojo also doesn't wanna talk to me after I told him what I did. Even tho he pretends he's cool I can see resistance in him, when he talks to me and when I talk to him.

"I'm not going to lie, y/n, you are my friend and you've been by my side for so long, I can't even remember all the times you got my back and helped me", Yuuji started playing with the straw of his cup, "yeah, you hurt me a lot, when you hid your relationship with my brother back then and lied to me, but I forgave you, ok?".

"Why?", I asked him and I looked straight into his face, "why did you forgive me, Yuuji? Don't you think lies are bad?".

"Because you're my friend, y/n. One bad thing doesn't make you a bad person. Plus, we were young and stupid, we still are. Just because you lied to me back then..doesn't mean the things you did for me are less important", he explained to me and put a smile on his face.

Oh, Yuuji, I wish everyone has your innocent way of thinking. I thought as I watched him drink his coffee. The problem was not the fact, that I'm like my father...well, it kinda is, but the guilt I'm feeling. I knew this would happen and I still got out and fucked Toji. Ugh, why can't I stop whining? It was never a problem, when I was younger. Why did it changed?

"You're probably just tired. Why don't go home and rest today, I'll take your job?", Yuuji said and held my hand. Hm, a little time for me to rethink everything would be good.

I accepted Yuuji's suggestion and I left work a little bit earlier today. I got into my car and I started the engine, then I put my hands on the wheel and I took a deep breath. I closed my eyes for a little bit to calm down, when I heard a knock on my window.

I opened my eyes and his green eyes were right on mine. A smirk appeared on his face and I jumped a little bit on my seat. Toji Fushiguro, I thought and I unbuckled my seatbelt. Then I rolled down my window.

"What are you doing here?", I asked him and he continued to smile in that cocky way.

"What are you doing here, sweetheart?~", he teased me with his deep voice, that made me remember everything he did to me a couple of nights before that.

"I work here", I said trying to stay as cold as I can to him, but suddenly all the guilt I felt was long gone and forgotten.

"So..you know Megumi, huh? Nice, I knew you're familiar from somewhere", Toji stood up and his muscles were right in my face. Oh Gosh, I wanna touch his body so bad. Once again, I wanna feel it. Hold on, keep it cool, y/n, didn't you fucked up enough?

"Hold on...you're Megumi's father?! Oh my God, what the hell", I pretended like I didn't know about that and judging by his face he didn't catch the lie.

"Yeah, is that a problem?", he asked.

Is he seriously asking me this? Isn't he bothered by the fact, that I'm his son's friend or something? I kept my mouth shut, because colleagues were walking past us and I didn't want them to get suspicious. But then Toji leaned closer to my window and gently put a piece of hair behind my ear. For a moment I stopped breathing.

"Why didn't you answer my text, sweetheart? I started to think you're ignoring me", he said almost whispering next to me and my legs were weak only from his voice.

"I-I don't want anything more. This was a one time thing and I want you to forget about me and move on",I said, my voice was shaking and my knees weak.

"I can't forget about ya, baby girl", Toji leans even closer to my ear, grabs me by the throat and whispered, "your pussy was the best I've ever had. Can't forget your tightness".

Toji lets out a chuckle, when he saw how red my face was. I pushed him back just in time, because I saw Megumi showing up from the gates. My blood ran cold. Toji noticed him too and made a step back. Megumi walked up to us and he looked pretty weirded out, when he saw me in the car.

"Y/n? Why are you still here? Yuuji said you're going home, because you're not feeling well", he asked me and my mind was a mess. What am I suppose to say now?

"It's my fault", Toji stepped up and we both looked at him, "I didn't know, if I'm at the right spot, so I asked this young lady, if she knows you. Luckily she helped me..a lot", Toji threw me a little playful look and then looked back at Megumi, "sorry about that".

"Oh, next time call me instead of taking time of my friend's day", Megumi said.

"It's no problem. I'm going now. Have fun with your dad, Megumi", I said and I finally started the car to drive away.

As I reached the gates to finally escape the parking lot I got a text. It was from Toji.

Toji:wasn't this fun? ;)


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